Can’t upgrade gear

Can’t seem to upgrade any of my gear on the gear vendors… have crests flightstones etc just can’t upgrade or even put it in the slot to upgrade on the vendor. Any fixes?


Many players are reporting the same problem over at the bug report forums.

I cant upgrade any of my gear except for a couple of gear i looted before the 10.2 on my drakthyr. I couldve sworn i was able to upgrade a couple of pcs on my monk earlier this morning unless i was hallucinating.

It’s probably oddly connected to the login issues from earlier this evening that had to be addressed. I’d bet server resets tomorrow resolves this.

Also, Fyr’axe can still be upgraded for whatever reason.

Yeah I agree probably will be fixed tommorow

FYI LFR first wing still starts at 480.

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even if the server reset fixes it, its lost time with how there is only like today and next week before the season ends.

You’ll still be able to earn and spend/upgrade flightstones and crests past the 23rd. All the raids become “Awakened”. Unless stated by blue post some place that I haven’t seen, it should be business as usual I would expect right until the day before TWW launches officially.

Same boat can only upgrade on remix

but if you wanted to use upgraded gear for this week you cant and so all you have is 1 week to get use out of the gear upgrades for relevant content. :dracthyr_shrug:

Yeah, same. Alot of lag, stuttering, DCs, login issues, and UI bugging out. This reset and maintenance is desperately needed.

Also means a week of not getting Bullion if you didn’t do them before Season 4 broke since none of the raids are awakened.

Because it’s technically a Season 3 item drop. Season 1-3 gear can still be upgraded for some reason, only Season four features seem to be fully turned off.

raid bullion is additive. so not really a major issue, RNG many vary though.


There are also extra characters logged in to our guild ui , that aren’t online anymore. I hope that gets fixed with reset as well

One night isn’t a week, and 1-2 ilvl isn’t going to make or break you when it comes to pushing rating or killing a boss. Sure every little bit helps but honestly, 1-2 ilvl gain isn’t going to matter much. Yeah it sucks it broke but things happen.