Bring back Ornyx!

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points,and may God have mercy on your soul.

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There were complaints about inactivity in general, and still are. He was the only one who was active after Ornyx left.

No one is trying to “rewrite” anything. We’re stating what we saw as forum goers. Out of the list of CMs forum goers were aware of, Ysthens was the only one who could be seen on a regular (or semi-regular) basis in the forums doing anything other than posting some notice.

You like that CMs only post notifications (notices, updates, clarifications, etc.), most of the people posting in this thread preferred the time when CMs posted just to be engaging with the community when they didn’t have anything “official” to say. Ysthens was the last of the CMs that did that, whether you agree with the practice or not.

Aww… I missed that one. I miss her posting too. :cry:

That person was me. And I see no where that his “stats” can be seen other than your claim that “someone” said he was not active.

I don’t ever believe “someone saw it” statements with zero proof. And since you can’t show any proof, other than finding “someone’s” post where they made the claim and their claim can’t be proven, I highly doubt “someone’s” statement to be anywhere close to accurate.

What you said is akin to “my sister’s brother’s uncle’s nephew’s cousin’s best friend from Shantytown saw it himself!!”. I wouldn’t believe that either.

Goat>Yak>A potted plant>A potato>firecat>a can of beans>Treeman

That thread probably still exists. If they fixed google search for this forum I might look it up - why I don’t know because you will still dismiss the results.

Appears his profile with that information was deleted since you click on the link in this you get a 404 but the numbers are quoted in here.

Well, if this post is true, Ysthens was by far the most active CM. So all you did by posting this (which can’t be proven since the activity can’t actually be seen) is prove our point that he was active in the forums.

Thanks! :wink:

Tea Goat is why I bought that baby talbukk pet, Because I respected the guy and hoped part of my $5 would go to his paycheck. There are no CMs in these forums that earned my respect like that with the current crop of CMs.

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I agree with you in some cases of that but have to disagree in others. Largely because it depends on the topic at hand. When it pertains to gearing or God forbid, Pathfinder, there is no amount of attempt to rationalize it that the community would ever accept. With gearing it’s inevitably going to come down to self proclaimed casuals (not really casuals, they play a lot of the game but use it as synonymous with bad at the game, note this is some, not all of these people.) complaining it’s geared to elitists, and if it’s tried to be justified toward the lower rung of players and the higher end players will have an issue as well.

With Pathfinder you can just observe threads, try to inject any form of logic into it and they’ll just clap their hands over their ears and scream they can’t hear you. I.E the common argument of “Just use a ground mount if you don’t like flying 4Head.” Try to explain to them that no human being with a brain is going to intentionally gimp themselves by HALF of their efficiency if they can help it and they give you some BS argument about “lulul you have no self control. Unlike me, I have lots of self control. Now watch as I continue to scream about something that’s been in the game for four years demanding it be changed.”

There are certain subjects that they can try to rationalize and it will be successful, typically with storytelling or why they tried to make a zone in the way that they did.

When it comes to vendors like you mentioned specifically I agree in that they should try to exist and their current going explanation they gave in the Q&A right after BFA where they basically said: “There were some mistakes you could make with the vendors as well, especially with newer players.” Granted they did add more that kind of made sense like “With the current system you have that whole feel of a weekly reward structure anyway, you just don’t get to choose when you get things.” This was taken from the 23rd of August 2018 Q&A. Wowhead has a few writeups on some of the answers in a post but this is the one I’m referencing:

Again active is subjective. Was he more active than the ones he was compared to, yes. I never claimed he wasn’t.

I started posting on this account just over a month ago. I have 382 posts made, he had 200 in 5 months and it was his job.

Those people in that thread were supporting him, they had no reason to make things up. There really is no reason to doubt that information.

Stop posting from an alt please.

Are you going to pay for my game time on my main account ?

He left of his own volition to join Riot. I don’t think there’s anything Blizzard could do to “bring him back.”

It actually wasn’t his job to post, but okay.

Oh, so it isn’t his job to post. I am so happy to have that cleared up. Then what’s the complaint about now - they are doing there job if they don’t post at all.

Okay, since you seem to have an issue understanding the complaint about communicating with the community…

It is their job to read and compile information to send to the appropriate departments within Blizzard so that feedback gets submitted from players. This helps keep the devs and designers doing what they should be doing…developing and designing…without having to spend large amounts of their time in the forums. They’ve posted what they are supposed to be doing in many ways in many places on many occasions.

It is also their jobs to relay information from Blizzard to the community (the notifications and clarifications you like).

Currently they are doing just their job. Which is great, but it’s not enough. I have never had an employer (and I will admit that I have only had about 5 employers in my life, I tend to be someone employers keep around and I am not a job hopper…I’ve been with my current company for over 13 years) who didn’t want, even expect, employees to do more than was required.

Part of my job is to procure material and approve the bills for those purchased materials…it is not my job to chat with vendors. But I do it anyway because developing relationships with vendors actually saves money and allows for better customer service, you see?

Players (according to these forums, this thread in particular…in general, obviously I can’t really speak for all players, just myself, but I’m certain you are smart enough to get the jist of what I’m saying) like it when they go above and beyond just their job description and actually let us know they are here, reading and taking in information, even if that’s just to pop in for a quick “hello” or to leave their personal opinions in threads that are important to players. We (players in general, see above) enjoy knowing we are being listened to, or at least that someone out there is seeing what we are saying.

All we get today is intermittent announcements and condescension from CMs since they seem to be allowed only to do the bullet points in their actual job description and nothing more. They don’t communicate…Blizzard doesn’t communicate…outside of canned, pre-planned, ineffective, informationless nonsense like the Q&As that they’ve also nearly stopped doing.

The complaint is that we get near zero communication of any kind about anything we actually care about.

We at least used to get some “we’re here and we’re listening”, today we get squat.

I’m happy that you like it this way. The rest of us (in this thread at least) don’t.

Have a wonderful day in the forums or where ever you may be! Peace! :peace_symbol:

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Really do you have a source for all that ?

Fixed that for you.

Usually people don’t go out of their way to show they are new when using a forum alt.

That sure bothers you doesn’t it. That is twice you spammed your own thread because you don’t like me posting on this character.

I asked for a source for reason that would be beyond you.