Enhancement is a lot of fun, but we need to talk about the keybinds

EDIT (1/17/2025)

Many folks disagree with the keybinds outlined in this post. That’s fine. The point is that the more a class/spec requires custom UI/keybinds/addons in order to play “optimally”/smoothly, the more Blizzard should considering reworking it. Interface/UI tensions deter gamers from engaging in something that they might otherwise enjoy.

Not that it matters, but I’ve reworked my keybinds, macros, and talent choices on my Enhancement Shaman in such a way that it allows me to play smoothly enough, but it took a considerable amount of time to arrive at that point… and the high level of customization creates considerable tension in trying out other talent combinations or abilities.

Keybind Nightmare

As a general rule of thumb, I aim to keep myself within 24 button keybinds when playing any class. It helps to keep me sane. This is extremely difficult to do on an Enhancement Shaman while picking up useful utility buttons. For example:

Keybind Ability/Macro Keybind Ability/Macro
1 Stormstrike Shift+1 Macro: Feral Lunge / Lightning Bolt / Healing Surge / Ancestral Vision
2 Lava Lash Shift+2 Macro: Flame Shock / Earth Shield
3 Crash Lightning Shift+3 Macro: Lightning Lasso / Chain Lightning / Chain Heal
4 Frost Shock Shift+4 Sundering
5 Surging Totem Shift+5 Primordial Wave
Q Macro: Skyfury, Lightning Shield, Flametongue Weapon, Windfury Weapon / Water Walking, {Mount} Shift+Q Wind Rush Totem
E Wind Shear Shift+E Purge
Scroll-Up Capacitor Totem Shift+Scroll-Up Earthgrab Totem
Scroll-Down Tremor Totem Shift+Scroll-Down Earth Elemental
Middle-Mouse Thunderstorm Shift+Middle-Mouse Totemic Projection
Mouse Btn:4 Healing Stream Totem Shift+Mouse Btn:4 Stone Bulwark Totem
Mouse Btn:5 Macro: Ghost Wolf / Heroism Shift+Mouse Btn:5 Gust of Wind

I still don’t know where to put Poison Cleansing Totem or my racial active ability (Haymaker for Kul Tiran) or how to work those in without making it incredibly awkward to use. I also haven’t talented into Lava Burst / Elemental Blast, Cleanse Spirit, Hex, Totemic Recall (a DPS boost when used with Surging Totem), Ice Strike (I use the passive version instead), Fire Nova, Doom Winds, Feral Spirit (I make it passive via Flowing Spirits), or Ascendance (I use Deeply Rooted Elements instead).

Due to the nature of how Maelstrom Weapon works, I don’t feel that it would be useful to talent into Spiritwalker’s Grace or Nature’s Swiftness.

Macro Nightmare

Here is a break down of the macros I’m using in an effort to try and fit everything in.

#showtooltip Feral Lunge
/use [@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat]Ancestral Spirit;[@mouseover,help,nodead]Healing Surge;[@mouseover,harm,nodead]Feral Lunge;Lightning Bolt
/use [combat]Astral Shift

#showtooltip Lightning Lasso
/use [@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat,known:Ancestral Vision]Ancestral Vision;[@mouseover,help,nodead,known:Chain Heal]Chain Heal;[@mouseover,harm,nodead]Lightning Lasso;Chain Lightning

#showtooltip Startouched Furline
/castsequence reset=3 [btn:2] Skyfury, Lightning Shield, Flametongue Weapon, Windfury Weapon
/use [nomounted]Water Walking
/use [nomounted]Startouched Furline
/dismount [mounted]

#showtooltip Heroism
/use [btn:2]Heroism;Ghost Wolf

/use [@mouseover,help,nodead,known:Earth Shield]Earth Shield;[@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Flame Shock

“You’re not supposed to pick up everything”

You’re right, not every ability is going to be used in every dungeon or scenario (and even then, some more sparingly than others particularly when utility GCDs compete with DPS GCDs). Could I have different talent loadouts with different keybind arrangements and macros? Yes, but is the hassle really worth it?

