Can you do something about gold buying sites using chat channel invites to advertise?

Starting to get a little old and tiresome, even if you block the invites it still shows they are inviting you, which defeats the purpose of even blocking them in the first place. if you cant remove the ones doing this at least make the option work and not show that i have been invited to a channel!!!


Is this really rampant? I am on a pvp server that was full earlier and for my entire time here I’ve received two of these. Annoying, for sure, but I might have just been lucky in not being invited since it hasn’t been an issue.

Believe you can go through your settings to block channel invites. If it does show up, report them, and move on.

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Yes, it is.

I was just having a conversation with some people about this in general chat last night. It’s nice that we’re able to block invites in the interface settings, but WHY does it have to announce to us every time a channel invite is blocked?? That just seems so counterproductive because we’re still getting spammed with the link to their website. I really don’t understand why it doesn’t work in the same way as the ignore feature in that the sender gets an error saying their request is blocked and we remain blissfully unaware.


I’m on a med-high pop PvE server and I receive over 10 invites like this a day. Yes, it’s rampant.

Yikes. Yeah, that would be a problem and should be dealt with by Blizzard beyond the block invite still allowing the link in chat.

I play on Faerlina , so i cant speak for the avg server, but it can get pretty bad here

It’s something that Blizz is very aware of. Here’s a post on how to report them and a Blue post indicating that they’re looking at a better way to combat/report them too:


I do report everyone of them, that still does not solve the issue of me not wanting to see the message at all in the first place

You can turn off channel invites in the interface if you want to avoid them altogether :wink:

you still see a message in your chat, the says (xyz) has invite to channel wwwBuymygolddotcom

Is it hard to ignore? I just block channel invites and don’t worry about the rest.

sometimes it bothers me more then others , but it does take away from my fun

Then the good news is that it’s something they’re aware of and working on. These things take time to ensure that they’re implemented properly too.

Sounds like a bug.

It was very rampant before i blocked channel invites. Like 1 every other minute for a good 10 minutes… then it would die down a bit

It just shows in your chat “ASDasdjhashdAUW invited you to buy whatever - youre blocking channel invites”

I assume that they are fighting it to a certain extent. Because I saw it quite often early on, and now it’s pretty rare.

That being said though…the functionality of chat channel invites shouldn’t even be in this game in the first place. So yeah…

I too wish they would remove the text from failed invites. Then spammers will finally have lost this war. Simple, easy, obvious change. Will take Blizzard 6 months, probably.

Oh, OK! That doesn’t sound like a bug, and I can see how it would be annoying.

I have some chat tabs set up, so I haven’t noticed this since blocking channel invites, but can definitely understand that this would be frustrating to have to see all the time.