Bring back glad stance in dragonflight

And this, in actuality, is why Prot DPS (“Gladiator Stance”) is unlikely to return.

So long as its means of throughput double-dip into absurdly high eHP (especially, against physical attacks), it’s an inherently broken spec, especially in PvE. Either the utility of its bloated eHP holds back its offensive throughput, or it’s just the objectively most advantaged DPS spec in single-target.

Now, if you had it scale like any other DPS, and its utility was simply just barely valuable enough to warrant its having less flexible or dynamic throughput, especially outside of single-target, it could be a workable spec.

But I have little doubt that it will somehow force even worse optics for the devs to give Gladiator Stance back as an actually workable and balanced build given the nostalgia-wagon’s insistence that it must somehow be able to simultaneously both top raid charts or one-shot people in PvP and have the highest passive and active eHP of any DPS in the game.

Almost like Glad Stance WAS a S&B dps…


It tried to be, and failed. Trying to tack enough crap onto a talent to allow converting between a fully functional tank and a tank-dps is bad design; you’ll either land on something broken, or land on something useless.

Gladiator Stance was a very bad attempt at making a S&B DPS. It was still a Protection Warrior in every regard except for a tuning knob and replacing exactly one defensive for one offensive.

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Still the most fun Dps spec to ever be in the game.

Playing Prot as Dps has always been the most fun thing to do in the game. That’s why Wrath Prot was the best. Massive damage with Arm Pen and Shield Slam to nuke everything.

If Prot’s your jam, I’m absolutely happy you like the spec. Pretending it needs to be a DPS to do damage is kinda weird, and if you actually want a S&B DPS you should ask for an actual S&B DPS, not the contrived garbage that was Gladiator Stance.

You can get solid damage from Prot as a tank, why exactly do you need it to be a DPS?

Prot is my jam when it does massive damage Shield Slams that nuke everything in it’s path. Prot should be the best burst in game. Then it’s my jam.

There is nothing better than doing YUUUGE damage with a Shield. That is why Glad stance was so loved. Now it’s back to trying to spec Prot to do damage again.

It’s not weird since the game started people always tried to maximize Prot as a Dps which is how Fury/Prot was born. Then in Wrath Prot wore the Arms 2 pc set and specced into Impale/Deep wounds for massive Attack power buff with it’s 2pc Prot set to do 20k+ shock waves and dominate.

Then combined with Arm Pen and Block Value Prot had the best burst in game. Prot in Wrath was the original Glad stance. We have always tried to spec for damage and it won’t ever stop with or without Glad stance.

At least in DF it looks like Prot has some good Dps options again. Hope we can get some huge burst.

Prot has always been the reckless fast paced damage dealing warrior seeking glory with their Shield.

Because I’m not trying to Tank!! Holy heck I hate Tanking!! I main Prot to do damage since the introduction of the game. I just wanna Dps as Prot! You aren’t understanding this at all :rofl:

It’s a tank.

Which is definitely possible, and therefore Gladiator is not needed, correct?

Sure, which was back when hybridizing specs was a thing. That no longer being a thing was inevitable for the sake of game design.

So you don’t want to play the spec in the role it has always taken. I’m curious, do you still play the spec in content and just hate being a tank? Or…

Unless you spec it as a Dps :wink:

How can I raid as Prot and be a Dps? I don’t want to Tank! The only time I did Raid Progression was when we had Glad stance because it finally was easy to Raid as Dps with my Shield. We had an actual spec for it.

Although in BFA we had a workaround doing 30 Tank Heroic Raids with TD and SotW essence where we all just are Dps lol. That was sooo much fun. The reason we play Prot is to do BIG DAMAGE!!!

Which was a mistake to remove that and in DF hybrids should be back thankfully. Which is why they should just offer Glad stance again as a choice. Sorry you hate it but it’s a loved spec and way to play. Again nothing is better than doing damage with a Shield.