Maybe I’m an outlier, but I usually tweak my build to be comfortable in MOST scenarios (something that AoE’s well is usually a go-to, like an M+ build) and just stick with that build in every form of content. It’s not min/maxing, but my DPS output is less valuable to me than my utility and survivability… which is why I often aim to be “well-rounded” when it comes to the utility I bring, even if I’m often not going to need it in a particular instance.

I usually talent out of things over time that I find myself consistently not using… then find myself talenting back into it if it would’ve been REALLY nice to have in a particular moment (like Tremor Totem).


The following adjustments would add significant quality of life improvements to Shamans in general and make it much easier to fit everything onto our hotbars without requiring players to go crazy with their custom UI setup or macros.

Totemic Tremors - Passive (Replaces Tremor Totem)
Pulses from Earthbind Totem also cleanse Fear, Charm, and Sleep effects from you and your party and raid members within 30 yards. This effect has 3 charges, and each charge refreshes once every 60 seconds.

Totemic Cleansing - Passive (Replaces Poison Cleansing Totem)
Healing from your Healing Stream Totem also cleanses Poison effects. This effect has 6 charges, and each charge refreshes once every 2 minutes.

The Poison Cleansing effect for Cloudburst Totem only has 1 charge, but it affects all allies that are healed.

Skyfury’s Enhancements - Passive (NEW level 16 baseline ability)
Casting Skyfury also refreshes the duration of all your active elemental shields, weapon enhancements, and shield enhancements. Skyfury’s mana cost is increased by (5% of base mana) for each Earth Shield you have active.

Totemic Tailwind - Passive (NEW talent on choice node with Wind Rush Totem)
While Earthbind Totem is active, you can trigger it again to activate Wind Rush once every 2 minutes. Wind Rush lasts for 18 seconds, extending the duration of Earthbind Totem as needed, and continually grants nearby allies 50% increased movement speed for 5 seconds.

Surging Totem - Active (NEW version of Surging Totem for Enhancement Shamans)
Summons a totem at the target location that creates a Tremor immediately and every 6 seconds for (115% of Attack Power). Flamestrike damage. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. Lasts 24 seconds.

Replaces Earthbind Totem, inheriting its effects and benefits.

Lightning Lasso - Passive (NEW version of Lightning Lasso)
If Wind Shear fails to successfully interrupt a target, its cooldown is reset and the target is instead gripped with a Lightning Lasso.

The Lightning Lasso requires you to channel for up to 5 seconds to maintain, stunning the target and dealing up to (700% of Spell Power) Nature damage over its duration. You can move while channeling.

Stone Bulwark - Passive (Replaces Stone Bulwark Totem)
While any totem is active and Stone Bulwark is off cooldown, Astral Shift is replaced with Stone Bulwark which has a 3 minute cooldown.

Stone Bulwark grants you an absorption shield preventing a moderate amount of damage for 15 seconds, and an additional small amount every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.


look ma, a dead horse!

R, T, F, G, Z, X, C, V ???


Shaman is just the most difficult class regarding keybinds, especially in pvp, as it has a lot of utility, and also has a lot of buttons that are worthwhile to press in general. Resto shaman is by far the worst out of any of our specs though.

You are missing a lot of keybinds I see though, Faminex pointed them out already. I have Shift-T, Shift W, Shift F, Shift Q, Shift E, Shift V, Shift A, Shift S, Shift G, Shift R, Shift C, Shift D, Shift 1, Shift 2, Shift 3, Shift 4, R, Z, G, X, V, E, T, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, Mouse wheel up/down, Ctrl S, Ctrl D, etc.

Shift is the easiest key to pair with others imo and helps a lot. I also do not use an mmo mouse but probably should however everything for enhance fits with those keybinds. Some specs will just end up with more keybinds than you personally may want but some of us like that. I dont want lasso passively at all, nor do I want Stone bulwark passive at all.

Why the hell are you using combination keybinds for your main abilities???

Are you purposefully screwing up so you have an excuse to talk about keybinds bloat?

Where is 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? F1? F2 etc etc? Why are you using shift before these? It doesn’t make any sense.

