Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

Guess you didn’t read the social contract?

We recognize that the Internet is not always a safe haven. With that in mind, please note that the following behaviors are not accepted in Azeroth:
Hate speech, including negative comments that target another player’s identity, including aspects like race, gender, or ability
Harassment, threats, or abusive / derogatory language and behaviors

  • Spamming, advertising, or other disruptive behaviors*
    ** If you harm your fellow adventurers with any of the above behaviors, you are subject to punishment up to and including suspension of your account.**

I’m neither for nor against GDKPs but you want to show your actual data that supports this?

What is GBB? You have my interest?

That right there is why I’ll report every single time. You can justify GDKPs, but you can’t justify buying gold. Legitimately part of the problem.


Lmao sure keep thinking that while the “small handful” continues to report you.

I reported a GDKP advertisement the other day for this reason. We don’t get a lot of them on Wild Growth NA.
No it wasn’t spamming, not it wasn’t malicious, but its presence IS harmful and I will report anyone doing the same. If other like-minded folks follow suit and reprimands are made, that’s all the evidence you need that it’s justified.


Yeah, it is a bit cringe that people are abusing the automated report system for something that isn’t against the ToS. The perfect example is the GDKP haters mass reporting the OP’s post, even though it contains nothing against the terms of service.

Now the guy is forum restricted until after it is reviewed and can’t even contribute to his own discussion. Pretty cringe and pathetic.

Been doing gdkps since classic launches and not 1 suspension or ban orel even so much as a GM whisper or email.

You guys use the report function as copium thinking “alright I just got that guy banned!!”

Nothing happened friend, you have no power.

Time to get into this gdkp, please report me.

Not how it works.

All they can do is hide the post because of community flags.

The post will be hidden unless you click view hidden post.

Then when a mod looks at it they will restore it.

Literally just happened to me yesterday, I woke up to “post hidden by community flags”.

Then another green notification that said “hidden post restored by staff”.

You can still post even if it’s hidden.

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yes, i know i’ve had tons, but when a post is flagged, the OP gets a forum chat restriction until after its reviewed, and if its lifted your own ability to chat is then restored.

Sure kid count your blessings while these GDKP tourist continue getting banned while I sit back and laugh. I’ve had multiple people tell me they caught ban waves for advertising GDKP but according to your logic nothing is being done. The future is now midget the GDKP plague will soon be eradicated.

Sure you have.

Y’all are over dosing on copium at this point.

Still here still doing gdkps.

I have 400,000 wotlk classic gold, how much should I trade for SOD gold??

Maybe I trade in 200,000 for 2,000 SOD gold.

Stay mad!

the majority of that gold is sourced from a bot and you don’t see that as a problem.

You’ll respond with “prove its from a bot” I don’t need to common sense dictates that


Sorry I don’t work for blizzard and I fully trust in blizzard to ban all bots and gold sellers so I’m going to assume this gold is legit until proven otherwise.

Do you have any evidence it’s from a bot?

Gonna trade in some of my WOTLK classic gold for 2,000 SOD gold.

It’s great that you can trade gold between versions.

Your naivety is astounding and hilarious


So you’re a “guilty until proven innocent” kind of guy?

Thank God that’s not how it works.

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No, I’m a common sense dictates my decision-making kind of guy

I mean clearly you’ve made bank thanks to all the botted gold floating through the economy so of course you’re gonna flail to defend it because it keeps you on top self preservation is anyone’s first priority so I won’t condone you for that but to pretend that it’s not that

I mean clearly you’ve made bank thanks to all the botted gold floating through the economy so of course you’re gonna fail to defend it because it keeps you on top. self preservation is anyone’s first priority so I won’t condone you for that but to pretend that it’s not… that I will reiterate Is Pure naivety


That’s just silly.

Let me remind you all, incase you have forgotten:

I will go to the GDKP
I will buy all the items I want
You will seethe on wow forums

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There is no need to defend anything gdkps aren’t on trial here they’re 100% legal.

How do you make gold?