Can you do something about gold buying sites using chat channel invites to advertise?

I wouldn’t mind the notification that an invite was blocked if I could actually right click the character name and report it for spamming in that notification, but you can’t interact with it


Think I’ve only ever seen two, reported both and haven’t seen another one since.

I said that my whole time on this server I only had two. And I just got a third. We seem to be a lucky minority.

Dunno, haven’t really seen any complaints from my guild mates about it either. May be more of a server specific problem.

They can get bad on Rattlegore. Grouped with an IRL friend for a few hours, he’ll get 10+ an hour, i might see 3 in a few hours. Just seems random who gets them

Maybe it is related to where you fall on /who or something.

Ok, since posting I got blasted. My haven has been overtaken and I too will join the angry mob.

Sorry to hear that :frowning:

rampant? are you kidding, it’s nonstop

never experienced this

a hyperbolic claim, like most made here

I receive at least 10 of these a day

Yeah sorry since posting that I got blasted by invites tonight lol.

I have got alot of these spam invites on a pve server. Everytime I report the character with the gold site posted in the report. They basically title the channel with the url to the gold site. So those that do rmt don’t even have to join the channel to buy the gold. they think they clever…

not a chance squarepants, since I started playing I’ve been getting goldspam channel invites all the time … although, I think it’s been diminish. it was every 5-10 minutes at start, then maybe every 30m and lately it’s been every hour or so. Maybe blizzard caught on?

I was invited to a channel recently and I felt chosen, so special ><

I can understand why the notification pops up in your chat, in case a friend or something invites you to the channel so it reminds you you’re blocking them. But all they have to do is make it so you don’t see the notification of the channel name if you’re blocking, and the gold spammers will stop. They know people are seeing their website url whether invites are blocked or not, so they continue. If all we saw was “An invite to a chat channel by Randomname was blocked” in the chat, then it would be fine. We’d know if we want to turn the setting off, and we’d get zero information about the spam website url. Same as when someone of the opposing faction tries to do a custom emote and all we see is “Otherfaction makes some strange gestures” (since that used to be a workaround for cross faction communication).

Easy fix for everyone. No more motivation for gold spammers to even use that anymore since no info is communicated if you’re blocking. They’re still getting the ad through whether you block or not, the way it currently is.

Report them

Also: Interface > social > block channel invites

I get about 2 or 3 an hour…

If you decide not to turn on the filter to stop channel invites, that is on you. The tools are there for players, you have to decide to use them.