Can we finally get playable the high elves?

I certainly agree. And all IRL race colours, and human ears option. And (like earthen) make them 25% bigger than BE as BE shrunk when they settled in Quel’thalas. And give them slightly elongated faces like in WC2. If we’re truly going back in time in Midnight, just adds more credence to what I’m saying. I’m sure blizz will intentionally scuff them though. I’m 100% sure.

They don’t hate themselves, and not all current Sin’Dorei supported or practiced it. This is evident. Some did of course.

Void Elves are possibly former High Elves. Some are also former Blood Elves.

Would we consider a human who turns voidy, has voidy tentacles, etc. as the same race as us? I will be okay with agreeing to disagree here. I see them as transformed like the Satyr or Felbloods.

They even changed Alleria’s voice in the new video.

The Silver Covenant sure hates belfs. I mean badly, basically their whole role in the story can be summed up by “look-belfs-grrr-i hate them”. And why? Cause they magically ate the chicken instead of doing it the conventional way?

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I would imagine with the re-kindling of the Sunwell, some of the members of the Silver Covenant rejoined the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas.

I have flexible thinking and am not an absolutist.

What does this have to do with this thread anyway?

Forget more sissy high elves (the game already has playable High Elves, they’re called Blood and Void), we need more of the Low Elves… I say another Night Elf variant.

Since the Nightborne are still Low Born Night Elves (though they would be positively loathe to admit it), and they’re on the Horde side, the Night Elves need to “discover” their long lost cousins somewhere and embrace them as their own.

After all they have been through the last decade or so, they need some real love. Dark Elves would be great, since the next epac is going to be underground. There’s the excuse Blizzard needs right there!

No more High Elves, unless you find them lounging under a tree, smoking all that herb they were gathering instead of turning it in.

Check out Harrornir.

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I have, they look awesome. But to me they look more like they would fit into the Troll pantheon. Though as a missing link to the Night Elves, they could work, as long as Blizzard Devs give them some love and a fully fleshed out back story. Unlike the Void Elves, which seem just cut and paste to me.

you mean like the harronir?

/raises eyebrow

Alleria ate a Naaru, so I wouldn’t consider her normal for Void Elves.

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Of course they hate belfs. Why wouldn’t they? It’s like waking up one day and seeing your friends start making backroom deals with the devil because invaders destroyed your drug dealer. It’s not a healthy coping mechanism. Then, when everyone rightfully starts giving them the side-eye, instead of admitting they have a problem they invite the invader’s cousin to bounce the front yard and some guys that burned down their house a few years ago. In short, belfs are mental, and helfs understandably wanted none of it.

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Honestly that’s all that’s needed IMO. And I feel that both Blood Elves and Void Elves should have the option to use it.

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Name plates would be great for so many races, especially now that we’re getting races added via customization to pre-existing races.

Wildhammer Dwarves.
Sand Trolls.
Forest Trolls.
San’layn (well, Dark Rangers, but still).
High Elves.

Heck, let humans/orcs pick their kingdom/clan as part of it. Could be a Blackrock Orc, or a Shattered Hand Orc, or a Stormwind Human, or a Lordaeron Human, etc…


Yea racial name plate customization is a feature that could enhance all of wow’s races, not just the elves.


That explains the genocidal mania the helfs have been displaying towards belfs? I think not. It’s just really bad writing.

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You know what’s really bad writing? Notoriously isolationist elves joining hands with undead, orcs, and trolls after numerous genocidal conflicts involving trolls, orcs, and undead. But I suppose you might find it difficult to discern good writing; the very concept of cause and effect seems to elude you completely. Bit of a cornerstone to linear storytelling.

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Ah yes, you gonna weep about how Belfs were stolen from the Alliance by the evil Horde. Well good luck with that.


I am sorry rational discourse is proving difficult for you, my friend. Allow me to simplify matters by redirecting it to the topic at hand, which is the quality of writing exhibited in WarCraft and its relation to comprehensible motivations or lack thereof. It is fortunate you have me here to prevent this conversation from slipping into irrelevant tangents. To wit, people rarely have good relations with others who not only threatened to exterminate them, but nearly did so on multiple occasions.

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I wish Blizzard would do polls to determine if what customers want is worth the cost to implement.