Campaign Failure forced my Canceled Sub

Happy Trails! Hope you find a game you enjoy; there’s lots to choose from. :slight_smile:

i sure did

because u either are a kid

or have the mental fortitude of one

either way its pathetic

Could lose with the toxicity, you’know. Uncalled for.

Nah friend dungeons are the same “go go go don’t waste a millisecond of my time, rez me if I die but don’t expect the same in return or so much as a group buff” kind of thing that they’ve been since at least Legion (probably before but that’s when I came back after a break) so not much has changed. If a person didn’t like it in Legion they aren’t going to like it now.

every expansion had dungeon quests for storyline bruh wth lol

This aint skyrim or witcher 3, wow isn’t for you. Stop trying to make an MMORPG into a single player RPG.

Well it may surprise you to learn that peoples tastes can change over time.

Seems to me that they don’t like it when they’re railroaded them into dungeons anymore.

If the situation were reversed and they required a BG win I bet a lot of people would quit because they find that activity so distasteful, that’s how I feel about running dungeons. Sparks will be an important factor just to run entry level content in PvP, it’s not right. I won’t run that dungeon, when I feel too underpowered in the near future I will cease to play and I just came back.

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The Wrathion campaign story in MoP required you to win 2 BG’s and people managed that.

I never said they weren’t “gogogo”.

I said people are far less talkative.
So if anything, its easier for casuals or solo’s to get dungeons done as people don’t talk and speed run it.
Just get your one done and never go back.

If I reacted like a lot of people did then I would sit at the beginning of the dungeon and expect to be carried, were you here for the response? Many threatened to leave, I didn’t track to make sure they left and stayed gone but they haven’t tried to force PvE to PvP since then to the best of my recollection.

Bruh I’ve been playing for 17 year’s this is the first time I’ve seen a post like this… Maybe I just haven’t spent enough time on the forums, But WoW.

There have been quite a few this xpac.
Mostly just complaining about not enough solo content or like this, feeling ‘forced’ to do group content.

Here’s one from SLands, I’ve participated in these threads since I think Legion when they gated early crafting recipes. I left soon after this thread, I posted to it but am not the OP. I just came back, no sunken cost.

EDIT: Looking through the thread, same arguments. What’s a few less players, plenty more where we came from?

Sorry to hear about this

Are you trying to tell us doing dungeons isnt tied to player power? You even get to use raiding god gear to do your world quests. Kids are lazy today is what it is.

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No one is making you. If you want the rewards, do the content. Now where did I hear that before?


Like having to do WQ dailies to get the rewards for them. whine whine whine!!! I have to do something other than my raid to get stuff(that is optional) to raid!

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The reason why it is failing.


Has there ever been an xpac where parts of the campaign were not in dungeons?