I swear constantly. I simply know the time, place, and audience. Something apparently very challenging to figure out.
your entire complaint is based on extreme exaggeration and blowing up an extremely small issue.
it’s a very insincere complaint.
they consider this ‘censorship’
oh, i am very sincere in my absolute hatred of censorship in all forms. no matter how ‘small’ a particular example might be. as an aside, most large issues start small.
yes if you can’t force someone in their own property to hear your words, you are being censored
your complaint is not based on censorship since no one was being censored.
this is where that insincere gross exaggeration comes in.
so you’re self-employed? or do you work for somebody who’s as big a fan of free speech as you are?
Whats funny was the same basis as their entire PVP server thread. “I want a pvp server because then people can’t opt out of ganking”
They really just want other people to have to deal with their desires.
You have not been listening. None of us said you can’t use naughty words. Most people swear some. We said that you don’t get to just use them anywhere you want.
People need to stop agreeing to not use profanity on someone’s private property then acting all surprised pikachu when they get penalized for it. What did they expect?
The rules say don’t use profanity or masked profanity
They use profanity or masked profanity
They act surprised there are consequences for their decision
You just need to realize there is a time and a place for things and your personal tastes don’t dictate how Blizzard (or any other private space/workplace) runs things.
Your personal tastes DO dictate how you run your own private property and home of course.
we are so far down the slippery slope drones dont think hiding messages is censorship.
I was curious so I did a quick search for profanity on the CS forums and blues clearly state any profanity isn’t allowed so I guess even doing it once could result in a account action if anyone bothers to report it at the time
but you are able to see the message.
A single click is pure Orwellian censorship! I love Big Brother! We have always been at war with Eastasia
i’m a drone! i don’t like seeing random people call me slurs! i’m a sheep! baa!
yes but that goes along with what I said.
a person is not being actioned for the word “fudge”.
they would be actioned for abusive and toxic talk in general. regardless of profanity.
Yes it, and see how easy it was not to cuss me on the forums but only in your head or out loud in your private area.
Private property. You have no “rights” here. None. ]
You have consumer rights to access the game you paid game time for - provided you follow the rules you agreed to. That is it
Those are the only rights we have here. This is how private property works. It is how it has always worked. It is why YOUR house is your domain to decide the rules in. I can’t go into your house and tell you that I don’t like your rules and will do whatever I want to your home and the people in it. If I did, you would be justified in kicking me out.
You are not being “censored” by having to follow the rules you agreed to. Or by having a post reported and greyed out until a Mod reviews it. People can still read it.
yup. hallway monitor indeed. thank you for your invaluable contribution to this topic.
sometimes some people don’t understand the basic definitions of the words in a conversation.
it’s not being a hall monitor to give out those definitions.
I’m certainly not advocating for allowing people to swear and throw slurs around, but I am very astonished by how many modern progressives seem very pro-censorship nowadays.
We used to fight HARD against censorship, and understood how it was used to manipulate society and how unfairly it could be used.
I always felt like part of being a progressive was pushing back against any kind of censorship.
We used to often say things like “You don’t like it? Change the channel”, “I offend you? Then look away!”.
I understand people can be “toxic” and mean, and there are obvious down-sides to letting people express themselves however they wish, but we always held the ideal of censorship being wrong.
It’s like, our “enemies” have started also being anti-censorship, so now we need to flip our ethics and be for it? This makes no sense to me.