Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

I play the game…

how do you make gold? You sell raid items to people that buy them they bought gold with


What do you mean I play the game too…

How can I make in-game currency without playing the game?

What specifically do you do to make gold that’s what I’m asking?

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I think I’ve communicated enough with somebody that has illegitimate gold in their inventory and wouldn’t want to be flagged with fraternizing with you, so have a nice day

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That’s not how it works.


You may get into trouble if found to be part of some malicious mass report scheme to get a specific person banned.

…but reporting random GDKPs in trade? Nah.

Keep it up, they’re feeling the heat. As you can tell.

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Because no matter how you got your gold it follows the same way of logic you’re showing here, it’s from bots or rmt.

If you’re selling stuff on the AH it’s no different than a gdkp.

Hence you avoiding the question.

Enjoy your RMT gold hypocrite

And you’re completely unaware that you just prove my point, congratulations

I examined it but I don’t think he got it.

There is no chat restrictions until after you’re either found guilty and you received your forum vacation.

It’s innocent until proven guilty on here, you don’t get a punishment until you’re guilty.

Yup that gdkps use in game currency for in game items.

Literally the same as everyone else in this game.

Can’t wait for this massive payout.

You being so defensive, is very telling you know that right either way stop pinging me or I’ll report you for harassment :grimacing:


So you’re doing the same as us, buying items with gold or selling items for gold.

Sound like a hypocrite.

And you can report me for harassment but it won’t do anything because I’m allowed to respond to you as much as I want.

I know you think you have power because you think you can just go tell on me (imagine being a grown up and threatening to tell on someone first of all) but they will tell you to put me on ignore, thats what its there for.

I imagine you have lots of people on ignore, pretty much everyone who calls out your hypocrisy.


Obviously Blizz should just ban GDKPs. They’re horrible for the game and for the community. They’re directly linked to gold buying. They’re the main reason you see so many bots.

But Blizz will never ban them. They want the whales. They want the bots. A sub is a sub, and the majority of Classic players love being gold and buying gear with that gold. Also, Blizz would actually have to hire GMs to police the game. Why do that when they can just ignore the problem?


So triggered


Blizzard is on record saying they don’t make no eu off bots because it’s usually stolen accounts and they get hit with charge backs.

Also you make gold in the game too, so you’re also part of the issue.


Says the guy threatening to report me lmfao.


I hate to butt in but I am going to. You sir are the one who is being triggered in this convo from what I can tell… Just thought I’d clarify.

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OK, random person on the Internet that has no context

Ok OK gold buyer whatever you say

Thats right – There are no posts for me to reference to provide context.

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