Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Undocumented interactions.
We have to trust they happened and happened in a certain way.
And even then what was meant doesnt necessarily line up with what was interpreted.

Basically, its not something i give any credibility to.
Its a dressed up version of “trust me bro”

The most i would personally see happening is a neutral silvermoon and for blood and void elves to gain access to the title “high elf”.
Not a new race name or anything, just a title like the seeker or the gullible etc.

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And guess what, they canceled blizzcons, perhaps because some devs said unauthorized and non-approved, non-accepted ideas they wanted for the game and people started sharing everywhere

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Whatever that means :rofl:

I’m just enjoying how upset it makes you tbh

I already won my battle years ago. I wanted High Elf options and I got them. Now I’m here to watch the collective meltdown that will once again happen from you guys in Midnight like it did with skin and hair colors :joy:

Yes Ion is an unauthorized Dev and that’s why Blizzcon was cancelled not the low interest rates after Covid for sure. Just because of a few WoW devs hinting at High Elves. You’ve cracked the code!

Holy copium :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Probably, which I think most people would be more then happy with

I mean, same goes for you, if you think I’m upset it is because you are upset and you’re just projecting your feelings on me.

But then again who is the one that “could care less” and are here talking others into taking the a “virtual drug” to help cope with?

So far the only person that needs to cope with something here is you, and yet again, you project that on me.

Take your own advice. See you at Midnight


See you at Midnight indeed :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :grin:

Uhm… What? lol Shes not in Dalaran for the events of TWW and neither are her children thank the gods. (Not real gods mind. Its just a video game.) That doesn’t mean she abandoned anyone. lol

Was literally once part of the Alliance of Lordaeron and its people would all accept that it had in fact once been part of the Alliance… Thats not even remotely in contention.

Oh boy, even the Void Elves say they’d like to see Quel’Thalas be back in the Alliance. You may stick to that technicality but it really doesn’t change how the “high elves” see it in the world. Quel’Thalas was once part of the Alliance that predated the current form of the Alliance. People in world see it as formerly Alliance.

You seem to be entirely misinformed. Your prejudice on this matter is overshadowing the history of what is. lol

I mean its why she formed the Silver Covenant in the first place. Ask her. Didn’t say I agreed with it.

Do you?

Hardly extinct. lol

Aside from the ones in Dalaran, which was also not even the entirety of the high elven population of Dalaran, theres also countless elves spread about Alliance lands and the entire group of them that live in the Hinterlands all on their own. Its silly to assume they’re going extinct when there isn’t anything ever showing that. (honestly they seem to always have the numbers they need at any given time like magic.)

See its when you lot hope these sorts of things on people that you make me feel you’re taking pixels too far. lol

They’ve the same culture they’ve had for generations, in Dalaran or in the Hinterlands or otherwise. We’ve no real indications that that has changed particularly any more so than the Blood Elves have changed their own culture due to their situation.

You’re just assuming things based on you bias here.

They withdrew because Anasterian didn’t really want to be a part of it, that however, doesn’t change that he was. (There was also some Deathwing manipulation but I’m fairly sure all he did was enhance the feelings already involved). They later would pull even more out of the Alliance as allies when Kael’thas was put up for execution.

And yet some elves remained staunchly allies of the Alliance and remained within it. Later the Silver Covenant (by far one of the larger groups of high elves) would re-side with the Alliance as Dalaran became neutral.

I’m beginning to wonder how well you know the story of the Thalassian people.

Lets get one thing clear, I don’t like the Silver Covenant. They’re genocidal jerks in my opinion. They’re just the easiest and largest Alliance aligned faction of High Elves. I much prefer the Highvale elves, for which I rp this character as a member. lol

Specifically we were talking about the faction led by Vereesa Windrunner, the Silver Covenant, whose home was Dalaran. Though they have expressed a desire to see Quel’Thalas return to the Alliance and to be able to return to their homes there. (I assume some of them did live in Dalaran their whole lives though.)

What an odd assumption. There are no population numbers in WoW that would lead to you having only 100 elves around. lol

Thats a losing game. The Population is whatever Blizzard wants it to be at any one time.

In midnight I’m pretty sure they won’t be… though we were again mostly talking about the Silver Covenant with only slight mentions to the other high elven groups within the Alliance and the Ren’dorei.

I’m not hoping for it. lol

I think its a terrible idea honestly and I really expect what will happen is we’ll work together in a temporary sense, probably with some sector of the city being available for the other Thalassian groups to come and be unmolested regardless of faction yada yada.

I’m more excited for the probably revamped city and what that means for my Blood Elves.

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I have spoilers for you.
Or you can wait until August 26th or whenever you get there.

