Can we finally get playable the high elves?

This is not the problem.
The actual High Elves are Alliance-alligned, which is what people want to play. Not Blood Elves, we already have this.

The theme they represent. The Void is represented in a corrupted or untamed way, which is why the hair styles varies from “classic with a twist” to “uncombed”. This is not what the players have in mind while playing the race and goes also against how hero characters are represented. Xal’atath doesn’t look like she misses her shampoo, so it’s a valid point to bring up, similar how Alleria was corrupted and how the race is represented.

Because it doesn’t mean anything to you, it still is a design choice the players do not agree with. And you have simply to accept this.


You have the right to be wrong, so yeah, you’re wrong.

As a people, the high elves are all but extinct: the remnants of the remnants of a fallen race. They cannot even truly be said to have a culture, only a past filled with glory and regret. Though they are scattered all over the world, without common opinions, goals, or any official leader, Ranger General Vereesa Windrunner founded the Silver Covenant, a militant faction of high elves affiliated with the Alliance in Dalaran City. Following the Battle for Quel’Danas, Captain Auric Sunchaser of the Allerian Stronghold became the high elven representative at the restored Sunwell.

No leader.
No goals.
No hope for prosperity.
No culture.
No home.

If it weren’t for the good kind of the Sin’dorei, the remnants of what Quel’dorei once was would remain scattered over the world, now thanks to the Lor’themar Theron’s leadership under the mighty of the Horde, they are rebuilding Silvermoon and allowed those high elves return home and become part of the High Elf society maintained and led by the Sin’dorei.


Vereesa Windrunner.

Recovering their homeland for the Alliance and keeping the Horde out of Dalaran for whatever reason. lol

(Nowadays they may have calmed down and be on the trajectory to look for unification more than claiming Silvermoon for the Alliance.)

They’re doing surprisingly well for being involved in several “wars” and even losing Dalaran after TWW starts up.

They seem prosperous to me.

They have a slightly modified Thalassian culture from before the split. (Ironically by being doggedly determined to keep their old allies in the Alliance and their hatred for the Blood Elves they’ve also diverged just as much as the Blood Elves themselves culturally.)

Well… it was Dalaran. But the Silver Covenant could easily integrate into Alliance lands just fine or maybe hook up with the Highvale and make a new home there. Hardly an issue when their Ren’dorei cousins have literally a few rocks. Home is where you lay your head at night.

You’re gonna flip out when Silvermoon turns neutral aren’t you? lol


Hey! Save some strawmen for the rest of us!

Leader: Vereesa.
Goals: Reestablishing themselves in Quel’thalas. Seeing as how Arator is allowed in and he’s an Alliance-aligned half-human, there’s no reason high elves can’t return to QT.
Prosperity: See above.
Culture: ??? The same culture as the belves except with more granola and hate for orcs.
Home: See “Goals” above.

Let’s also take a moment to consider that they made vulpera into a playable race and they don’t check any of those boxes.

Leader: N/A. Arguably Kiro but they don’t have any hierarchy that defines leadership.
Goals: N/A, aside from “Survive” (literally the same goal as every other sapient race in the world)
Prosperity: Joining the Horde was their ticket to that. Piggybacking off the Horde’s success.
Culture: N/A. They would need lore to establish that.
Home: N/A.


Yes you can… They are called Blood elves…

strange how people whine about a 3rd dwarf race but are just begging to have a 5th elf race that would essentially be a 3rd blood elf reskin. you have void elves, be happy that you got them at all


I fought for years as well wanting this but anymore it doesn’t really matter to me. Lore is irrelevant and it’s just a silly theme park mmorpg and holds no true value of lore or any consideration of its foundations. I gave up and hope blizzard the best just to keep the game alive at this point.

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Belves should function the same as pandaren/dracthyr. Shared customization but you can play them on either Horde or Alliance. When they’re Horde they get labeled as Blood Elves, when they’re Alliance they get labeled as High Elves.

But they won’t do that because they’ve been stewing in the “Blizzard knows best” pit for far too long.


But you do know best i take it? :stuck_out_tongue:

They should have done in TBC, but that’s come and gone. They said they wanted people to be able to tell if someone was friendly or enemy by the silhouette but then pandas, dracthyr and now earthen suggest that if it’s red, it’s dead works just fine for people.

I am curious to see what they do in Midnight. I want a cool ranger mog for hunters finally.

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Once again, High Elves are in game already.

This is now a playable Ogres thread.

No this is the playable Ogres thread.


No leader.
She even abandoned Dalaran.

Lmao, you need to be educated a bit.

  • First of all, Quel’Thalas was NEVER alliance territory. It was there and it belonged to the elves since they ran the Amani trolls out of that land.

  • Second, the Alliance you are talking about doesn’t exist anymore, it was the Alliance of Lordaeron and it died with Terenas Menethil.

  • Quel’Thalas NEVER belonged to the alliance so alliance has no bearing or claim over that land. Anyone talking about “recovering their homeland” is just talking nonsense and should seek professional assistance of one of the Azerothian Schoolers, because you completely missed all the classes about Azeroth history.

