Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

Disdain, this discussion is going nowhere if you do not read my responses.

If you won’t answer my questions then I will. I think they wanted to take the game lore in a new direction.

Oh and Metzen is out.

I answered your question, you simply don’t like the answr.

Or maybe its because they have customization coming out next expansion so wasting time on a defunct system is a waste of resources?.

I am glad you are acting your class, because you have no intent of sticking to the topic and just disappearing to your own world.

as the sunwell is also as much arcane as it is holy, the potential for blue eyes is also present, based on ones devotion to the Arcane following this logic

both factions elves got access to an additional eye color this expansion. why the hell would they give the horde elves access to 3 while alliance only have 2?

still the senior narrative designer confirmed blue eyed blood elves are a thing

doesnt matter. chris metzen is the godfather of warcraft lore and set the status quo for WoW

you have nothing to back up your fanfictions. blood elves look identical to high elves because blood elves are high elves. do you really think they are gonna save an eye color for a few elves squatting in a ‘lodge’ in the hinterlands? :joy:


No but they gave it to void elves first.

blood/high elves are as much separate races as democrat voters and republican voters. its a political split, not a biological one

the only thing high elf related the alliance have claim to are void corrupted high elves

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Except… the only high elves left are Alliance… so? Horde don’t have any claim to them?

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That have blue eyes and the exact same model. Why do you want to ruin the faction boundaries even more?

void elves are completely consumed by the void. they have a void form of their very own

some of them have tentacles

that is only thing you have claim to

Except that this isnt true. It is stated that high elves vary in allegiance.
Besides, there are blood elves with blue eyee.

Let alone, this is a incredibly shallow discussion.

“You cant have blue eyes even though you have the rave they belong to.”
The discussion should not have gone on for as long as it has right now.

Who has blood elves?

Those players have as much a right to ask for blue eyes as any player does for any other race.


Blue eyed blood elf would be a solid Pokemon card.


never happening

void elves should be void elves

a nightborne cannot pretend to be a night elf. If you want to play a night elf you have to make a night elf

similarly a void elf should not be able to pass for a high elf. if you want to play a high elf, then roll a blood elf. they are the high elves of quel’thalas proper :relaxed:

How many blood elves have blue eyes, and what Horde high elves exist? Most are either neutral, or Alliance.

Not really. The only difference between high and blood elves are the eyes - giving them blue eyes is putting a nail in the coffin for those who want high elves, and it also doesn’t make a lot of sense.


Not a nail in the coffin but it would make a fair number of people mad. Personally, I would not mind an exchange of eye color for skin color. I think the whole faction Identity argument is stupid now that Alliance have their own playable high elves.

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Doesn’t matter.

Doesn’t matter

Ultimately does NOT matter.

Per the developers, there is NO difference.
The developers word over ride anything that the players may perceive or think on a matter.

That ship sailed in TBC.
The fact they received void elves and not high elves, which the devs intentionally chose to do per Ion himself, means high elves are never going to happen.

Even though the devs said otherwise?

Like, this entire argument regarding blue eyes is people holding onto this ONE aesthetic and giving it much more meaning than it possesses.
NO ONE identifies ANY race by their eye color.
The only people making eye color a big deal are those who want high elves, and that race is on the horde.

Its like screaming that brown eyes on humans shouldnt be a thing because defias humans worked with horde and have brown eyes.


So…why would a void elf be called a void elf if it does not look like a void elf?
That’s like adding green skin to mag’har orcs. WHy would they be mag’har if they’re green?

Because of their ability to control the void. Because they have void forms like Alleria.

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All the playable ones. Its the largest played race on the horde side.