Quel’thalas was a member, but the territory never belonged to the alliance.
As a Kingdom, its King has withdraw from the very same alliance before it was dismantled with the death of Terenas Menethil.

Quel’Thalas short relationship with the new Alliance fell short after the now-retconned Purge of Dalaran.

Vast majority of its people, and I mean, more than 90% of the whole kingdom (prior to the Third War) accepted the withdraw from the alliance. Those that weren’t happy with remained in the lands of their “former” allies. That is, stateless people that abandoned their kingdom.

That is:

  • Quel’Lithien Lodge (all dead by now)
  • Quel’Danil Lodge (still has some survivors)
  • Farstrider Lodge (has only one High elf left there)
  • Stormwind
  • Dalaran (many deaths)
  • Lordaeron (all dead)
  • Allerian Stronghold in Outlands (those didn’t even know what happened).

So, out of the very small, negligible amount of high elves that lived outside of Quel’Thalas, even them started going back to Silvermoon to rebuild their kingdom.

The void elves are enemies of Quel’Thalas and their mere presence presents risk to the Sunwell and maybe even the world.

Void elves belong to the slums of Stormwind and their space rock. Be gone, tentacle.

Is that your best argument? Are you trying to say that a regiment of less than 100 people, random, with no bloodline or connection to the throne, no rank or even slightly desire of the people, want to simply “take over” silvermoon for themselves? That sounds like a Tyrant would do.

To think that the void-ish tentacles and the genocidal murderes of the Silver Covenant would want to take a whole kingdom for themselves while they never bothered or cared about it.

In fact, the high elves outside of Quel’thalas have lived longer outside of their former homeland than there.

These high elves should be thankful that Lor’themar Theron is a good person and is allowing them to return. Most returned. Even Alleria’s son.

Alleria is a good person, unlike Veressa, that didn’t even think twice when killing her own kind. Oh well, it is all explained about her absence.

She is a m i l i t a n t. Her greatest achievement: married to dalaran chief mage. LAWL.

I do but you didn’t answer lol

You have the right to be wrong, so I’ll not take that away from you.

As a people, the high elves are all but extinct: the remnants of the remnants of a fallen race.

Night of the Dragon, pg 7

They cannot even truly be said to have a culture, only a past filled with glory and regret.

Warcraft Encyclopedia

Though they are scattered all over the world, without common opinions, goals, or any official leader…

Warcraft Encyclopedia

…Ranger General Vereesa Windrunner founded the Silver Covenant, a militant faction of high elves affiliated with the Alliance in Dalaran City.

The king, you mean?

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Sources, please?

They were already out of the alliance, so they didn’t “pull more out”. It was funny seeing how pitiful these high elves were working for Garithos while he was spitting on them and treating them like crap. Aren’t you even ashamed of being associated with that?

Ewww, bro!

I am certain that I know more than you do, and probably more than you ever will.

I wasn’t expecting this. I was ready to go for the last part to deliver my final blow, but then you say something coherent. Well, the Silver covenant and Veressa was a response because the Sunreavers and nothing makes sense for them to exist as they do basically nothing against the Horde there in Dalaran, except if you think about the Crystalsong forest in Northrend and the empty Sunreavers and Silver Covenant bases.

Yep, the cut content out of Wrath of the Lich King makes their existence meaningless and that Veressa is just playing power with the job of spouse of Rhonin.

It would require them to force every other Blood Elf to join the alliance and that is not a common sentiment within the denizens of Silvermoon nor with the rest of the Quel’Thalas kingdom.

So how do a militant faction that even murdered their own kin in Dalaran can keep saying that with a straight face? I wonder. It doesn’t sit well with me.

I recommend checking the wiki for the Sin’dorei, it has some very approximate numbers about the number of denizens that existed before the scourge invasion, the estimate of the survivors. And I say this now being very few outside of Quel’Thalas because Lor’Themar called all elves to return to Silvermoon. Even Arathor is there (although he is a half-elf), reason why Alleria went there to visit him (and was allowed by Lor’Themar).

Sure, do you want them to open a portal to an AU Quel’Thalas and pop up an alternate Kael’Thas and a regiment of AU high elves so you can finally play what you want to call “high elf” ? That would be just poor writing, but to the next level.

But yeah, they could do this, but I highly suspect they will not just release chronicles and say “hey actually there were like 50 thousand high elves living in Stormwind, you just never saw them because… they were floating above! HA!”.

Nah, this is very well established. Why would they even use “blood elves” to make the Void elves, if they could just use the existing “high elves” to justify them? Because they are extinct - so few that it wouldn’t allow them to work.

Ok, I’ll stop here because you made sense twice already and it is very confusing for me.

