Campaign Failure forced my Canceled Sub

Do normal dungeon que, literally 10min clear. This is an MMORPG, not a solo RPG, not the game type for you OP.

The story sucks so far because it’s gated by the garbage renown system. The reason why I think the renown system is garbage is because I feel like no matter what I do I’m never making any progress towards 30 something levels. The old school reputation metric was much better to visualize. now, if I want to see what renowned rewards are I have to scroll through 30 ranks of BS. Trying to find a needle in a haystack. I don’t understand why the in game journal hasn’t been made to look like atlas loot. It’s actually confusing to me why they would make everything so bloated with crap to sift through.

And doing the campaign, to the point where you need to increase your renown is like the equivalent to watching your favorite TV show, and then hitting a commercial break. So engaging.

Or they just don’t like Dungeons, particularly when you railroad them into it.

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Then they shouldn’t be playing an MMORPG. This is not witcher 3 or skyrim.

Last I check horde and alliance are still a thing.

This is not why DF hasn’t sold well. The reason is BFA and SL being complete garbage. People didn’t want to potentially get burned a third time.

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I read some of this thread, not all but it made me think of how I haven’t done a dg since BfA and that last one was Motherlode.

Now it wasn’t horrible, the people I was grouped with were great but it just wasn’t for me.

I do like grouping though. Like those feasts, those are hilarious.
I do them even when I don’t need to because they’re so funny and fun.
Everyone’s in the soup pot, even the pets and it’s just a crazy free for all. Reminds me of those rare times I had fun as a kid.
And it’s only about 15 minutes.

If they did dgs like that, I think maybe more people would do them.

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I’d hate to see what happens when they go to the DMV

LOL looks like I stressed over Halls of Infusion for Tyr’s 4th challenge. It’s only for crafting? I don’t craft LOL. Oh well, when it comes up for the actual campaign, I won’t stress again. It was doable when I was a lot lower ilvl, it’ll be even easier then when I will be better geared.

That was my last one too before Halls. Not crazy about dungeons, but that’s just me.

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Yeah, see how ridiculous it is to complain about being unable to progress because you choose not to do a form of content?

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Some of the data we have is quite accurate and released by Blizzard or found on reliable websites like raider io. Player participation numbers are an excellent and reliable way of tracking player participation in end game.

lol where does it say that every MMORPG has to be ruled by group instanced content?

I could play Deadfrontier without a group and get good stuff.

Forcing everyone into one bottleneck of content a good game does not make.

Dungeons to complete storylines has always been a thing.

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it is crappy, and i’ve already quit the game myself because of how awful it is for people who want to stick to solo content, but if you’re 70, doing these dungeons on normal is a total cakewalk even with just questing gear. i even tanked them all with pugs without knowing a single thing about them, and there wasn’t a single wipe.

Actually, “storylines” as they function now in game mechanics have only been a thing since wod. Prior to that, completing a zone was independent of the current concept of “storyline”, and involved doing a certain number of quests in a zone. You could choose which ones and skip the ones you didn’t want to do. Dungeons were entirely optional, and players who did them while leveling did it to complete the quests for gear or xp rewards.

So what you are trying to convince us of is false.


Odd considering there was a massive Westfall questline than involved both Stockades and the Deadmines and you could not complete or obtain certain quests without the prerequisites. Much like a storyline. Sure, you could stop. But you can stop here.

There were questlines. The one in Red Ridge was a real PITA, especially after they shoehorned it into the “MUST COMPLETE ALL QUESTLINES” model and phased the zone so no one could help a low level without aoe on the quest that was deliberately made much harder to prove something. I helped several low levels abandon the zone, so good work.

The “storyline” concept we have now is “must complete all storylines”. There is no longer any choice. You’re right that in some cases a player cannot get subsequent quests and the zone content is now blocked to them. There was less of that prior to the conversion to storylines to complete zones. You could skip a hard quest, some of which were made a lot harder in that conversion.

It was like somebody said, “End of storyline quests are important and should be hard to be satisfying.” But there was no standard. Some were made impossible (check out the quest in the Darkspear starting zone where a level 5 must fight an elite, deal with adds, and do mechanics). Some were unchanged.

Okay? My argument was that dungeon completion was always a thing to complete storylines. Skip doing the dungie then? Don’t finish the questline and don’t get the rewards. Skip doing the dungie now? Don’t finish the questline and don’t get the rewards.

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Legion and BFA had the zone end dungeons, 3/4 SL zones or questlines sent you into a dungeon, this expansion is the one that has used the dungeon as part of a storyline least in recent memory.

Guess it tells you how few problems DF has compared to BFA/SL that we’ve fallen all the way down to complaining about this.

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