Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

I occasionally get those in-game behavior warnings only when I advertise my GDKP (not that I talk in in-game chat to begin with outside of “hi” and “thank you”). Send the advertisement only once every few mins, on Crusader Strike any way which has a very busy chat.

Not really sure why WoW has an automated system like this to begin with when the community has shown many times that they will abuse it


Because it costs less money than hiring GM’s


Probably getting reported for obnoxious spam or using the wrong channel


I get that, but chat in this game was just fine even when the automated systems did not exist. Whether GMs were numerous or when they started getting phased out.

There’s nothing someone can do via chat that would prevent you from playing or doing anything within the game. There are chat channel rate limits and an ignore list, if it really came down to it.

The automated system serves no purpose other than to be abused. Thinking about all my wow chat interactions since like 2005 and I’ve never had a moment where I thought “Man I wish an automated system would suspend this guy”

Probably getting reported for obnoxious spam or using the wrong channel
I already said I only advertise it once every few minutes on an extremely busy server, in the right channel. Pretty sure there’s another thread on this forum where OP was encouraging people to mass report GDKP advertisements, so.

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They can indeed since it is a false report.


The automated system is a joke. The flags here on the forums, the name bans, the fake reports for hurt feelings. I once got banned during a grand marshal run in vanilla for saying WT_ in Alterac Valley. The only reason I was banned was because a group that was in the match was trying for the same title and I was ahead on honor. They still lost as it was only a 3 day ban. But, that is exactly the abuse you see in game.

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Nah sorry credit card swipers, youre gonna keep getting reported lol. Been seeing a lot of gdkp advertisers banned lately.

Keep that garbage in era. Yall killed era.


I really don’t like the wow token system giving cash to gold value. This gdkp system is pay to win in every way. I agree fully with you. They need to stop the token system and yes, ban the gdkp. Yet, another reason I like SOD better.


What if I’m just someone boosting and this is how I want to make gold because I’m geared, all legitimately?

Nearly every profession or farming related gold making method is botted so badly that you’re better off working at McDonald’s or DoorDash for one shift and buying gold.

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To me what you are doing is legit. The fact that gold can be transferred to tokens is the issue. Pay to win needs to go.

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But do they? Do you know anyone that has ever gotten banned for false reporting? I have never heard of it


You know people are bringing botted gold to the gdkp bro. “Turning a blind eye” doesnt mean you arent part of the problem. These :nerd_face: pretend like they dont want their time wasted but you can always raid with friends or a guild, you know like they were meant to be played.


I know many they need to be banned. I have so many forum bans for legit posts it is not funny.


Well this. This kind of setup by blizzard is what makes those computer farm kids you see in third world countries. Little kids being forced to work long hours for pennies.

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You think GDKPs are the boogeyman but gold buying, botting, and RMT would all be there even if GDKPs were banned.

Era would be a literal ghost town without GDKPs


Because it’s annoying.

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Do you hear yourself goofy? So what youre saying is nobody has the option to raid unless they gdkp in era? Thats how you want the game to be? :skull:

Huh, the only way youre going to be able to raid doesnt promote gold buying, youre right bro


GDKPs keep the game lively, it rewards all types of players with something at the end, guaranteed. They are available at any time of the day, and ignoring any gold buying, are a way for those who put more effort into the game a way to guarantee or almost guarantee they get the loot they want if it drops

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Stay mad forever and enjoy your much longer ban when people dispute.

GDKP will never be banned tourist =).


Laughable! More effort? You are saying, using my credit card to buy gold takes effort? You must be joking.

That’s the problem, you as GDKP host are ignoring the fact that purchased gold is in your runs.

You also said that If GDKP was banned in ERA it would be a ghost town? Everyone would raid just not for bots and gold. You know, like the way Blizzard intended. master loot…duh.

You are getting reported because you are promoting RMT and injecting gold from sellers into the game, supporting the bots and destroying the spirit of the game. I have no compassion for you, sorry.