Can we finally get playable the high elves?

This is what I’ve been saying (mostly while laughing ).

The players of this game need to look up words like irony and often time hypocrisy. Because many people, I feel , don’t know what either means.

High elves - full support and raging for it for years

Earthen dwarves - let’s burn blizzard at the stake for such stupidity.

Really people? Really?

Playable High Elves have been in the game for years…

Step 1: Click Create New Character.
Step 2: Click Blood Elf.
Step 3: Pick your class.
Step 4: Choose pale skin, white hair, and blue eyes customization options.
Step 5: Finish customizing your Blood Elf.
Step 6: Enjoy your High Elf!


We spent the entirety of this game fighting the Naga, so if they added Naga I don’t think I would ever feel right grouping with one over killing one.

High Elves do NOT have full support as evidenced by the number of people in this thread saying they do not support adding High Elves as a race when they already exist.


I “support” togglable name tags for blood and void elf just to end the whole thing.

But then people would want to change the void elf racials and stuff as well…so maybe i dont actually.

You know what, just blood elves to get it haha

Why would blood elves need a toggle to say they’re high elves? Blood elves are already High elves.


Simply so people can play their pretty elf with the name they want and never have to ask again.
Its been years and years of elf threads and it would be cool to not have them made any more haha

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You’ve been given an answer for years and years and years. You’re not entitled to a change just because you won’t accept “no” for an answer.

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It’s a failed story beat and the developers officially acknowledged this. Too many mistakes, too much backlash, too many ruined characters.

It’s officially over.

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I personally dont care about high elves at all.

I play a void elf because i find that more interesting.
If i wanted to play a high elf thats not void, i would just play a blood elf.

Im not the one who needs to be told no.
Those who do need it, refuse to accept it.
Thats just where we are at.

It’s just a racial. The Alliance has already official High Elves and this absolutely as an exclusive subrace.

Well the developers should focus on fixing the bad story instead of just admitting they bolloxed it up. Thanks for the admission, but I think it was pretty clear it went to hell even without them confirming it.

We have plenty of characters that could provide an entertaining conflict story. What they need to do is get a handle on their writing team and actually hire some real war writers to consult.

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High elves are in alliance and never left it. They were, are and will be Alliance. We do not have high elves such as Silver covenant high elf playable.

Blood elves and void elves are blood or void, not high elf.

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I’m good with either or. I just like the “visage” concept. From a story perspective its like giving them a bit of their “humanity” back.

But if Blizz just gave us the naga that we all know and love without that thats still cool in my book.

I don’t think their mounting “problems” are that much of an issue. Just a minor frustration to work around. Probably just by curling the tail a bit like they’d planned the first time they wanted to implement them.

Gotta be honest I think I’d have preferred that as well… and I’m one of the folk who thinks its fine for the Forsaken to have helped out Gilneas. Just feels off.

I do have a whole lot of other critiques for the retaking of Gilneas but thats neither here nor there.

Or void elves are high elves. >.>

I don’t know. They’re still just a step removed from the night elves.


I would bet its going to be Quel’Danas as the hub.

All you really need is to use the high elf options imo.

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You are 100% incorrect. Blood Elves are High Elves who named themselves Sin’dorei to honor those lost to the scourge. They are still High Elves regardless of faction just choose to call themselves something different. Everyone get s hung up on the “but they are Alliance!” argument. So if a Tauren joins the Alliance does it stop being a Tauren and become a new race? No it may call itself a “Lionward” or whatever but its still a Tauren. Politics do not determine a race. Look at the Forsaken, the ones that (briefly) sided with Sylvanas didn’t become a different race because of political/moral differences. Are all Blood Elves High Elves, yes. But not all High Elves are Blood Elves. Quit being hung up on a name and look at it logically. They are genetically the same race of elves they were before and after Arthas killed 90% of their population. They didn’t magically become an entierly new race.

edit and Void Elves are Blood Elves exiled from Silvermoon, and the Elves of Silvermoon are High Elves. So, again, all the same.


No I know what it means to be unified and know it doesn’t mean merging.

Ego lol. No people did say we’d get those things for sure. Stop being weird about it.

Absolutely will. It’ll force us to be neutral. You don’t even play an elf, shouldn’t be that much of a concern to you. Seems so weird that Alliance is getting so aggressive about taking Horde things.

Changing the screens again would require an overhaul. Do you think it’d just take picking up a race and moving them together? Design wise it wouldn’t be that easy and then they have to worry about racials and that the only people asking for this are a few people on the forums.

Cross-faction grouping is optional. Everyone isn’t forced into it.

So you admit you want things taken from us? No, Blizz did not take away racials completely. They have changed racials. And you say this wouldn’t completely uproot the game. It’s exactly what you want.

And Lor’themar allowing pilgrimmage was long ago. That never meant they could live in the city. They didn’t even want to lorewise.

No one wants Zidormi on their lands. It broke the UC flight point and they never fixed it. They also never updated graphics where we can go back and see the old ones. They only ever confirmed a face lift for the city. And said to not expect Cata levels of change.


We’ve gotten to the manipulative phase where he pretends words have some secret meaning. It’s crazy what ends some will go to for their own desires. Even request to ruin the experience for others.

And to what end? Thalassian elves were already available on both factions. They claimed to have never wanted Silvermoon.

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Someone posted an official lore quote that Kael’thas declared them “no longer High Elves”, so it’s a complete rebranding at this point. Physically they are obviously High Elves, but the political pov is different. If someone calls themselves a “High Elf” while being Horde, then they are actually Blood Elf by default.

High Elves nowadays stand for being friendly with the Alliance and are part of various cultures and cities. The bigger issue we have with the incompetent developers is that they gave the Alliance both playable High and Blood Elves. Some customization should have never been made available for the Blues.

Somewhat correct but incorrect as well. The first batch are Blood Elves, everything starting with the Void Elf starter zone can be either.

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Blood Elves and Void Elves are both “High Elves”.
Will it make people happier if Blizzard puts “High Elves” in brackets next to both those races on the character creation screen and on inspection?
IDK what more you want .

I don’t understand, is updating the city to be flyable not Cata level?