Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

I’m actually pretty broke myself, rather lazy honestly (about 15-16g), but if I had the gold… you’re darn right I’d do GDKPs if I wasn’t raiding with my friends.

Lol who tf GDKPs at lvl 25?

BFD is easy as hell, and I’m juggling two lockouts.

Is being rich in WoW some kind of brag? I’ve got the ZG tiger in retail, but again, I WON it from a roll, back in retail Wrath, never will buy, ever. (Retail’s dead to me anyway but my point is I’m poor and still get nice stuff.)

Does it matter I’m poor if I still get the items?


There is literally no reason to, unless you enjoy grinding gold and want to hold that over others.

Never will, it’s dumb to incorporate gold into a mode that never needed it.

Run the raid again, roll like a normal person. You lose? Run it again in a few days.

Thankfully 10-man raids means I usually get my items.


Why shouldn’t there be GDKPs at 25? It’s a raid afterall.

Yea, BFD is easy, incredibly easy… but there are people still struggling with it, so they have GDKPs to purchase the items they want… you don’t have to be good at the content when you are good at making gold!

Good for you and plenty of people enjoy the grind.

There is plenty of reason to do GDKPs, you just won’t acknowledge them because you’re far too focused on hating GDKPs.

That’s the OG way of doing it, they rather purchase it with gold and I don’t see an issue with that.

PvE isn’t supposed to be a bidding market on every boss/item, but whatever I’m just talking to the wall.

That’s how you want to play it, sure.

But GDKP folks can’t pretend like the bots and stuff are because of us non-gold buyers.

People are 100% buying gold so they can buy Strike of the Hydra or whatever, and that’s hurting the game for even us non-GDKP players. Plain to see.


Who decides that? You? People play the game how they want to play it.

Removing GDKP won’t help the RMT problem… people will just spike the prices on the AH to compensate. Also how do you prove that these GDKP runners are all using RMT currency? I’ve never purchased currency and they’ve never ruined the game for me… sounds more like you’re just too deep in your own head.

Circle back to the part where I said GDKP players certainly don’t care about the health of the game.

They see bots, clearly it’s not their fault. /s

It’s like me pouring oil into the river because it’s my life and I can live how I please, nevermind the dead wildlife around me lol.

It’s all a linked ecosystem/economy.


You avoided the question… who decides what the game is meant to be in terms of loot?

Same goes for GDKP runners, they don’t decide how the people make their currency when coming into raid. Yet here you are blaming the GDKPs instead of blizzard’s inability to stop RMT and bots.

Then prove how it is harming the game, instead of just saying it or “it’s easy to see.”

How about coming up with an explanation?

It’s everywhere, if you’ve been paying any attention.

SodaPoppin got all his stuff taken away in HC a while ago because he bought gold:

Flask of Pretrifcation recipe goes for 5,000 gold on HC servers. Tell me how you can reasonably get that without buying gold from bots. The problem has gotten so bad over there.

The biggest reason people buy gold is GDKP. That’s where it all gets spent.

Is there a reason to buy it otherwise? Everything else in-game can pretty much be paid for normally, even mounts. They’re not that expensive.

But a sought-after item in a 40-man is definitely getting bot-gold spent on it.


So, just say it’s your opinion next time if you can’t prove it.

I don’t care about HC servers or era servers… plus it’s called supply and demand.

Do you proof of this? Or this yet again… more assumption?

Say I’m running a GDKP, how do you propose I weed out people purchasing their gold via RMT? How does that make me the problem when I can’t prove they bought gold? That sounds like RMT is the problem and you got your priorities mixed up.

The AH still exists plus all the other gold sinks.

I already knew this would be my response, it was worth a try.

My effort was greater than your “naw GDKP doesn’t support bots” but I tried.

GDKP might as well be RMT, because people buying gold will always have more than those that played normally.


So you can’t prove anything and are accepting defeat. Gotcha.

Blame the spoon for the soup being hot?

I’m no troll, I don’t have a hidden profile.

I’m a real human.

It’s pretty telling when all trolls basically have the same tactic.

Just happy GDKP players will continue to be banned, and I won’t because I didn’t buy my items.


He’s got a laundry list of points and 3 of many videos showing the freaking problem and that it’s directly related to people quick gearing for GDKP and buying gold to spend in GDKPs.

How much clearer of a proven point does he need to make, good grief…

Yea, buy a spoon that doesn’t transfer heat as well and let the soup cool. There’s always an easy common sense solution.


True. You’ve not made a single point, answered a single question, proven anything…

You outed yourself.

That kind of person isn’t worth reasoning with, nor responding to.

My mistake was assuming they were a real player with a brain, instead of forum troll.

They already made up their mind before the convo even started lol.


Sweet projection, all you had to do was supply a reason why GDKP is a problem… all you done is prove it’s not GDKPs and all RMT.

Drinking the same streamer koolaid as your bestie over there?

You hate GDKPs and that’s fine… I don’t see them as a problem.

I am easily swayed by intelligent arguments with valid points and reasoning… can you supply that?

Because everything now is running on automated systems only. Same as facebook, twitter etc.
Almost no game punishes player for false reports. Such horrible practice exists only in few asian mmos.

No, you’re not.

You’re a forum troll with a hidden profile that’s here for nothing more than to make people upset.

The opposite of intelligent.

It’s clear as day, you have your posts hidden so people can’t even see what you’ve said.

I see straight through you, not worth my time and I’m ashamed for even having tried.

Welcome to ignore.


Can you guys keep it down I’m trying to run this gdkp.


Doesn’t WoWtoken exist in Era now?

I could outbid you!