Bring back mage tower

At the time that mage tower was available I mained a lock and got those appearances. Now I main a shaman and I wish I had those challenge appearances. Regardless, I don’t want them to bring those appearances back, I want a new mage tower with fresh challenge appearances. Let’s move forward.


You say you dont want it to effect your achievements? So i guess you shouldnt be able to obtain any appearances from prior expansion or get achieves that you didnt earn from when playing in that expansion?


I don’t. I wear my elite mogs that I earned in competition, at the current time, that my achievements sustain. And I’m quite proud of mine. Do you like my hood? It’s pretty.


Except they never specifically said those are exclusive…or timed… except for AOTC, cutting edge, or elite gladiator stuff…

As someone who earned a total of 18/36 Mage Tower appearances, including every single one which I wanted (and several extras)… I have only one thing to say:

"Time-Sensitive" and “Exclusive” Content is a load of BS.

Seriously, there is NO good reason to justify cutting players out by arbitrarily removing content to make those who earned them feel special. In fact, if anything, it’s so blatantly wrong and misguided that it will only result in the community becoming increasingly bitter, selfish, and egotistical.

Yes, worse than it is already.

If anything, I’d say the principle is downright idiotic. Just ruining the experience for all players who weren’t able to obtain it when it was current and all future players who never even get a chance to try.

I got what I wanted, when it was current… but that’s absolutely no reason to stop ANYONE from getting the same thing.


Anything in game advertised as exclusive and limited time should not come back. You had more than enough time to put forth the effort to get them, and by the end of the expansion, every single scenario was an absolute joke with the gear available.

Now, I’m all for them bringing back the scenarios themselves for people wanting to experience the little bit of story that existed with them. The rewards though, no. They’re gone.


I disagree.

Trophies earned in competition (which rated arena, and season based pve rewards are) disagrees.

So does that mean you should have access to my elite mog and my tabards from 2200+ arena that I earned consecutively simply because you want it? World don’t work that way, both in game and out of it.

It was advertised from the get go and available for over a year. There is absolutely no excuse other than sheer neglect.


I’m sorry, but that’s also a no from me. I spent days between the few free hours I got pushing myself to gear my guys up, learn all 36 specs, and getting all of the appearances. It took months of hard work, effort, and learning how every spec played. I did all of this prior to the artifact being over powered to boot, and the “welfare” gear wasn’t yet in full swing.

All of that hard work was something I was proud to accomplish, but that wouldn’t feel as great if it came back for people to blast through. And you can say “Oh they can scale it!” but that doesn’t matter now. Some classes play differently, others lost vital parts of their toolkit that would even allow them to do their respective challenges. Scaling does nothing if you don’t bring back How classes played in Legion, and that won’t happen.

I’m sorry that I sound selfish, and I’m sorry I sound like an elitist. But getting all 36 appearances is one of my proudest moments in World of Warcraft. And I’d like to keep that memory.


Don’t apologize, you’re absolutely right to be proud of your accomplishments and wish to keep the prestigious factor in tact.


some of yall bout to be real mad at me, but it must said. You arent entitled to things you didnt earn.


Mage tower in that iteration is gone forever.

It is not to say they will not do something like that again, but you will never be able to get those exact skins again. And that is ok


It was available for over a year and by the time Antorus opened up it was so nerfed into the ground that anyone who didn’t get them either didn’t want them or had Pebcak issues. If you want a meaningful challenge appearance of some sort, they’re probably opening up another in 8.2.


Well I hate to say it but blizzard is notorious for bringing things back into the game! So I cant wait to see people getting the appearances once again!

Oh, so they brought back MoP Challenge Mode mogs? And WoD challenge mode weapons? How about previous elite mogs from arena? They didn’t. They haven’t even brought back Anathema / Benediction (which I have) after the cataclysm revamp.


Since when was the Mage Tower a competition? It was solo content.

Or any PvE content for that matter? Aside from realm-best times with Challenge Mode system, it came down to beating your own best time.

And don’t get me started on the removal of the MoP and WoD Legendary questlines, which are an even greater travesty.

Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn about your shiny stuff.
All that needs to be there is the CONTINUED OPPORTUNITY to earn the rewards.

Content shouldn’t be removed, period.

Which is, again, against the simple principle:



You’re right. While we’re at it everyone should have every title/mount/achievement in the game. I should be able to have cutting edge argus achievement even though i didn’t kill him on mythic when he was current content.

No there doesn’t. Not when we’re told off the bat it’s not gonna happen. Mage tower told us that. Arena rewards tell us that. Seasonal / expansion based time sensitive features are fine. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean you’re correct. You have every right to voice that disagreement, obviously, but you’re still incorrect.


…Alright, so essentially, this statement is something I disagree with. There’s thousands upon thousands of other things anyone can go off and earn at any given point in time. If it was most of the game locked by exclusivity? This would hold merit. However, allowing time limits on earnables in games is something that almost every single game does. If every single person could go in game right this second and earn everything in it, there would be 0 incentive.

I could say the same thing to what you’re saying, really. You’re saying there should be no exclusive content at all so that everyone can earn it at any given point in time, meaning there is again no point or nothing to make it worth it since why would I do it now when I can do it later, and everyone will have it anyway?

As I said. There are thousands of other mogs, mounts, pets, and appearances. A few cosmetics locked by effort and time are not the end of the world. It shows people actually put in the work at the time.

And before someone says “it’s a game, not work!”? Cool, so go earn the thousands of other things you can farm in game easily, right now.

They should have played at the time, then, and will have future chances to earn other things. It’s that simple. Either you put in the effort when it’s there, or you don’t get it. It’s how life works.

There’s examples in real life too. Should the Olympics have no trophies? What about any sports events and plaques? Like, it’s the same concept. You participate in the event when it’s offered and go for other events when they’re there in the future.

That’s exactly what this stuff is. Trophies. And if you dislike the concept of trophies? Go for the many other non-trophies reasonable to obtain right there.

Otherwise again, there’d be no AOTC. No cutting edge, no exclusive titles, no gladiator mounts. Because if it all is earnable at any time? No point or urgency to get it, and everyone could eventually have it anyway.

Once again–so should olymic medals specific to that year, and trophies in general, be earnable at any time then?


Like the brought back all of the titles over the years? Hand of A’dal, Of The Black Harvest, etc?

How they brought back the Naxxramas meta achievements that gave the black and plague proto drakes?

Like the wolf mount from Ahead if the Curve: Siege Of Orgrimmar? The moose from Ahead of the Curve: Hellfire Citadel? The spellwing from Ahead of the Curve: Antorus, The Burning Throne?

The black battle tank from the Opening Of Ahn’Qiraj?

I respect the optimism, but you should be asking them for a new Mage Tower, not a return of the original.


If they ever did bring it back your powers, gear and abilities would be scaled back to level 110 and you would not have the cakewalk you anticipate. There are no more legiondaries and no artifact weapon either. These challenges were built around having them. :joy: