Bring back mage tower

Personally I enjoyed the mage tower scenarios. I’d also like to obtain some of the weapons appearances that I didnt obtain. I think there is a lot of people who share the same opinion.


100% disagree. They should remain exclusive. Unless they add in entirely new appearances and keep the old ones not-earnable, I do not believe it should ever happen. They were advertised as exclusive content, otherwise it would have been pointless to get them at the time.

If they could be earned at any given point in time… many would not take the challenge or feel the need to go for it right away if at all, they wouldn’t be unique. It’s like asking for the CM gear/mounts to come back, exclusive elite sets, gladiator mounts, AOTC mounts, cutting edge and similar, the unique titles like “the immortal”, and such like that.

What they should do is add in new content to do now, like a new MT challenge, or challenge modes cosmetics.


If they do end up doing some sort of challenge appearance it will be for new appearances, they aren’t going to bring back the Mage Tower appearances


I’d like to see it back as well. The warlock and some of the others are the most better looking skins. I think the caverns of time is the place to go to relive awesome moments from the past.


make new mage tower appearances

dont ruin exclusive items it’s the only thing keeping a large chunk of the playerbase playing / subscribed


I’m also going to disagree 100%. Mage Towers were time sensitive content, advertised as such from the get-go, and were a staple of content specific to Legion. Everyone had full knowledge out the gate that they were time sensitive, and refusing to go get them when one had over a year to do so is nothing short of simple neglect, or lack of want. It took very little effort to obtain them toward the end of the expansion. Especially with that free gift of absolutely insane artifact power.

As others have said, let them bring forth new content where we can achieve more time sensitive pve rewards. Don’t tarnish previous time sensitive awards by turning it into a measly participation reward. Participation rewards are stupid.


Then you should’ve tried harder to get them. There was plenty of time to get them.

Probably, but just because a lot of people share it, doesn’t make it a good thing.


The people disagreeing about obtaining cosmetic peaces are sounding like its a big deal… Honestly all it would to is enhance game play. Why not allow people to just enjoy the game. Its not like it matters if someone obtains an appearance. It wont effect the your game play if someone transmogs a weapon…


If they bring it back, or something similar, they should be different appearances.
The original’s should stay exclusive.


It is a big deal because constantly turning things into participation rewards are why this game is such crap at the current moment with a horrible reward structure. Motivation to achieve things in the here and now is a good thing.

It will when everything else becomes a participation reward, and my motivation goes down because absolutely nothing is special. And you didn’t deny being too lazy to get it done. You snooze, you lose.


I also missed out on quite a few appearances that were awesome. Alas, I didn’t put in the effort therefore I didn’t get them. However, the line I quoted immediately destroys any legitimacy your post may (or may not) have. Come up with a stance that is strong enough to stand on its own. Trying to speak for others, or even using the idea that others may share your opinion as a crutch for your argument immediately points to a weak argument.


this is actually ironically the selfish outlook

why doesn’t the olypmics give gold to every single person that competes, all it does is enhance morale

why doesn’t your CEO/boss give you the same money he makes
all it would do is enhance your life

the last remaining positive aspects of wow are really just the exclusive rewards you’ve picked up that make you feel alright about the time you’ve spent

if everything in the game was as obtainable and permanant as the random questline mounts i couldn’t justify playing when the game is in it’s luls or in it’s bad points like now/wod

i cant imagine wanting to put in effort

i would honestly at that point probably end up being like you
sitting here demanding everything while being exceptionally lazy refusing to do anything

i’d probably make posts like “i logged in and i pay 15$ a month tell me why i cant get 415s in the mail for every hour i sit afk in a zone”

dont ruin the prideful aspects of the game because you’re lazy, selfish, or inept


Because people disagree on a public forum, that’s life, you’re not going to get everyone to go head-over-heels in love with an idea in any case, especially not this one.

Why ruin my gameplay and the hard work I put in at the time just so every single other person can just go ahead and get the stuff at any given point in time, no hassles, no time limit…? I went for this stuff so that my character would look unique and say I did the content at the time, and put the work into the challenge at the time.

You’re right! If they put in the effort at the time, like me, to earn it? Kudos to them. Otherwise we might as well give everyone every single achievement and mount easy peasy because who cares about what others look like, am I right?

There’s no incentive to work for anything if it’s all handed to you. That’s not how gaming works.

Once again, you’re right, it won’t–it also doesn’t effect my gameplay if they can’t whereas I did earn it at the time, too. In fact, it would only effect me if they could just earn it at any time, as Blizzard said it was exclusive, hence me putting in the effort and many hours to earn it.

Otherwise? I would not have bothered.


How is wanting to obtain an appearance selfish?


Because you want it for no effort. Lazy and selfish. It’s also selfish of you to want to make my achievements, and my time / effort mean less by obtaining the same rewards that were advertise as time sensitive, for free.



Challenge Mode appearances are exclusive to that time period. Always have been. Mage Tower was the newest iteration of Challenge Mode.

Challenge Mode PvE and Elite PvP appearances are limited time and should always be that way.


Because we were all told they were going to be exclusive…
You had your chance.

To be honest, I’m more disappointed I didn’t get the Violet Spellwing, do I want it? yes, do I want Blizzard to make it available again? no. (well maybe only for me :stuck_out_tongue: )


Initially I didn’t want them at all. A friend bugged me to get the werebear. Then I was looking at them and decided to try for more. Got all the ones I wanted.

That being said, it would be cool if they at least added them back in for the story, even if you couldn’t get the appearances anymore.


See this isn’t something I’d have a problem with. Or even adding new or different looks, too ^^


Im not opposed to reintroduce mage tower, just make it harder like scale ilvl people had when it was just released instead of end of legion ilvl. So it still takes time and effort to get.

I got the ones I wanted but I’m not selfish enough to deny others having these cool transmog options.