Completing a dungeon really required for Kyrian campaign?


Am a newish player, so may not understand what I’m doing wrong…

Am Prot Pally, working through Kyrian Covenant campaign, and seems like I am stuck until I finish a dungeon?

Was able to complete Night Fae Campaign on druid solo, no dungeons required, so am frustrated about this.

I’m renown 12, attempting to get the 3rd chapter of the Kyrian campaign Trials of Ascension.

The quest log says “Continue the campaign by accepting the quest The Spires of Ascension in Elysian Hold.” which is killing the boss in the dungeon.

I did accept, entered the dungeon, which then said had to kill 3 bosses prior to killing boss required to advance campaign, and was unable to get past the first boss even, solo…

Is this really intended? I am not happy that a dungeon is required for this campaign.


It is intended as it directly connects the storyline to what’s happening with the Kyrian campaign. You can do it on Normal (I’m pretty sure), so you can queue up for it using the group finder.


Just… do the dungeon?


What Rhuor said. It’s doable on normal. If you use the LFG tool and specify SoA, youll be able to complete it, no problem.


You do need to do the dungeon, yes. However you aren’t meant to do it solo at all. On the bottom right if your screen you will see a green circle icon, clicking this brings up the group finder. It defaults to random Shadowlands dungeons but you can filter that down to just the one you want to run.


It takes like 10-20 mins… Just do the dungeon. Plus you’re a tank pretty much instant queue.


It’s not that bad =). If you would like help feel free to reach out to me and myself and a few friends can get you through it in no time!


I wouldn’t mind helping you either, just say the word and maybe we can queue up together. I’m a heals


I believe some of you may have just skimmed the post. Newer player here and (it didn’t seem anyway) they even knew about the Dungeon Finder tool as they tried to solo it. I am not sure they’ve even done a dungeon yet to be honest.

If I was a new, solo only player I’d probably be annoyed too if I thought I had to solo a dungeon just to continue questing.

Hopefully he can get one done soon and can continue his campaign!



Deleted my other post.

But yeah, dungeons are meant to be played with groups.

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Yeah that is a good point.

youre a tank , the queue will be instant and its gonna be a breeze.

step on your fears and just do it :smiley:

Looking at their profile and achievements, it doesn’t look like they have ever done a dungeon so yeah, probably no idea the Dungeon Finder existed. Now I’m glad that Kyrian requires it, he will get to experience one!

Hopefully he gets a good group though. People can be a bit…much at times for newer players sadly.


You’re not supposed to solo it. Join a group with the Looking for Group tool and you’ll be don’t in like 15 min

I can relate. I quested all the way to max on my first character without setting foot in a dungeon. It wasn’t until I started getting quests in BFA for dungeons and Raids that I started learning about that part of the game.


I personally think it sucks that a story campaign should require a dungeon at all, especially when the others don’t.


Isn’t there literally a tutorial when you make a new character that explains dungeon finder


I finished the Kyrian campaign and haven’t done any dungeons this expansion.
Well, seems I’ve forgotten and I did do it. I might have been drinking. lol


Not to bad on the OP, but why would one choose a tank if one didn’t plan to do the only content where being a tank is relevant.

To the OP: Yes it requires a dungeon, but you can do it on normal… just click the eyeball.

You are mistaken on one of the two. Kyrian campaign requires Spires of Ascension.

edit: You have the achievement for Spires.

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