Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

You do know that the sunwell is a mixture of Holy and Arcane Magic. And in lore, only those who are more connected to Holy magic would have the golden eyes while the rest would have Blue.

If it’s 50/50 arcane/holy then 50% of the regular blood elves CAN have golden eyes

But holy has a tendency to be like a weed that dries out other plants imo, Yrel is a real living character embodying it destroying anything that isn’t holy, I’d suspect holy would take the predominant or actively try to influence BEs

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But all Blood Elves are regular. But take mages for example. It makes no sense for a mage to have golden eyes since they don’t have any connection to Holy magic. And all Blood/High Elves are Arcane addicts.

Sure a mage might. But of those far striders, rogues, warriors who aren’t as connected as a mage, I don’t see why they also wouldn’t have golden eyes on occasion. It’s a mathematic inevitability

As I said…

And as I said

The sunwell now has more holy energy in it than it used to. All blood elves tapping the sunwell are sourcing from an arcane/holy font. Not purely arcane.

There is no evidence though to say that there is more or less holy energies in it than Arcane. All we know is that there is a mixture of Holy and Arcane energies.

But even before the destruction of the Sunwell, High Elves also had normal eye colours, the same way as what humans have.

And blood elves will very likely get more than just blue eye colors in the future, kind of outright contradicting your argument then isn’t it? *(oops, blood eye=/=blue eyes)

Now blood eyes I can really get behind! Blue eyes… okay. Blood eyes… Hell yeah!

San layn confirmed?!?

So, does that mean everyone can say High Elves=/=Alliance?

EDIT: Wait, I see what you did there :rofl:

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Not sure what you mean? i was just correcting my typo
edit: ok we on same page

Alot of goal post shifting.
First: There are no blood elves with blhe eyes.
Then: They are obscure!
Next: Well they drank fel.

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And after that: “Non paladin/priests are outright 100% incapable of occasionally displaying gold eyes in any circumstances”

Wish i could have gold eyes

DK eyes are more OP and sexy

The helmet does not come off.

Can’t take this seriously.

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I think someone called you a lore troll in here so perhaps you just don’t take things seriously in general if that’s the sentiment out about you