Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

You’re so triggered.

Did you report me yet??

Can’t believe you also get rmt gold and pretend you don’t.


Imagine being so full of yourself to think you could read a few comments on the World of Warcraft forums about one topic and think you can make an assessment on someone’s mental state

Now weanwhile Green haired gnome gold buyer has been going off about this for several hours in multiple threads, but im triggered


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You were so triggered you threatened to tell the forum mods on me.

If someone is threatening to tell on you odds are they are triggered.

You’re triggered.

All I’ve learned from this is that classic players are actually so toxic, a whole level above or more than retail players. They’ll abuse any system they can to get you banned, silence, or your posts deleted it, even when you’ve done nothing wrong

I report all gdkp activity. Deal with it lmao


Why do you break the rules by falsely reporting?

I bet all the anti GDKP’rs in this post think that anyone with 100+ gold, RMT’d it or got it through the grape vine of RMT.

Which is entirely false, its easy to get 100+g without doing a single trade or raid. Just git good.

“The ah has rmt gold too”

This is such a blatant non sequitur I can’t believe I even need to point that out.

The AH is an unavoidable part of the game it’s built into it

running GDKPs is blatantly exploiting a system that you know is corrupted and profiting off of it, so yeah, it should be against the terms of service and bannable


But it’s not, so, I’ll keep laughing and collecting gold legally in GDKPs while you seethe on the forums endlessly about it

Yeah, and you probably sell the gold too to the RMT sites right?

Boosting and GDKPs will get out of control. They will inflate everything and push the anitsocial behavior that we saw kill TBC classic and other eras.



Why do you support botting and gold selling?


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Just report all GDKP advertisers and party members. Join their groups and report all the members under cheating/boosting. It’s simple as that.

Tbc died because t5

T5 caused the rise of gdkp because no one showed up to t5 prog in SR.

Before that gdkps were mostly older content with aq40 and naxx gdkps being absolute premier and rare. You’re a tourist confirmed or you would know this.

TBC Classic fell off in popularity during that phase because a large majority of the casual population loves Karazhan, cleared it a few times, and said “That was fun! I’m done with space orcs now.”

No lol, that’s not the story the facts tell. Just your own tourist.

The rub is people are too stupid to realize that GDKPs are more the enemy than RMTs. They’re a giant black hole that syphons all the servers gold into the hands of the small group of people that do them. A couple of these runs turns your 100g into 150g, and 150 into 300g, and 300g into 600g, and on and on. I don’t give a crap about buying gold. Their L for needing to sacrifice real cash for dopamine. I care about sweatlords trying to monopolize the server’s economy.


Bull, most of them didn’t clear it because it was the un-nerfed version that was too hard for them. I had people in the guild that I was running crying in our Discord because they were so upset that what we got wasn’t the version of KZ they remembered and unsubbed. They were looking forward to raiding that place every week.

A handful of others never made it to 70, because again, everything was the original buggy crap that we beta tested the first 9 months or so the first time.

By the time Blizzard had a moment of clarity and released T5 it was far too late, which was equally boneheaded with the buggy versions of T5.

The sweat lords wanted the hard versions and it destroyed TBC classic. Which is garbage because it wasn’t hard because of development, it was hard because it was a buggy disaster and the devs were too stupid to identify that.

No. GDKP needs to be banned. We’ll force Blizzard to do it if we must. You WILL be reported for GDKP, Gold Buying, Gold Selling and Botting.