Bring back mage tower

Then you should have done them during Legion like everyone else.


I didn’t play Legion, so I never did a Mage Tower scenario. I understand they were fun and the rewards were cool because they were exclusive.

We don’t need to take that exclusivity away. We just need new content that operates similarly for the current game. Add a new “mage tower” to the current expansion that we can engage with.


This is correct. Asking for more time sensitive things the player base can aim to achieve and work toward is the proper solution. Those of us who went after all 36 mage towers love challenge. Those who didn’t, but want some shiny things of their own? Now they have a goal. To keep people motivated, playing now, and aiming higher is the proper course.

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What if the ONE thing you wanted is gone forever?

Then what’s the point playing the game at all, if you never have the opportunity to get that?

I keep seeing this statement.

… and just have to wonder what sad, unimaginative, and pathetic world view those who hold it have.

As I said before, it’s among the most idiotic justifications I’ve ever seen. It’s that of someone who feels they have no ability to change the world, no ability to make it better for everyone.

It’s downright pathetic.

Then again, it’s also frequently held by those who are already on top of the festering heap and want to keep it that way. They don’t care how screwed up the world is, so long as they’re the ones on top.


honestly it wouldnt even matter people play the game because they want to experience the game play. So what you get an appearance ? It wouldn’t affect anyone its simply a transmog item. You want a prize you get an an achieve there’s your gold medal.

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It was a challenge, as it’s been said before. At this point, you’re digging yourself a very deep hole, because now you’re implying: “It needed no effort anyway, and even if you spent hours prepping for it on many toons, it’s not that hard”.

None of that was ever challenging to get, and no other legendaries are locked like that. Who knows why they did that, but those most definitely were not trophies and never advertised as such anyway.

No one is arguing for making those stay gone either.


If the only thing you want in game is a single transmog per spec why are you even playing?


Bring it back, no reason not to. Didn’t have time for it in legion but no reason for it to be accessible.

Tons of these threads…Blizz will eventually cave and bring it back anyway imo.

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Then ya missed out. Bad juju, but it happens.

To get the next shiny. It’s not that hard. I regret not getting an elite mog for hunter out of the 7 classes I multi-classed above 2k because I found out I love hunter this expansion and hit 2100 quite easily. I have to live with that. I look forward to the next class specific elite mog that comes out as I now have lots of motivation, and would love to acquire one.


To me, the weirdest thing to this day is the fact those who didn’t do the cloak quest line in MoP can’t go and fight Ordos. He doesn’t even have unique mog or anything, but people are barred from fighting him.

Edit: I basically repeated myself twice. Don’t forums on a hungry stomach, my god.

I want the Scarab Lord title and the legendary mount but yeah, I’m not a timelord so I go for things I can achieve if I want them enough. Plus, you had over a year to get them so why didn’t you?

Well that stinks, you mean like, I don’t know… the gladiator storm drakes, my favorite mount in game of all time, but ARMORED? Yeah. I don’t have it.

And I won’t ever beg for it to be brought back either. I wasn’t good enough at the time, I didn’t earn it. Just like how I didn’t earn an olympic medal at the time, so no, I don’t get to have it for that year if I get it in a later year.

Ok? So don’t watch any sports events, do not go to any competition? Ask for participation trophies and everything to be handed to you, too?

That’s the issue with people these days. They think everything should go to everyone with no effort at the time… and…

I’m going to say this to what you’re saying right here.

Life isn’t handed to you.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news. Exclusive rewards are not new. They didn’t bring back the time limited pandaria set mogs or mounts, they didn’t bring back the time limited WoD weapon mogs, they won’t bring back time limited legion mogs either.

Yeah, I agree. It’s baffling. And if you have alts, oof, good luck :stuck_out_tongue:

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I want the Corrupted Ashbringer. I’m never going to get that, but I’m still here.


Honestly anyone ever heard of the black market they brought back items that were not obtainable…


No MoP Challenge Mode, nor WoD challenge mode item has been put on there, and Blizz has said themselves such will not make another appearance. Stay within the scope, pookie.

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I have major regrets now for not pushing for Gold in WoD for the weapons. Originally I thought, as I only had my Druid at the time, I’d only get the weapons that he could use. I had no idea that the weapons would be account bound.

And you know what? It’s because of that incident, missing out on getting those weapons, that I’m now far more motivated to pursue challenges and get what I want. Never getting those weapons for the rest of my WoW life has pushed me to work harder and never miss out again.

So…yeah, sad they’re gone, but I’m grateful that it’s given me the drive to collect things.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of the BMAH either. Why earn anyhing when you can just splurge the gold and buy it?


ever heard of the arcanite ripper?