Bring back Ornyx!

You keep using that word. It doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Which word ? Spam ? I just follow the definition of what follows when I flag.

So abusing the report system? Nice.

I suggest you actually read the CoC.

I suggest you read the TOS.

oh boy - lol…

The World of Warcraft Terms of Service, as you are using an Extension of The Service, indicate abuse of the report system is bannable. Good day.

Again I suggest you actually read the CoC, it appears you don’t know what that says.

What is it that you guys get out of attempting to enforce these “rules”? Is there some secret club or forum where you all just sit around and clap each other on the back for preventing people from disagreeing? Or are you just doing it for free to make yourself feel important?

If you don’t like something, ignore it. It’s not that hard.

I apologize for my absence my lanky lover. I will do my utmost to restore these forums to their true and proper proportions of perfection.


So… how’s that going for you. Thought I’d drop by

He’s visiting his cousin Cornyx, of the Great Swamp.

Aiwyn said game devs.

where is our great and holy tea goat blizz?