Unable to Upgrade any Season 4 gear

Unable to upgrade any of my season 4 items at the “Item upgrades” Vendors.


Same, the only items that I noticed were available to upgrade were from Season 2. There was one current season item that was a champion track but for some reason the max item level it could go to was 476 which should be the current explorer track max.

Same problem here. I tried exiting and reloading but no luck. It is letting me upgrade s2 stuff though. :confused:

Same here…I can upgrade the gear few mins ago but suddenly unable to do that…I thought is it my account got any bug…

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Same here on Tich

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Same issue here on Firetree. Can upgrade S2 items but not current season.

same here, Im on stormrage cant upgrade anything

Same problem here

Same problem here as of 20 minutes ago. Was working fine all morning up until now.

Same Problem Here.

Same problem here

Ditto, on Alliance, Jaedenar, NA.

I’m also having the same issue.

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Same issue here. I can upgrade all of last seasons stuff but nothing from this season.

Also having this issue

I have the same problem

Having the same issue as of maybe 20 minutes ago or so. I am able to upgrade previous season’s items, as well as items in my bag (but with crests from the previous season). Any item I have equipped is showing the error ‘Item cannot be upgraded’.

same cant upgrade season 4 loot on Stormrage

I have the same problem on Area 52, I can upgrade Fyr’alath but nothing else.

I guess The War Within is coming earlier than expected then? Haha. Same issue here. Myself and many others are not able to upgrade current season gear.