Correct in BFA my RBG team would help me pug some Keys. I don’t want to Tank so we had a main Tank and I just Dpsed as Prot Pal so I could get my chest. Had to shelve my Prot War in BFA wasn’t viable. Prot Pal took over and had the better tool kit.

This really isn’t hard to grasp, especially if you played WoW for as long as I have. We are supposed to have player agency to play the spec “How we want” Creating fun new builds that fit our play style which you could always stack stats to play Prot as a Dps. Which is what I will continue to do and what a massive amount of other players want to do.

So we need a Glad Stance spec otherwise it makes things complicated. Cause it’s harder to explain to people that I’m not Tanking I’m Prot Dps. Then they get annoyed. Glad stance fixes that.

Gladiator is long dead let it go

… You do realize it still has passives and things you have to take for it that are core to tanking, yes? And that if you try to play it and not be a tank you’ll never do content where your intentional self-handicapping matters, yes?

Being a tank =/= doing no damage.

Maybe the reason you play it. Most people either play it for the theme or role of tank.

Sounds like you haven’t looked at talents. Protection is still a tank. You’ll still be holding threat, you can just swap stances for more or less damage. You’re still not going to be a DPS, nor should you ever be a dedicated DPS as Protection.

Not sure if trolling, but you very much can do damage and still actually function as a tank.

Now, if your goal is to do damage without being a tank, keep asking for a dedicated S&B spec for Warrior that isn’t a tank. Just don’t drag Protection down with it.

Uhhhh… Are you high? Prot Warr was the tank for keys for literally three entire seasons of content in BFA.

Like, if you wanted an example of how you think Protection Warrior should be according to your strange view, BFA was it. Protection was pounding out damage like a champ while also having a very well-rounded kit for tanking the keys. Or was it the “you’re a tank” bit that bothered you there?

I think you’re confusing the concept of specs with your own definition of how you think the game should be played. To boot, the idea of “stacking stats” to “Play a tank as a DPS”, which… Yeah, you’ve gotta be trolling at this point.

Good, they should be annoyed. You want the benefits of playing Protection without actually doing your damned job.

Do your job, get over Gladiator being gone and reroll, or quit. Either way, incessant whining isn’t the way to go here.

Well, that depends on what metric you look at prot war did really well in season 2 and season 4 when you look at 20+ keys it was beaten in season 1 by dk and in season 3 by monk. That being said, all keys timed has usually 3 classes being roughly around 18-20% representation. I know from my personal opinion it wasn’t so much the dmg prot warrior could dish out it was the playstyle at the beginning of bfa it sucked due to rage generation but at the end it was pretty fast-paced. As a side note prot pal only did good when people realized you could take an azerite trait meant for ret and use it as prot to deal immense amounts of dmg.

I hate Tanking though. I’m trying to function as a Dps with a Shield. Seems like you are trolling cause I clearly explained this.

Not sure if you read or not but I don’t like M+ and have several threads on M+. I also don’t like Tanking. That is why when I did M+ as Prot I had someone else Tank so I could get the suffering of doing Keys over and get loot.

Prot War in BFA suffered really bad against magic dmg since they had no D stance which is what I mostly need to mitigate. Prot War dmg was also lacking. At least they added back in the 15% dmg reduction.

Prot Pal was great with Mastery amps for dmg and dealing with Magic.

Beaten as in edged out at world first key level? Because it very much was still a dominant tank in S3. And I specified 3 Seasons, not 4, since Prot didn’t have its place on S1.

It doesn’t seem like Blizzard currently wants you to be able to take on a DPS role as Protection. So petition for a S&B DPS spec, not a subspec or talent.

Are we still talking about keys with this, or some weird thing about RBGs? I’m confused as to what content you’re talking about in BFA.

I don’t care what Blizz wants and neither do the players. The reason this game is in the apocalyptic dumpsterfire state it is in is because Blizz tried to force players to play how they want. Instead of letting players play how they want.

