Unable to Upgrade any Season 4 gear

Same issue on Area 52

Illidan is cooked cannot upgrade gear, no one can its not just me

Same Issue, Area 52

same here!! this morning i could not login and now i have this problem. everholy quel thalas realm

Same problem for all my toons on illidan


We’ve identified the issue that’s preventing you from upgrading Season 4 gear and are working on a fix to resolve it. We plan on restarting all US WoW Servers to pick it up cleanly, which will happen tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 7am Pacific (10am Eastern).

Apologies for any inconvenience.


Likely a side effect of the server issues earlier this afternoon. Has happened before and usually the weekly reset will fix this issue.

same problem in quel’thalas server :C

same here. worked fine yesterday tho. tried relogging. no improvement

There is a shaman 60 quest called Material Assistance that is giving the old quest reward instead of the updated Skyfury Helm as well. Think yall could do a quick fix on that as well?

wait… why not restart now? like tell us just wait (XX) or so hours / days and we’ll do something about it then…

And you are going to reset it then go into weekly maintenance…

ayo blizz fix your shizzz…have not had this issue all expansion long, now a month before your new expansion i randomly can’t upgrade gear or use adventure guide dungeon tool. fix it please do a roll back if you have to, there is no reason why you updating the game should cause it to stop working fo rso many people

Sigghhhhhhh. Just came back since s2 and stopped questing in the Dream because I’m at max flightstones. First time I was gonna upgrade my new gear lol.

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While you are at it, can we get some catch-up on crests? Would be fun to play some alts if it wasn’t miserable to farm crests.

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I can not upgrade my gear either yet a season 3 item can, WTF blizzard we pay Ur wages here literally millions of $$$$ coming in world wide towards Blizzard here , I even have been playing over 16 year myself, sorry earlier today it worked just fine on @least 2 alts, but now /nope it’s all blacked out, ?WHY? Not even gear I just got on my Warlock here can upgrade either off the Dream World Boss can be upgraded… :frowning: / HUMPFFF :frowning: Sorry to go crazy /DON"T MIND IF I DO, but please fix this challenge here, thx :slight_smile:

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Thank you for UR potential hope portrayal Zorbrix, I really appreciate your attempt @ comforting our woes here …

Hello, same problem here in Dentarg as a Ret Pally. Unable to upgrade season 4 gear.


can’t upgrade either … /sad

I’m having the same issue here in Frostmourne server (Oceanic).