Can We Open Up the Warglaives of Azzinoth for T-Mog?

I mean the alternative would be that the Wardens executed the lot of them, but extermination doesn’t a new class make, and there needed to be a reason for a glut of Demon Hunters to suddenly appear after the gap spanning BC and Legion.

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These weapons ARE exclusive to DH’s simply because they’re wielded by Illidan HMSELF, and he was not a rogue. Why can’t anything be unique anymore. Oh, I know, it’s because YOU want them.


Shadowmourne was crafted by a DK with necromantic magics, change it to dk only

Gorehowl was used by a warrior, make it warrior only

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest was made by blue dragons, make it mage only

Sulfuras was welded by an elemental lord, make it shaman only

Shoulders of the first Satyr were worn by a Satyr, make them satyr only

Or do these sound like stupid requests


I mean, it’s fitting to use powers that came out of nowhere on an army that came out of nowhere that were retrieving a mcguffin that came out of nowhere.


And then 25 random adventurers stormed the Black Temple and took them from him.

You have a whole weapon category made just for your class. And these particular weapons were given modified sheath and attack animations when you unlock the mog. Is that not unique enough?

Correct, I want the ability to mog a weapon that my class has used back when they were current content.


Ricros, I appreciate the effort to reclaim what’s rightfully ours, but this is a loss. They want class fantasy to mean something, so making glaives DH exclusive had to be done.

Just sucks that our class fantasy weapon(dagger) can be used by other classes.


Don’t see why not.


Blizzard has shown that if the community feels passionate about something then they will go back on a decision they’ve previously made. And this could be one of them, you never know. We just need to keep fighting the good fight.

But I mean, we can already transmog into armor sets that belong to other classes regardless so this wouldn’t be much different.


I’m just imagining how ridiculous the game would be if the same logic was used for other classes.

“Thrall has Doomhammer, so 1h maces should be shaman-only. Yes.”

Also remembering how silly it is that Hunters effectively have three weapon types exclusive to them (though our exclusivity is due to nobody else being able to utilize them rather than being unable to equip them at all)


well I have to agree, that would be silly

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I also believe they should be transmoggable on those that could already use them before, I just wanted to say on that ‘dagger’ you linked, oh boy, I hadn’t looked at that before, and there wasn’t a screenshot of someone using one on the page linked.

So I threw it on in the dressing room, with a two-hand sword for size comparison in the other hand, that thing certainly shouldn’t be classified as a dagger


Going to jump into a fresh comment here and first say:

100% this. Warglaives serve no business being locked to Demon Hunters. Aside from the obvious reason that the original Glaives were actually 1-handed swords, allow me to drop a few images.

Glaives are Elvish/Trollish by design:

Since Vanilla, Night Elves have been using the iconic tri-blade (since WC3 actually) and yet the only Tri-blades in game are locked to the one demon-infused Fel-ridden instead of allowing Hunters, Rogues, Warriors and Monks to use them. This image, by Transmog logic, is impossible because these are Hunter NPC’s wearing Mail but using Glaives.

Literally, this image isn’t possible aside from NPC’s

Two: Blood Elves and Suramar Guard have used glaives since their introduction. Silvermoon City guards have used an iconic glaive since BC and only recently in BFA did they receive a newly updated, higher rez glaive…that is NPC only.

These are the worst Demon Hunter-looking Demon Hunters I’ve ever seen

Trolls have also used glaives since literally forever. Zul’jins fist weapon in game would nowadays be classified as a glaive 100% but back in the day, it was a fist weapon.

Vol’jins glaives - which he died using - are part of his story in BFA. And yes, they’re called glaives.

Modern Zul’jin made in Wowhead model viewer using his glaive not glaive

Basically: You make great points. I 100% used some of my own images from my recent thread on some loosening Transmog restrictions for 9.1.5 found here: Easing Transmog Restrictions - 9.1.5 Wishlist

If anyone says that Demon Hunters need the Warglaives to be ‘unique’, I’d tell them to look at every other unique aspect about their class: Big HUGE wings, unique class-race customization, special glaive-only animations, wicked visual FX kit.

I’m 100% in favor of DH’s keeping their crazy unique animations and all other melee classes using glaives with regular one handed animations.

There’s absolutely no gain to having glaives be so restricted on a class that can also use other weapons. If Glaives were the ONLY weapon DH could use, this might be another conversation.

Good post, OP!


Says the Human Male Paladin, just saying.

yes I am indeed a human male paladin and I did indeed say that.

what am I being accused of exactly? other than the forums general hatred of human male paladins that is.

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You can clearly see the subsequent posts I made. I’m not getting into that again.

Sure, but can we open up the Fangs of the Father for all dagger wielders while we’re at it?

Apples and oranges. Other classes are not able to do the questline required to obtain the Fangs of the Father.

Yup, i see. I still don’t exactly follow because i did tried looking for what you were talking about Deydradis being pro high elf here. Heck, the one i linked is barely anti high elf.

And looking though the posts, i was confused on why you didn’t link any sources to the claims you made about her when she did asked you.

I linked threads where she was clearly arguing for something made in favor of the pro high-elf community.