  • Keeping the Horde out of Dalaran for WHAT, Veressa Windrunner’s role in Dalaran was what? Spouse to the former leader? Lmao that is why she left Dalaran and it is nowhere to be found right now. So again, NO LEADER.

Do you even understand what hope and prosperity means?
These elves will not have a bloodline. Their extinct, fallible and genocidal race dies with them (Silver Covenant). Of all the remnants (very few, a negligible amount) of this extinct race (Quel’Dorei), most decided to return to Quel’Thalas. Those that you see around are still those that haven’t gone home, or because they have lived more outside of Quel’Thalas than in Quel’Thalas and these don’t even have anywhere to call home.

Oh well, I hope then you are as prosperous as they are then :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They have no culture. They are no people. They live among humans and Dwarves, and they accept other’s cultures. That is not even up for discussion, that is a fact.

The fact you still don’t know why Quel’Thalas withdraw from the Alliance of Lordaeron and you keep repeating that is hilarious to me. Why are you even engaging in such discussion being so ignorant to the history of the Quel’dorei like this?

Yeah, imagine hating your own people. The majority of them. Vast majority. Like, more than 90% of your own kin, that was already decimated by Arthas, former human paladin, and these were not there to fight to defend their own homeland?

No, it is not Dalaran. The remnants of the former Quel’dorei are scattered: Quel’Danil, Farstrider Lodge, Allerian Stronghold, Stormwind, some in Dalaran.

But these are the very small minority, maybe even less than 100, all the others have gone back to Silvermoon, including own Alleria’s son…

Looks like the voidy-tentacle-ish were left out of the party :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

I can’t describe what you might do when you find out that Silvermoon will not be a Neutral city as you are hoping for :slight_smile:


A leader that is nowhere to be found and doesn’t lead anyone. In fact, the high elves don’t see Veressa as their leaders. They’ve gone home, back to Quel’thalas as we saw in Allerias novel. Sorry to let you down with your head-canon fanfic.

No Goals.
Because these were already invited back to Silvermoon but they refused, because these left Silvermoon in first place even before the end of the Second War and never came home. They have lived long outside of Quel’Thalas than in there. They have no relatives and no reasons to go back. So, they’re stateless and homeless, living in one of the few settlements they are allowed to, until the end of their days, since they’re not establishing families or having children (as you should already know that elves rarely have children…).

Lmao check the definition of:

  • Definition
  • Prosperity

Hatred for Orcs? But Orcs haven’t raided Silvermoon, Trolls did. Amani trolls. Last time I checked the Horde helped the elves against the Amani trolls

No home. Stateless.

Why are you talking about Vulperas when you can’t even argue about high elves?
You don’t understand that Blood Elves are High Elves and high elves going back to Quel’Thalas means they are becoming also Sin’dorei or at least will live among them until the end of their days.

Quel’dorei is fated to cease to exist. You just have to accept. Not all things in life will go on your way, so time to grow up, life isn’t fair, and High Elves are playable for the Horde if you pick Blood Elves.


That’s…not how that works… LOL. This is major copium I’m sorry

Alliance will continue to have the majority of non-playable Quel’dorei on their side as they always have in literally every expansion. Whether they get more official playable forms of Quel’dorei in something like Midnight remains to be seen but based on Dev interactions in person last Blizzcon I wouldn’t be surprised if Alliance High Elves are an official AR.

Even in War Within the Alliance Faction Hub in Khaz Algar is filled with “Quel’dorei Scholar” NPCs and the Dalaran Alliance High Elf class trainers are all back. With Dalaran destroyed there’s a very big emphasis being placed in Khaz Algar on Silver Covenant vs Sunreavers, High Elves vs Blood Elves, Blue vs Red, Alliance vs Horde visual rep

And living in your ancestral homeland doesn’t magically change your faction. Lor’themar has been letting non-Horde High Elves pilgrimage to the Sunwell for ages now. Arator living in Silvermoon doesn’t change his alleigance or faction or heritage. Turalyon was literally staying with him LOL that’s the current leader of the Alliance…

You’re getting very hostile and defensive because deep down you’re scared that you’re wrong lol. Don’t throw a hissy fit when Midnight comes around and it doesn’t turn out the way you’re desperately praying it does :pray:


Yes, it is.
Time to accept.

I’m not hostile. I’m just presenting Facts. If facts hurt you, time to rethink how you see the world. And I’m not defensive.
Deep down you know that I’m right, and you’re trying to get a grip so tight on the little hope that you’ll get your pony at the end of the day but you know, deep down, that you will not.


We’ll see in Midnight I guess :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s not what *** and other Devs said in person last Blizzcon when shown an Alliance High Elf forum thread :face_with_hand_over_mouth: “Wait until Midnight” was what was said.

Now let’s wait until Midnight! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I mean, if midnight comes and high elves arent playable, are you going to gracefully accept it? :stuck_out_tongue:


I could care less either way as I’m playing my High Elf right now. But based on Dev interactions at Blizzcon I have a feeling I know which side will be disappointed and it won’t be mine :person_shrugging:

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If statistics allow you to witness the Midnight, I guess we’ll see then.

People who care less: they do care less, so they don’t get into these discussions accusing others of being hostile etc.

You can’t be honest and real for once can you.

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