Brutosaur still bugged in 9.1.5

It could go for less, if you get RNG on top of RNG and get a cheap container that gives you the mount. At that point just play the lottery and use your winnings to camp a 10M gold cap alt in front of the AH all day.

This is literally what people, including Blizzard, said about multiple mounts that were accidentally disabled by a patch until it was found they were indeed not working right.

For people who don’t follow it, tsm dev confirmed that the bruto might be bugged out of BMAH.


Glad I got mine when it was still on the vendor, best gold I’ve ever spent. Love my Brutosaur mount.


“Successful” for the top 10%

Key word there ‘might’ because their scans actually rely on people with TSM scanning the BMAH on each realm so that they have data (and let’s be honest, TSM is not your ‘average AH addon’ so the vast majority of players are not using it). They also state that they don’t keep historical data, only the most recent scan from each user.

So let’s say Jimmy and Bob are both TSM users and they’re both on the same realm.

Jimmy scans the BMAH in July and there’s no Brutosaur there when he scans, then he doesn’t scan the BMAH of that realm for months because he loses interest for a while.

Bob scans the BMAH every single day like clockwork and the Brutosaur pops up twice that month. But because he’s constantly scanning, TSM overwrites his scan data and the most recent scan shows no Brutosaur.

As far as TSM records are concerned, the Brutosaur has not appeared that month. It has, but because they only keep data on the most recent scan from each user, the Brutosaurs that Bob saw aren’t recorded since he came along on days after those Brutosaurs were posted and scanned again, thus overwriting the data that TSM keeps on his scans.

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i was reading that , tsm being one of the most popular addons in the game thats kind of hard proof something fishy is going on ,as i said , every other rare mount has shown in the past 4 months but suddenly after that hotfix bam , no more brutosaur .

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Eh, doesn’t change what I said. Which mounts were these, though?

Blizzard claimed over and over the Sha of Anger’s mount was working properly. People defended blizzard on the forums saying “their friend had it” - turns out, it was never dropping and Blizzard fixed it later, apologizing on the forums about it.

Then in BFA, Blackrock Foundry and… Nighthold? mounts were not dropping and had to be fixed.


There’s a lot of “UR WRONG; BLIZZARD NEVER DO NUFFIN” on the GD.

Just ignore them.

Like, remember back when the Sha of Anger wasn’t dropping the mount and people were squawking that it’s just that rare then Blizzard later said “oops our bad, it was a bug.”

Same thing.

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Blue answered OP in the CS forum back in August:

Oh yeah I forgot about that thread.

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The response doesn’t indicate that someone checked to make sure it was in the rotation, only that someone with knowledge of the intent of the hotfix explained what the hotfix was intended to do.

“This is intended to do this” or “this appears to still be doing this” are very different than “This is still doing this” if that makes sense (lack of certainty vs. certainty).

It very much looks like someone actually needs to verify the thing is still in the rotation, because right now it doesn’t look like it.


Exactly , Cm just replied “oh my buddy said that according to the hotfix its all good because in the hotfix said that the brutosaur was added to lootbox it didnt said it was removed”.

I mean when a dev of an extremelly popular addon goes on reddit with some actual data extracted from their database pointing out the lack of brutosaur in the BMAH since said hotfix , then its not just me theres proof and it should be looked at rather than reread what the hotfix contained on july 14 like it seems it was done on that " clarification", given how it has happened several times now .

Understandable that most people defending blizzard here and claiming falsehoods are fomo worshipers and really really really want people to have no way of obtaining the mount , but seriously its already hard enough to fight over it with a gold cap or gold caps .


Therein lies a huge problem with this forum - there are so many people who will straight-up defend Blizzard for anything and everything no matter what, as you see in this thread and your other one. It’s not healthy for the game or community to bury their heads in the sand and pretend nothing is ever wrong.

This game can transition to a healthier state if the community is willing to understand that there is no such thing as perfection and if someone has a valid concern, it should at the very least be looked at, rather than “no Blizzard does no wrong my daddy’s uncle’s cousin’s sister’s first-boyfriend’s girlfriend’s wife said she got the mount!”