Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

i just googled it, there is even one from vrak saying the same thing but im giving him a break from being quoted but i guess i can link it

tiz ded jim lol

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yeah, poke it with a stick, it’s dead.

Please answer the question or this is not a discussion.


you can have the option to show your btag, that’s the compromise. enjoy :slight_smile:

Are you ever going to link your so called sources to any of your arguments? Or are you going to admit that it was all made up.


As soon as you drop the evidence that Btags is going to be the update we’re getting.

That is not a compromise, it’s completely worthless and you know this.

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Since you will not link any scholarly resources or otherwise, here’s a peer reviewed 40 page paper on

“Your Anonymous Words Matter: The Harms of Internet Anonymity and Its Inhibiting Effects on Producing Knowledge”


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Thank you Nayaga :slight_smile:

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I apologize, which post are you referring to?

Post just above the one I posted.

i think it’s a great compromise… you get to display your btags and that is what you wanted, right?

On the contrary, it is relevant due to the OP topic.

You did not provide any resources for any of your arguments while I have provided many articles.

If you are having problems linking the articles and research items you’ve found, simply place a ` before and after a link. It will look like that when performed correctly.

All that was in reference too was Ayukama’s post above yours and not the context further. Do you have a post or anything that suggests that Ayukama was suggesting for that to happen?

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Can you provide the data, please?

I would love to read it. Even a title would suffice.

it was published by harvard, much more prestigious than claremont i’ve been told.

Even so, title please?

just search harvard publications, it’s right there.

Ok then…

There you go.

I can search Harvard publications however without a proper article title, I cannot reference the exact data that you’re referencing.

Ah thank you. This way I know where to start reading back in the thread to be caught up and fully aware. These old eyes could have easily missed something.