Finally, alliance are getting normal looking high elves

who knows, now that I can play as an actual high elf without the tentacles in my hair, i may race change. high elves have always been on the side of the alliance.


But it still says Void Elf

Then High Elves can be the new Pandarens :wink:

I.E. Void Elves and Blood Elves get together and both be available to both Horde and Alliance.

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I honestly think Elves should be neutral.
Many of them hate the horde and many hate the alliance.
Let people do an elf, create a cool leveling experience and let the elf choose the faction.

:fishing_pole_and_fish: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Obvious void elf reply yada yada

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Troll post, nice try though.

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But they are not High Elves , you know the ones who stayed with the Allies after the Belfs went Horde. Their lore and story are basically being thrown in the dumpster despite being in every major allied venture in all expacs.

Yes, alliance can role-play the 6 elven sub-races (Ren’dorei, Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, FelBlood Elfs, San’layn and skinny Kaldorei).

The void elves didn’t turn out to be such a bad breed after all.

Void elves pretend they are high elves is likd nightborne pretend they are highborne.

They are very similar but they are NOT the same thing

Next comes “Can you call us High Elves instead???” and “Can we have High Elf pallies???”

Just you watch; those people are never satisfied.

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They are Void Elves, yes. But given that Bronzebeard Dwarves and Mag’har Orcs cannot change their race title either to the other sub cultures (Wildhammer, Blackhand, Frostwolf, …) everyone is free to RP what they like. Frostwolf skin color with Blackhand eyes? You have the option for it.


please take them back. i don’t like looking at a blood elf on my team. the only time I like that is when I’m trying to kill one.

My dad works for Nintendo. He said High Elves are coming in the prepatch for the next expansion.

He also said they’ll be an official race, not an allied race, and will have access to the Demon Hunter class. That’s all I can say for now, I don’t want my pops to get fired.

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still void abomination that needs to be burned.

While we didn’t get true high elves that we’ve asked for since forever, I’ll take what I can get.

Sure we turn purple every so often and can sort of blink and have no real affinity for the arcane or sunwell, we’re still getting blue eyes and blonde hair! (I hope)

Most of the other Alliance allied races haven’t been anywhere near as good as what the Horde got.

Lol, what?


LOL you can’t.

Crap troll thread.