Can we finally get playable the high elves?

No, not that part. People requesting all the races be merged, that everyone be forced neutral and Silvermoon get an instance where Alliance can pretend to live there. And oh they apparently want racials changed or deleted just because of high elf fantasy.


Oh yeah, I remember how that story went.

Oh please Blizzard, give us the model and call it something else. We’ll just pretend they are helfs.

Velfs happen.

Oh please Blizzard let us be pale and blonde like belfs, we’ll just imagine the rest.

Belf customization options for velfs are added.

Still not good enough, give us High Elves.

It was really a question of time before they started demanding access to Silvermoon. Next thing would be to kick belfs out of there. Of course they’ll deny every point of my post minus the current one they are going after - Silvermoon.


If we didn’t already have them I might at times understand the request for them but we’ve had them since 2007 and then the customizations for them specifically since like I don’t even know how long now but it’s been quite a few years now.


Please for the love of all gods keep Baine. We don’t need him.

You have them.
They’re velves on the alliance side and belf on the horde.

We do not need any more light-damned knife ears.

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My biggest gripe is that when Blizzard implemented Void Elves, High Mountain, Dark Iron, Kul Tiran, Lightforged Draneni, Mag’har and Mechagnomes they made the poor decision to make them unique races. Most of these new races are little more than customizations for existing races. What is different between a Tauren and a Highmountain other than horn shapes? Same with Kul Tiran and Humans…ones stocky and ones kinda average build. Mag’har are exactly the same as “standard” Orcs save skin tones. They could have just added all these “allied races” in as customization options for their base race and then allow players to pick a set of racial abilities tied to that customization option.

If you play a game like Baulders Gate 3, which is based on D&D, you can select Elf as your race, then you customize what type of Elf you are (wood elf or high elf for example) and then you flesh out backstory, class etc. Difference though is D&D/BG3 doesn’t have a huge faction war setting and that’s what hamstrings WoW. In the Sunwell comic series theres a Tauren, Troll, and Dwarf working together to capture Anveena Teague. They traveled through various locations from Tarren Mill to Stormwind and hardly anyone batted an eye at the 3 of them working together. Rift, another MMO, had an interesting take on factions (before they removed them all together) in that you made a character and picked your faction then. It wasn’t predesignated. Any race, any faction. Warcraft could have easily done the same thing because as we’ve seen countless times the Alliance and Horde work together almost as much as the fight each other. You can still have “War” even when you as a player pick your faction. Think of the RP possibilities of a Tauren druid who joined the Alliance to help Malfurion. Or a Gnome who was shunned by his people after he accidently destroyed a village with an invention and fled to the Horde to continue his work.

Doing any of what i mentioned could easily allow a Thallasin Elf to claim High Elf status and stay on the Alliance because they felt Kael failed their people.


Warcraft 3 TFT was the first time the elves got major spotlight instead of being the glorified sidekicks of humans from Lordaeron. That was a major update.

You mean Thalassian elves specifically right?


Otherwise kinda yeah. lol I suppose the fall of Quel’thalas could be considered a major spotlight in a way but thats more on the Scourge.

They even had their own hero in form of the blood mage. For real. And instead of support units also normal infantry.-

We had them, but they were on the “wrong” faction. Seems like people’s love for these helfs wasn’t grand enough to have them dirty themselves by playing Horde.

So velfs came as a compromise. Appearently no one taught these people a compromise isn’t getting everything you ever wanted, so here they are, trying to rob the belfs of their idientity because they believe that’s the only way to legitimize helfs. I actually predicted them coming after Silvermoon way back before velfs were even considered.

And consider they are a small but very vocal minority. Someone brought up the helf threads on the European forums and MMO Champion. If you look at both of those you’ll notice there’s a very small number of people bumping those threads.

If there ever was a time for belf fans to speak, it would be now. Before they rob even more.


I’ll be honest I don’t know if you are joking or serious but I am rather tired today.

Either way there’s a ton of people clamoring for high elves is all I meant. I also meant I think it’s ridiculous people are melting over not having a FOURTH variant to a race just so in game it’s labeled officially “high elf”, while at the same time people are fuming over a third variant for dwarf that actually fits the ENTIRE theme of TWW.

So there re explained my view. I just don’t see how you justify one but not the other.

Used to love setting up an army in a custom game so I could use their units. Was so fun. Wish they’d had more of that for like Dwarves and trolls and stuff.

Gots a great thread for the customizations for folk to toss things Blizz’s way. (I hope they read it anyways)

I noticed that and the mods at MMO C ban everyone who dares speak against high elf fans trying to steal away Silvermoon.

No, not joking. High elves don’t have full support, and it’s more of a joke to claim they do.

Earthen don’t already exist in the game under a different name like High Elves do.

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Several lifetimes is also a funny way to describe about 10 years - pretty sure even people who aren’t elves (for whom this is just spring break) live significantly longer than that

This isn’t even headcanon at this point, this isn’t supported. People have been whining about Lanesh the Steelweaver’s blue eyes since mists. The divide was ultimately never enforced the way your delusions tell you it was.

Especially since it’s Lor’themar who explicitly, canonically invited the groups that opposed the emergency measures back. Void elves were an exception because Umbric was basically a hair away from being a Twilight cultist.


Lol, what delusions? The game has the division in place. Stop the craziness!

They are allowed pilgrimage. Have been for years. Again, in lore, they don’t even want to live there. Those Helves either left long ago or stayed with the Alliance to begin with.


The only groups we know for sure didn’t return before Legion are the rangers at Quel’lithien (who killed themselves by using a cursed artefact as a way to replenish on mana), the Silver Covenant, and some of Quel’danil (there are fewer elven NPCs in Quel’danil after the cata update, afaik).

There is no indication whatsoever that it’s even true for Dalaran elves after Legion because part of the justification for blue eyes was just as much people going back home as it was the sunwell being fixed.

Feel free to take it up with the devs.


There was a small group of Helves that did not return to Silvermoon with Anasterian after the second war. There were also Helves that left after because they didn’t agree with our survival practices.

Where in lore have they tried to come back to live in the city?


You’re desperate for wow to stick to being about race wars and it’s honestly really weird at this point.

Although in fairness: that seems to be most of the faction brainers on both sides.

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The way Blizzard wrote it in their town hall was:

“ Horde and Alliance forces banded together in the face of impossible odds and vanquished Kil’jaeden, once again protecting Azeroth from the Legion’s Burning Crusade.”

So I think it’s fair to say the factions worked together then.

Link to the archived town hall: