Button bloat

If you want less buttons, just go play Classic. Problem solved =)


didn’t you get the memo? the meaning of the phrase “mathematically impossible” is “anything i personally find difficult”


Golly, that’s an awful nice slipper slope you’ve got there.

What makes you think my binds are all class abilities?

Just because can’t handle it doesn’t mean it’s a problem.

He definitely doesn’t use arena 123 macros lol

They pruned the game in WoD and it almost killed the game. There’s a reason they unpruned classes

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lol no
Macros typically create more keys.

YOU CREATE MORE KEYS MAN, im just here to play the game and here you are talking about stuff and such and other nonsensicle stuff like that!

A Snozay take I agree with :eyes:

Nah man, don’t forget us guardian Druids. We easy breezy :man_shrugging:

You can thank the community for all the button bloat. Many whined and cried when Blizzard tried to prune a lot of things. They feel their 3 rows should be completely filled with abilities. The best was when people were trying to compare it to Vanilla and wanting all the abilities yet in Vanilla (as a mage anyways) all we did was spam 1 spell and then wand when oom.

I don’t play survival specifically, but all of my alts and main avoid talents that create new skills… this leads to a bit lower DPS, but i’m good with a 90-95% sim and not loading my screen with stuff.

Outlaw been having 3 full bars, you guys are spoiled

World ending :joy::+1:

even then outlaw isnt button bloated.

yall got define button bloat.

Yeah, unfortunately FFXIV is going through this process now for some reason. Dunno how they failed to learn what didn’t work for WoW back in WoD, but oh well.

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I never said it was bloated, that was the OP

Core Rotation :
Immolate (or Wither)
Chaos Bolt
Incinerate (or Demon Bolt)
Soul Fire (or Channel Demonfire)
Rain of Fire

Malevolence (Hero)
Trinket 1
Trinket 2
Gear ability
Summon Infernal

Dark Pact
Unending Resolve
Mortal Coil

Soul well
Demonic Teleport
Demonic Gateway

Crowd Control:
Spell Lock
Shadow Fury

We’re not even counting Mage food, Mount, gathering anbilities and other items like runes and pots. I have up to 3 or 4 abilities in one button. The rest I open my spell book and bag.

Imagine a new player having to deal with this.

are your bars 3 long each? you need like 8 most rotation wise

You’re still 10 short of me.

Most of that isn’t even rotational or part of your core rotation.

Change your bind setup because new players aren’t having that many abilities until max. And they can learn like everyone else has.