Can we finally get playable the high elves?

We’ve “had” Alliance blood elves for… what, five years?

It will be interesting to see what happens next.

Void Elves? They are not Quel’Dorei at all, they are void beings.

Tell me, are Shal’Dorei the same race as the Quel’Dorei/Sin’Dorei?

Why or why not?


You could hypothetically have a night elf family with many offspring where one sibling is a night elf, one is a nightborne, one is a satyr, one is a highborn from Elder’thalas, one is a spider elf, one is a naga, and then, thanks to Lorash retconning how short elves age, one is a high elf, one is a void elf, and one is a blood elf.

And I’m probably forgetting a few.

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That does not answer my question.

Are the Shal’Dorei the same race as a Quel’Dorei/Sin’Dorei?

Why or why not?

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Honestly? Yep.

Sylvanas is dead, Alleria is voidy, and Valeera is a high elf, but they’re still family.

You did not answer, why or why not.

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I did, actually, by providing an example.

How are you wanting to define race here? That might give me some context for what you’re asking.

You merely showed how people who are related are still family in a world where magic exists.

I’m not answering your question, that’s irrelevant.

Why is a Shal’Dorei the same race as a Quel’Dorei/Sin’Dorei?

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And our original passel of void elves are all blood elves that went over to the Alliance, though I am looking forward to more lore on where the rest of them came from, since we’ve been way beyond a “crack squad” for a while now.

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If you cannot explain how Shal’Dorei are the same race as a Sin’Dorei/Quel’Dorei, then your omission supports they are not the same race. Therefore, Ren’Dore by your own omission are a different race.

I’m not asking where Void Elves came from, Shal’Dorei and Sin’Dorei/Quel’Dorei come from the same root, it is irrelevant.

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So again, I’m left wondering how you want to define race here.

Continuing to pose the question to me is futile. You are claiming they are the same race. I am not.

Side stepping to support your claim means, my claim is true.

Ren’Dorei are former Quel’Dorei/Sin’Dorei and are not the same race.

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Ehhhhhh… then it’s a case of po-tay-toe, poh-tah-toe.

All playable void elves were originally catagorized as blood elves, who joined the Alliance.

Which is what I was being flip about.

Not necessarily. Alleria is a prime example and we see High Elves in the rift.

It is not a case of potaytoe or potahtoe.

If you cannot defend your claim, the implication is, you know it is not true.

Ren’Dorei/Void Elves are former Blood/High Elves and are now no longer the same race as they were.

As much as the weird High Elf folks wish to be High Elves, they are Void Elves.

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Let me simplify.

Void elves are literally blood elves on the Alliance.

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Nope, Blood/High Elves don’t suddenly turn voidy, have void voices, hear whispers, can leap through the void, etc.

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That doesn’t sound any different from being a demon hunter, dark ranger, death knight, or just a run of the mill demo lock before they had their toys stolen by demon hunters.

Okay again, why are Shal’Dorei and Quel’Dorei/Sin’Dorei the same race? You keep dodgeing and strawmaning. Thank you again for proving me right, you know the Void Elves are not the same race as Sin’Dorei/Quel’Dorei.

Those are techniques DH= Ride the line with a learned technique. Dark Rangers are Undead, the Forsaken didn’t suddenly stop being human, they’re just undead. Death Knights are Undead. In world of Magic, these are poor examples and it’s a Strawman. Next.

Answer the question.

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And that’s why I was being rather pedantic in asking you to define what you meant by race.

If you’re seperating them by magical influences, saying one individual can change race multiple times through their life, and so on, and that’s how you want to define it… sure, they’re different.

If you’re defining it as blood line and cultural influences, well, then, they’re one people with different paths.

That’s why the term race occasionally gives me hives in fantasy settings; it tends to be very poorly defined.

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I am not separating them.

I am not defining by family.

I am not the one making the claim they are the same race, you are.

It’s very clear you are not being pedantic (focusing on small details) you are being obtuse.

Answer the question, Why are the Shal’Dorei the same race as the Quel’Dorei/Sin’Dorei?

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