Maybe you should invest in a MMO mouse like a Razer Naga. Keybind problems suddenly disappear.


Why keybind 1 hour maitenance buffs? Just click.

Honestly get an mmo mouse instead of these ridiculous keybinds i read about all over these forums and reddit.

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hey blizzard you need to add 50 more buttons to enhance shammy


Your keybinds are a nightmare because your keybinds are bad

Why are a bunch of maintenance buffs on a A1 keybind button

I dont even know how to process why you somehow have your main spender, a heal you really should not be hitting, and two cds on the same button. Let alone why you have main rotational buttons on shift modifiers when you still have a ton of real estate around your movement that you could use instead. Like Q (again, why???)


The point of the post is to illustrate how frustrating it is to try and get everything mapped out. If the keybinds that somebody uses works for them, great. Personally, I don’t find the idea of using a piano to play with all that attractive, hence why I prefer to keep things down to a minimum number of keybinds and macros (if at all possible).

I use 1-8 on keyboard, 1-12 on mouse (Mouse are all bound to ctrl+1 and so on)

A lot of our abilities are pure situational, or like some of your keybinds… maintenance buffs.

I see the point you’re trying to make but you’ve presented it in such a way that it’s just confusing as to what you’ve done lol

That just doesn’t work well with WoW in general, but it especially doesn’t work well with high utility classes/specs and shaman has the most.

The pruning you are asking for is not good. Taking some active utility we have and making it passive is awful, I want to be able to choose exactly when I use that utility and I want it to be an active thing not a passive thing, thats very important in pvp but also important in pve. I dont like any of the suggestions here. I’m sorry you don’t want to keybind things across your keyboard, but that is not really a good reason to ruin how our utility works.

They have already done a pretty good job overall making abilities we’ve had in the past more passive. ie adding a passive ice strike that replaces frost shock so you dont need 2 binds, making icefury passive that replaces frost shock for ele so you dont need 2 binds, making voltaic blaze a passive that replaces flame shock so you can spread flame shocks without needing a separate keybind from flame shock itself and without needing a lava lash keybind. Doing this to utility would not work well.

This is also a bit of inexperience talking it seems because you have maintenance buffs keybound for some reason. I do not have lightning shield, windfury weapon, or flametongue weapon keybound at all, I just click them when i need to refresh their duration since they cant be removed. I do have skyfury keybound since it can be purged in pvp. You can utilize the binds you currently have more than you are.


I haven’t seen a vertical MMO mouse, so that wouldn’t be an option for me.

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I just use 1-5 shift+1-5 ctrl+1-5
Then repeat with mouse buttons 3-5 and shift scroll up/down and ctrl scroll up down
I also keep keyboard binds to left side of bars and mouse binds on right. Thats like 28 buttons more than enough. Oh i also click my buffs cuz ya that sits for like an hour
Edit: and I have small hands so no excuses

This was a rough read. I know you’re probably looking for a discussion but this is so far off base. Like what?

TLDR: Regardless of how well someone organizes their key-binds, there really are just far too many keybinds for Enhancement Shaman. Unless somebody killed Indigo Montoya’s father, folks only have 10 fingers to work with.

”My name is Indigo Montoya.

You killed my father…

Prepare to die!”

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And yet a ton of people do just fine.

Doesn’t really save you keybinds, but can do some macro cleanup. I don’t bother macroing or key binding rezz. You have to be out of combat so just click it. That ghost wolf macro looks scary - I don’t keybind Hero. Too many times you see that go off by “accident”. I just click that. Hour long buffs I just click.

It’s fine. Just use more keys. Z, X, R, T, F, G, V, C are all right there in easy reach.

I’m honestly baffled you’d dedicate Q to hour long buffs while relegating actual rotational abilities to Shift modifiers.


I have two really simple techniques I use for when I play any class with a lot of buttons to press.

A) Just do use super niche abilities. Enhance, in this case, is a DPS spec. Include your DPS essentials and important cooldowns, and then just be a fauxnoob and don’t use the other stuff.

B) Click stuff with the mouse like some sort of loser.

Its amazing how few people actually care which of the two of those you use.