The Devs job is to create something fun and GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE PLAYERS.

I HATE M+ (I’ve explained this and just gonna put you on ignore for trolling now because this isn’t complicated) M+ is one of the things killing this game and hope at some point we never have to go back in there again. I don’t play Prot or Tank to do dungeons. If I have to do a dungeon, I get a friend to Tank so I can play Prot as a Dps.

I even have a Mega thread on how M+ is bad for the game and explained my thoughts there.

The only time I did Raiding was when I finally was able to play Glad stance. I stated this because I hate Tanking and don’t want to Tank in a Raid but I want to play Prot. You see the problem yet?! The ONLY exception was BFA 30 Tank Raids cause we could use TD and SotW. (which I clearly explained already :man_facepalming: :rofl:)

When they removed magic mitigation and D stance on Prot War and gutted their tool kit like Shield Slam dispel they became squishy unviable spec that lacked damage and tools. So I switched to Prot Pal since you can block spells and stacked Mastery and Dps Azerite Traits so I could Dps, kill and effectively own it up.

In DF hope either Prot Pal or Prot War can be specced to be competitive Dps and always am playing that way. Thanks and sorry I wasted my time explaining this 100 different ways only for you to not understand.

Just give us Glad stance thanks. Don’t care if you hate it. We love it and was the best Dps spec ever put in this game.

Prot Pal should also have a Dps spec because Shield Dps is the real Dps.

By not giving us Glad stance just hurting participation because players can’t do content with the Spec they want which is Prot Dps. Which means we can’t Raid or do Dungeons when we want.

Competitive insofar as with other tanks? Probably.

Dream of competing with DPS in raids… Not anywhere near as likely barring whack tuning.

No, but specifically where Gladiator was concerned Blizzard had a choice to make. Do they allow the tank spec to pretend it’s a DPS in raids, taking the spot of a DPS while still having the utilities of Protection, or do they prevent this issue going forward?

So you’re putting me on ignore for asking exactly what content you were doing in BFA? That’s… Interesting.

I’ve got some news for you, M+ isn’t going anywhere. It’s far too enjoyable of a source of endgame content for a decent amount of the playerbase for it to die out unless Blizzard actively makes an effort to kill the content out.

So… Petition for a S&B DPS spec, separated from Protection. Protection is a tank spec first and foremost.

I’ll just restate myself- it was not the most loved DPS spec, nor was it the best DPS spec in this game. It was never a DPS spec to begin with, it was a monstrosity built from the chassis of a tank that got propped up by a talent.

I’ll be glad to never see it come back.

You can still do damage as either Protection spec. You’re just not a dedicated DPSer.

I’m pretty sure the number of people who refuse to participate in content if they can’t be a dedicated DPS with a S&B is much, much lower than you seem to think it is.

Well, I guess that depends on what your definition of dominant is then.

My point wasn’t the technicality of “was it best by a margin of 75% or greater”, my point was addressing the person not wanting to tank keys where Prot was first or second place in the ordering of tanks for 3/4ths of an expansion.

Then again, Abomb proved to be rather childish and bullheaded about this, so.

Point taken I don’t think it’s a good idea for any person who wants to play as a prot warrior and not do the duty of the role to put a hindrance on other team members and also think this sort of mentality would further stigmatize the tanking role as a whole.

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Which is why they need to give us another role as a Dps. Which Glad stance did.



It’s a shame we can’t do content when we don’t have a Dps spec to play. I could get back into Raiding if we had Glad stance… Now just waiting…

The likelihood of them adding another spec to warrior is slim to nonexistent the only reason they did it for druid was because there was enough differentiation between all their talents. Glad stance was one skill that altered shield block there isn’t enough to add anything new for another spec. Even if they did decide to give warrior a new spec given the time constraints currently I doubt there would be enough time for them to come up with 40+ new talents and the balancing that comes with those.