I don’t think overall you’re ill-intended but you have some wrong sources of information or out of date.
It is not your fault, just like the high elves are scattered, the story and information about them are also. Blizzard has done a very poor job in keeping this information under their umbrella but I guess also the reason they removed it all from their own website is because… it allows them to change at their will and just release a new Chronicles vol saying “yeah, that changed kthxbai”.

I find the Quel’dorei - Sin’dorei story fascinating (I find the ren’dorei poor written they could’ve done something better and similar to the Nightborne if they really wanted), next to the founding of the human kingdom of Arathor and the city-states all around and the Dwarves.

These are by far the most well-constructed lore in the game. And guess what, weren’t they all alliance at least at one point?


I will never not be entertained and saddened by the, “I got mine so you can’t have anything” crowd.

Stop pretending it’s about lore. Stop pretending it’s about faction parity. It’s nothing but petty spite at this point.


If they did add more elves it would be in midnight because that is the elf expansion.

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Void elf here.
I dont want silvermoon. I want my space rock. I like my space rock.
I want to lean in to the space aesthetic and not revert back to being a boring blood/high elf.


So that is what you do when you run out of arguments and get refuted every single time?


So… are you a cultured person (Starcraft enjoyer) too?

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Being one of the more, say forgotten WoW races, every expansion feels like a Human, Orc, Elf and Troll expansion.

I am aware shes not in Dalaran during the events of the start of TWW. Thats why I said it was good that she wasn’t earlier. lol

That doesn’t change that shes the leader of the Silver Covenant, nor does that suggest she abandoned them.

Quel’thalas was a member of the Alliance like any other kingdom within the Alliance. It was Alliance territory while it was within the Alliance. This is silly.

What? Their relationship fell apart long before that. Quel’thalas stepped out of the Alliance after the Second War and later when Kael’thas came to assist, what was then just allies of Quel’thalas, the Alliance in the ruins of Dalaran they further distanced themselves from the Alliance because Garathos tried to execute him.

These were not separate until Rommath brought the knowledge of draining arcane energies from living things to their lands. They were Blood Elves for a time and only got destroyed when they decided to rely on some magical artifact that turned them Wretched.

Has a lot of survivors. They’re actually really neat! They don’t even like the Alliance that much they just really hate the Orcs. Better allies with the Wildhammer than they are with the Alliance at large.

Currently in game yes, though I don’t remember which book it was at this point, they have been mentioned to have more than one elf there. Not many around there though for sure.

Appears to have a fair population within the Mage District.

Like thats ever stopped them before. lol

Also not all of these are Alliance aligned High Elves or even Horde aligned Blood Elves in some cases. Silver Covenant are the only Alliance aligned specifically, with the Sunreavers being the Horde aligned specifically.

Hard to say they’re all dead or not. A few may have survived and also many are now Darkfallen so… how dead is a thing. lol

Though I don’t know why you’re including them?

This is another fun one. We know some did remain with the Alliance and that some at the very least made a pilgrimage back home. I’d imagine that these are likely to be among those willing to go home, if not at first then certainly these days.

Now that there is peace I wouldn’t balk at them returning home. That doesn’t mean all of them are though.

Also when 90% of your people are killed off, there is no negligible amount of them.

Irrelevant. They were very recently Blood Elves, their viewpoints are a window to how the world actually sees this.

I’ve yet to see any void elves in any slums? They’re rather happy on their grouping of Void touched rocks. Places of power are common gathering points for thalassians.

(Also I assume the “begone tentacle” was directed at me? I don’t have tentacles though.)

Well the Silver Covenant have on several occasions expressed their desire for Silvermoon to rejoin and the Void Elves have also done so. I doubt any of them intend to rule as tyrants. Seems more they wish their brethren would just not align with the Horde really. (And who can blame them the Horde has sucked pretty bad for Quel’Thalas in the past and even the new Horde has had some not so great things go on towards Quel’Thalas.)

Not what I said, cute though.

This is very unlikely since we know Vereesa was still considered a child at 50.

We don’t know how long many of the settlements have existed beyond places like Dalaran, nor how old any of those elves are.

Lor’Themar does so because unlike most people he grasps the fact that the Blood Elves are on a knifes edge still. Now that there is peace he should want them to return.

High marks honestly to Lor’themar for not being a hateful old brat. (Except maybe towards Void Elves… but eh, more recent wounds and all that.)

I doubt he would treat high elves as though they owe him something for letting them come home to their families and homeland.

Hmm… No notes. lol

I think he greatest achievement was making a military force that has seen its way through several successful campaigns at this point. (also something about helping free the Dragon Queen might be a important point for her. lol)

And yet they endure in several factions within the Alliance.

Each faction of them has their own derivation of the cultures of Quel’thalas, so no direct specific one. Nor a specific leader for all the factions within the Alliance.

