Button bloat

Sure, sure.


Again, I assume you just put your 4-5 damage abilities on your bars and then open your spellbook anytime you need to cast a defensive or movement ability…

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Defensive or movement are just another 3-5 buttons.
Look, I play all classes and most specs.

Button bloat is a myth overall, with very few specific cases (Enh. Shaman) where it applies.

All you need is to correctly set up your mod button macros, that’s it.
If anything, we should just have an in-game macro tutorial.
1-5 with ctrl shift and alt is already 20 bindings with only 5 buttons.

For healers, click bindings for healing and regular bindings for damage are enough.
Tanks are all jokes.

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This. Button bloat is a myth.

“Button bloat is a myth, except when its not a myth” isn’t a compelling argument.
Nobody here has even mentioned arena targeting or focus modifiers.

Those shouldn’t even be a thing IMO.
And here is my exact quote:

Keyword: overall

When people say button bloat, they are talking about every spec, which is just false.
Some MOBA degenerates actually want WoW to be a 5 button game.

Fortunately no class/spec needs to use ALL the abilities.

Except there’s no argument for button bloat. 4-5 buttons is not a lot lol.

Only matters for 0.01% of players, and those players would likely want a high skill ceiling anyway so they have a means to express their skill.

Heavily disagree. Focus modifiers are great for maintaining control and kicks on your off target. They’re essential.

This isn’t true. When I say it I’m talking about classes like sub rogue which don’t need Symbols, Cold Blood, Tea, and Dance to be 4 different buttons, not frost death knight (which only isn’t a problem because most of their talent abilities are sh-t anyway.)

32 keybinds is significantly more than 27. Not everyone enjoys using a Naga.

I’m not in 0.01% of players, a lot of people use focus modifiers (they should) :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If it’s for a few specs, I understand. Specify it then, because a lot of people talk about button bloat as if it’s some pervasive, ubiquitous issue for the game as a whole.

IMHO, focus target and focus/arena @ macros are really OP and should be removed.

No one needs a Naga. A 5 mouse button with mod macros is more than enough for this game except maybe at the very 99.9999 percentile.

You only need to keybind things in the extremely high end of content that most players don’t do. Most people only need their basic rotation keybound, so maybe 4-6 keys.

If you’re doing content of a difficulty that would require a focus modifier, then congratulations, you’re in the 0.01%.

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Hold up.
Y’all were talking about how more keybinds making the game more complexed a minute ago was a good thing and now you’re saying they should remove them?

It applies to all instanced content from mythic+ and normal raids to rbgs and arenas.
Set it up, it’ll change the way you play in a good way.

I’m not saying it wouldn’t, I’m saying that going to that level of macro is above the skill needed to clear most content that people will do and thus doesn’t really count towards button bloat since that’s something only high skill ceiling people will want or need to do.

Because it’s a PC game, that you use a keyboard to play?

No spec has more standard rotation buttons, not defensive, interrupt, or increased performance buttons, just the ones you smash the most, than 1 through = can handle. This is not button bloat.

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i do play survival and it absolutely does not require 3 full bars of keybinds. yes, i have my defensives, pots, trinkets, lust, etc. keybound. no, i do not have basic campfire keybound. maybe i’m doing it wrong :dracthyr_shrug:


You don’t need to make a macro for it, this is something you can set in your interface.

No, because its a game that you need 3 movement keys, 24 spell slots, 2 types of tab targeting, a focus modifier, a set focus key, pet control, health stone, trinket, dps potion, and mount for.

Some specs and builds have more buttons than others. What are you talking about?

I said that Focus Target and @arenaX/@focus macros are OP and should be removed.
It has nothing to do with button quantity, which is, again, overall, fine.

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