Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

Where on earth are these stupid comments coming from?

Seriously, Blood Elves did not feed off Fel, they were never addicted to fel, and they never will feed or be addicted to the Fel. The Green Eyes are from the Fel Radiation caused from the Fel Crystals that were used to power Silvermoon during the reconstruction of Silvermoon.

Learn your lore.

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Well, its a good question because even young feed on the sunwell.

we already know only priests/paladins with a strong devotion to the light can manifest gold eyes :joy:

This isn’t what I said.

Where did I say feed? I said involved, as in at all period, and if a HE=BE a HE involved with dalaran for years may go back to Silvermoon and join his people never having partook in anything they were doing to obtain green eyes

Hmmm I don’t buy it, elves in this game are kinda just magical sponges. I think golden eyes would apply to any blood elf tapping into the new sunwell on a regular basis

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Yet any PC can have them so we don’t KNOW, the holy light can effect new BEs… especially ones who don’t have a path yet

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Sorry, misread your post then. Getting sick of people claiming that the Blood Elves are addicted and feed off the fel, such as Disdain.

All these voices are getting to my head :joy:

It’s fine, and while I don’t think I’ll agree with you on this topic, I’ve read other things you’ve said and may find myself agreeing with you in other areas. I just wanted to make myself clear on what I personally said lol

I’m sorry man, just some people really do get to me, and it seems to come to me taking it out on other people without realizing it.

I did make a suggestion in the High Elf megathread about Void Elves with High Elf skin tones, making it though appear a little more towards the void, as if they’re transitioning to the void, but not fully effected by the void. Similar to Death Knights actually, like how they got some different skin tones on top of the normal skin tones that already come with the race.

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that post has the tweets debunking your fanfiction

chronicles itself states the sunwell is arcane and holy, something which is common sense as the heart of a naaru was added to the corrupted arcane energy of the pool to purify it. blood/‘high’ elves both feed on the sunwell to sate their addiction, as proven by “in the shadow of the sun”. alliance ‘high’ elves cannot go in another direction then the blood elves so if your fanfiction is all blood elves will develop golden eyes then so too will ‘high’ elves because blood elves are high elves. but yes continue to ignore the senior narrative designer commentary about golden eyes

any way i have a job, later

And I think that’s a compromise a lot of people like myself would be fine with. Others won’t but I prefer VE’s to what people consider HE and I believe HE=BE but some people in this thread don’t even want that so I’ll see myself taking up a cause I don’t even care for at this rate just out of spite because like THATS driving me nuts is the unwilling compromise

What? Looks like my point whizzed right over your head. You said only pallies and priests would have golden eyes, I said regular blood elves can get golden eyes also if they tapped into the sunwell. I never said ANYTHING about blue eyes???

Nah, I like 'em.

I have been a blood elf lover since they were first introduced back in 2007. These ‘updated’ models were not kind to female belfs. And in my personal opinion, ruined the beauty of the females and made us look flat out ugly. I am still sore on this as you can tell :smiley:

Oh, and I would also like a blue eyes option!

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No such thing as a VBE, just like BE don’t have blue eyes hahahaha!

Worgen also retain their curse but do not pass it on to their offspring.

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Right, which is even trickier being that it comes from life magic, but I’d call worgen a physiological status too, just manifested via magic. Might not be hereditary idk, but a good parallel to void elves

Give blue eyes for Belves
Give High Elf skin to Velves (two forms like worgens)


Sounds good to me! The game definitely needs more options, who cares about this weird invisible standard of “MUH DISTINCTION!!!” So what if a blue eyed blood elf looks like a silver covenant member? I’ll still know it’s a blood elf player lol


No, Blue Eyes is Kaiba’s.