Campaign Failure forced my Canceled Sub

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Big difference between refusing to play the game (group based combat) and refusing to play a specific facet of the game.

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This is the most “OK boomer” statement I’ve ever seen.

Comparing your kids to the game? Not even close to a similar measure. (Just like comparing work wasn’t.

On the first viewing, you didn’t know you don’t like the episode, and once you realize it, you’re not forced to finish watching it to be able to see next week’s episode. On subsequent viewings of the show, you just skip the ones you don’t like.

OP 's issue can’t be addressed this way.

You can just pretend they don’t exist. Most of them are negligible.

So when life gives you a small little obstacle you flee?

Lame, but let me know why subs are declining then.

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People don’t like when one can escape Hotel California.
And they can’t.
Play some Freebird!

bros its dungeons calm down

Yeah that’s why there are fewer players now than ever! You tell em! Hah you GOT EM. Pff jackas

Today I thought this. Had a quest thought I’d do it on normal as it would be quick and easy. Nope, that didn’t happen. 45 minutes later still in the dungeon. Everyone was trying but the dungeon wasn’t an easy one and the other people were new players leveling up. Won’t be making that mistake again.


No, you complain to the devs that you feel “forced” to do dailies and they take them away to make you happy. Of course they gut them for every one else also.

for every 1 who stops by forums to say “im done” theres the countless numbers who simply vanish, never to be seen again.

But just gloss over that, gotta have your moment of “look at me” right?

I mean hey only reason im still posting here is because im on wotlk classic, if blizz every segregated the forums and i couldnt post here at all i’d just vanish too, along with all those others who dont play retail (or wow in any capacity) anymore.

Hope you enjoyed your moment.


Yeah, it’s a good thing that in classic they never tied the expansion story into dungeons or raids.

That’d be crazy, right?

Dang you told me…

Yea this is the main reason players are leaving. Get real.
Also read some before you decide to attack someone.

OP is calling current day dungeons toxic, and hasn’t run one in 4+ years. Yup. But go ahead, call me names. Get reported.

What are you on about? You see my one post and decide to rage post about it?

^ Read. My main argument here. Did you enjoy YOUR moment? :neutral_face:

i mean you call these peoples reasons" silly" and discredit them, saying they dont even go.

All i’m saying is people actually do go, and its alot more than ever make forum posts about it. So while people sit on here and type mocking chunks of text, the games community continues to deplete for real. And no one seems to want to confront the various sources of discontentment. Especially if that should be in anyway directed at their specific “fave” activity.

Rather than fix issues. People want to mock others. Go figure

Well it’s not because of group content – Heaps of MMORPGs have that and are doing fine. Look @ FFXIV as a prime example.

If group content + features of game designed around grouping up destroys MMO’s then by that concept FF should be failing too, but it’s not. The reason for that though, I’d say is because it has a wider range & variety.

— That and FFXIV actually take the time to respect their lore, where as Blizzard with the expansions of BFA and Shadowlands, treated WoW’s story like it was toilet paper - wiping in large strokes roaring with laughter and proclaiming it as pleasing for everyone else, until ‘Shocker!’ – it wasn’t. People hated it. Subs dropped beyond their comprehension and they had to stop patting themselves on the back for ‘a good job!’ when it was garbage.

Dragonflight feels like a good step in the right direction, but peoples trust have already been violated so people are dubious & distrustful towards Blizzard – And really, who can blame them. Dragonflight is a grower, not a shower; but given the circumstances - That’s what the game & community needs.

It is a silly reason, and I didn’t discredit them.
They literally haven’t done a dungeon since BFA. That’s fact. Quitting because you have to do a dungeon and claiming they are super toxic when you haven’t run a single one in 4 years IS silly.
If they had run one this xpac, they’d know people speed run them and don’t say a word. Hardly toxic.

What’s there to fix? You can’t fix a QQ post that states false information to begin with with zero experience in the matter.

Troll posts happened in GD. Go figure

And to add on this.
If they had simply ASKED GD for help running said dungeons. Countless players would have come to help. Heck. I would have asked what their ID was to help out.
Then they would have made some friends and got some help at the same time. But it’s easier to make baseless claims, throw flak at the game and community and not ask for help. Play the blame game and throw in the towel.

This. After BFA then SL right after. People aren’t really trusting right now. We had massive content droughts over the past few years, especially last xpac and last patch of SL was just rehashed content. Nothing new. It’s going to take them a bit to build up trust again.

You don’t know that. Also, there is more solo content in FFXIV. You can’t give me a good reason for the over decade long decline now. I feel forced group content is the problem from lots of people that have quit.

Yeah, I don’t see it. I have seen a lot of people quit already this expansion since it started.


do it always it leads to good things

Do what?

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