Uh… yeah? Didn’t think I needed to state his title as that doesn’t change anything about the history.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Its the same book that Vereesa is introduced in. Day of the Dragon I think its called?

The one that has to do with Deathwing trying to manipulate the Alliance after the Second War.

Quel’thalas was still allies with the Alliance at the time, though they had pulled out. I meant they dropped ties to the Alliance entirely as a country then.

Also I’m not associated with it… I’m a player. lol (Also this character is a Highvale elf and not associated with Garithos. She hates the Horde for what they did to Quel’thalas during the Second War and refuses to ally with them. Meanwhile she also isn’t super thrilled with the Alliance as a whole as they’re kinda dicks.)

I mean, you’ve got little holes and odd interpretations of their history and seem to conflate some things. I think you should review it again, perhaps without your bias, if you can.

To claim this makes them meaningless requires you to ignore everything else that happened in that expansion, or after it. That seems silly. Lets take al the story as a whole rather than cut out what we don’t like about it.

No its not. Which is why for the reasonable ones, if you take note of them, its clearly more a dream of a reunited Thalassian society. The unreasonable ones are like… weird and willing to kill their already genocided race…

I’m curious to see if Midnight will tackle any of the significant hurdles that still exist. The Purge being something that should be held up as a big thing and maybe have someone actually like… get some punishment for it maybe.

Theres no way the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant aren’t going to both be involved though.

I don’t know. When I finally got round to doing the Purge on the Alliance I immediately took my characters that were in the Silver Covenant (rp wise of course.) out of it. They all left in disgust.

They’d made their beds though and couldn’t or wouldn’t return to Silvermoon so long as it was Horde land.

Yeah I know it does, I just don’t see how anyone takes that seriously. If WoW cared about that sort of thing we wouldn’t have the giant armies we have all the time losing soldiers constantly and yet being ready and able the next battle five minutes after the new expansion comes out. Its silly to care about the population because Blizzard treats it as there always being enough for whatever they need.

Well yeah theres a pretty significant peace going on. Probably the first real one between the Horde and Alliance there has been. Now would be the time for folk to go home if they could. Though that doesn’t mean every high elf who goes home becomes Horde. Arator there is probably still neutral at worst.

But uh, since there are still people in places like Dalaran who have a factional bent among the Thalassian peoples then I see no reason to assume there are just zero Alliance High Elves left.

That seems like a stupid assumption brought up only to poorly try to stop people requesting high elves, which won’t stop them anyways, and will only make you look foolish.

I mean they use both Blood Elves and High Elves… Plenty of them all over the rift these days.

But no, for real, Blizzard has even said on record that they don’t really worry about population. Its a null issue. Story dressing and nothing more for Blizzard.

Don’t assume things about people I guess?

Aside from you being overly hostile to those who do want high elves for the Alliance I also don’t greatly think you’re ill-intended either. Though I also think you have some of your lore crossed.

We can all find something to complain about with the Ren’dorei (and I love my void elves), but yeah, the story of the Thalassian elves throughout is very awesome. I was so excited when they were announced for TBC and even more intrigued when they were on the Horde. Little sad their story became mostly “Light” elves by the end there but eh.

I like both sets of stories myself.

I have enough of my high elves just pretending with a void elf but I get why others want more. (I don’t need more but I won’t refuse it either.) Blood Elves on the other hand add in a whole new breath of fresh air to the High Elf concept and I love that. Void Elves just mix my two favorite things. Elves and the Void. :smiley: Whats not to like?

I know I already said but I’m also not really that into the idea of Silvermoon being Alliance in any capacity. I like the separations in the story and would love to see them expanded and honed.

And everything Void Elf is awesome. (give me more cosmic void Blizzard!)


small enough to step on? I could get behind this.


What arguments? I haven’t made any arguments. I’ve just watched you flail around, crying in impotent rage about people daring to want something. How dare they! Disgusting that they might want a thing in the game they play. They should be perfectly content with everything as it is served to them.


this is why helf fans wanted helfs, not void tentacles. you dont like it, well, neither do we, though i dont begrudge people who want to play as tentacled monsters.

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And to be fair, the Void Race elf is pretty much a problematic design.

Putting player into a wretched/corrupted persona, where they have greasy and unkempt hair. This not only clashes with the Xal’atath design of being powerful and beautiful, it also clashes with how Blood Elves present themselves.

The Void Elves are surely a misfire on several layers of incompetence.

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yeah …whats up with that? at least we could be beautiful and dangerous lol
xal is epic lol and crazy as a loon

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They are a meme thrown at the unstable alliance players who retch thousands of posts into threads like these every year. The seething that Alliance have all they will ever have for “high elves” is pretty fun to read.

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