Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Cause, ya know, why would the blood elves join the horde after their most beloved ranger general helped them stay alive, with her undead forces?


I too trust the risen corpse of one recently enthralled by another undead monstrosity, a thrall which is in league with literal aliens which nearly burned down the entire kingdom less than a decade ago. The delicious irony of trusting one not to be trusted, who then goes on to prove why they should not be trusted again and again.

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I am sorry too. But I know I can’t budge your types from you opinion. You’ll always seek to justify bad writing and do so in a hypocritical manner. Because I won’t say the belfs joining the Horde was good but it’s not worse than the whole helfs debacle and you will never admit that, which is why we can’t have a rational exchange here and because I’ve heard the same rhetoric many times before and it just bores me.



I am so glad you are gradually conceding to reason. I understand the hesistancy in relinquishing erroneous presuppositions, but I assure you, acceptance of coherent narratice structures will alleviate much confusion and frustration in the future. Once you’ve set aside your fear of this argument’s inevitable conclusion, your life will be free of much uneeded stress.

i invite you to read my first post here. It is explained. We really no need any polls for a playble the high elves, since they are the most ever wanted since WCII.

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Nope. In WCIII, the blood elf/high elf schism hadn’t happened/developed yet, and the only notable high elf presence in TBC, as far as I’m aware, was Allerian Stronghold while every other part of the expansion had the draenei as the foil to the blood elves. Then after the draenei’s time in the limelight subsided, the SC was introduced in WotLK as the foil to the Sunreavers. I don’t think it exists for anything other than that specific purpose, which reinforces the idea that Blizzard sees high elves as nothing more than zone filler.


No more Elves.

Ogres are the only answer!


The Arathi Quel’dorei provide hope with paladins and sun-blessed eyes (gold/yellow) that do not require the Sunwell to achieve.

I hope that our dream will stay alive and that the Quel’dorei PC can be played without void on both Horde and Alliance.


I wish for this as well! I have been wishing for this since TBC was announced. However, non-voidy Alliance Quel’dorei were also part of that wish. :sob: :ok_hand:


Arator in Outland was a paladin wasn’t he? he was a half elf i think but still.


He is!! Super happy to see he is remembered, I figured the community had forgotten about him. :pray: And now with the Arathi high elves as paladins, this provides some further justification for non-Horde, Quel’dorei paladins.


I just saw your posts, you are doing wonders for the Quel’dorei, never stop, I wish I came across your threads sooner!.

Maybe one day Blizzard will finally add them in :crossed_fingers:t4:.


Playable High Elves would be lore accurate!


That’s a great start for things to come in the future.

thank you for sharing this. Very important for us!

Paladin Quel’dorei Because Great Kyon is an Arathi Quel’dorei and would not have been present during the declaration the Sin’dorei’s Horde alignment, I would assume someone like him would be accessible to the player character Alliance side.

This is very wishful thinking, they are just as likely to return home than they are to return to the alliance. Although given the short-story we just got, I hedge my bets on them returning to Quel’thalas if they don’t remain in the Arathi. Silvermoon seems to be where the light-oriented elves, both Blood and High elven are gathering.

Elves are innately connected to the Sunwell no matter where they are. It was already said that the Sunwell would reach you even if you travelled to another universe or dimension. So even if he’s never been home, or even aware that the Sunwell still existed, he would still gain golden eyes from it if he channeled the light.

If you’re literally asking for the last remaining visual distinctions between the races to be removed, you mind as well just ask for elves to be neutral altogether.


We already got em

I appreciate this so much; your comment made by day! :sunny: :pray:

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Neutral and accessible to all players, regardless of faction, seems best at this point. I appreciate your expansion on the Sunwell and how it could segue into the color options unlocked Alliance side.

And yes! Sorry if I was not clear, I am speaking of the eye colors (gold/yellow) as it is not offered to Void Elves despite the rest of the non-voidy Quel’dorei eye colors being present (Sans fel colors that are unique to the Sin’dorei’s story).

The story definitely seems to point toward something based on what I have gathered; I look forward regardless. :pray:

I wish I had kept up with this thread sooner, there is a lot of great discussion here.

Shorel’aran and happy Monday!

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Because Void Elves are no longer Quel’Dorei.

Blood Elves are Quel’Dorei/High Elves.

Alleria’s eyes were green.

Speak plainly, you want Alliance Blood Elves.