Button bloat

It does literally the same thing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And yes, it does add to button quantity. It is an extra button you press that you don’t use, apparently.

TIL players who believe button bloat is a myth don’t use all of their buttons

The only macros i use in this game are for posting guild recruit messages and items for sale messages.

I know what spell/ability macros do and its not for me, at all. I like having complete control over which spells/abilities I use and when I use them individually.
Macros that do this stuff seem like cheating to me
(i know its not and im fine with people who do macro)
but pressing 1 button and having a string of dps spells/abilities going off in a row just takes away from that feeling of control for me.

I do think it’s a bit of an issue for some classes and specs but not all. Most in my experience are relatively easy to juggle. You just need to have the know-how on what you press and when so that it all flows together nicely.

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which was a fun part of the game to learn. learning to play class and learn rotations was a big part of what made this game fun for me in the first place

I cant imagine going to a website and going “copy and paste” a few strings of macros and just hitting button 1 and 2 and thats the game.

to each their own i guess…

im willing to bet if they “hypothetically” removed macros and addons a LOT of players would be left “with their pants down”

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I agree. There are some I struggle with, but with those I have to pretty much say “eh, good enough”. I’ll never be good at every class.

I can see Survival Hunter having it bad if you’re picking up multiple major cooldowns and a ton of active-press utilities.

Enhancement Shaman has it pretty bad too. I just made a lengthy post about it:

I have 36 keybinds as a BM hunter.

There is zero bloat.

Not everyone is bad at the game


There’s a lot of specs like that. Shamen also have WAY too many damned buttons.

“There is button bloat. There is no button bloat.”

NO class should have more than 25 keybinds, and most should probably be shooting for around 20.

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And today I learned you fail at reading comprehension. /shrug

honestly guys, a lot of the reason I actually play wow is so that i CAN press more buttons…

i think across all 6 of my characters my max keybind count is like 21-23 buttons

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The first step would be to actually do some PvP.

You’re doing something wrong.

fight me, like a man, on the internet about it then. i think im right and a dozen more people agree 21-23 keybinds is average

I said “focus modifier” and you replied about macros so I don’t want to hear it.

read it then

Oh wow good one, shouldn’t you be using your skills?

No more than 22.

  • 22 class/spec abilities
  • 1 active racial ability
  • 1 mount button (unless mounting can somehow be assigned its own hotkey in the options, like Shift+Spacebar or something)

can’t wait for button bloat players to get their way and we’re all reduced to 3 buttons, one labeled DPS, one labled Heal and one labeled Defensive.


thats pretty well what macros do isin’t it? in unison with addons it reduces gameplay down to like a 3 or 4 button game?