Bring back glad stance in dragonflight

No Glad stance, but some very offensive builds capable!

85% dmg on Shield Slam(with shield block), plus another 30% on SS within 9 seconds of the first with brace for impact and punish. And a 200% Ss with outburst! could be a lot of fun.


Would love to see Glad Stance or something with talents similar come back. Would also love to see 2h and Shield be an option as well.


so is it finally back?

Agreed plus give dks their presences back. Game could use more of its old complexities.

  1. It didn’t really effectively work. You weren’t exactly a tank, and aside from extremely niche circumstances you also weren’t exactly a DPS. While people around the forums love the idea of a “hybrid”, it was just really something that didn’t perform in either of the “roles” it was trying to simultaneously be.

  2. For the timeframe it existed in, tanks were not nearly as influential of a source of damage as they are now. Protection wound up being a slight outlier, and Gladiator Protection managed to scrape up bottom of the barrel compared to actual DPS without bringing any extra utility or functionality for otherwise being a tank, but by and large tank damage was a lower portion of overall group damage. Gladiator was an experiment in that regard, and it wound up being a failure overall.

  3. PvP was an entirely different issue, but it was a problem there, and it doesn’t need to be there.

Thankfully, it is not.

I do agree that it was an experiment, but the DPS was better than fury, that is why it was nerfed from 20% damage increase to 5%.

And even after that it was good at DPS

And I would love for it to return, as it was the most fun I had playing a warrior!

Which would speak more to an issue of balancing Fury.

It scraped the bottom of the barrel, typically. Mostly beat the things that were well above and beyond weak to begin with. It wasn’t good.

Until Blizzard completely changes the way they handle roles in this game, Gladiator Stance has no business returning.

These are the full patch notes there, so it wasn’t actually nerfed since protections base damage was increased heavily. I recall gladiator and fury starting out pretty close to one another, and then fury just scaling far better than gladiator did as the expansion went on. Tank mastery just scaled too slowly.

  • Warrior
    • General
      • Thunder Clap’s damage has been increased by 40%.
    • Protection
      • Deep Wounds’ damage has been increased by 40%.
      • Devastate’s damage has been increased by 20%.
      • Revenge’s damage has been increased by 40%.
      • Shield Slam’s damage has been increased by 20%.
    • Talents
      • Gladiator Stance (Protection) now increases damage by 5% (down from 20%).

Yeah, I picked something a little similar for some random bg fun, but I made sure to grab Ravager as that synergizes with Signet of Tormented Kings and I grabbed some talents that increase Ravager and Thunder Clap damage and the 5% leech talent for a total of 15% leech.

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I loved the vibe and feeling of Glad stance and their constant refusal to bring it back really is perplexing. Hell i’d even be ok if they changed it to a 4th spec (much like Druids got), but it really needs to come back as the theme was amazing.

#ItsTimeBlizz #BringBackGladiatorStance


The most loved and best Dps spec to ever grace the game is Glad Stance. Why do you want to ruin the fun for everyone’s class fantasy?

Except Glad was a Dps and did a great job at it. Not to mention the most fun Dps to ever play.

I mean people complain about Tanks in PvP and I have to play Prot instead of Glad stance. Seems like people complain for the sake of it. Just bring back more options to play different builds which is better for everyone.

WoD was the first time I was able to play a Dps with Glad stance because I could finally fill my Sword and Board fantasy. I’ve always played Prot and specced to do damage and finally I didn’t have too.

Without Glad stance it’s more annoying for everyone because I am speccing to do damage as Prot and have to explain that to people instead. Hey I’m Prot but I am more damage not Tank. It still doesn’t go over very well in PvE or PvP. It doesn’t have to be this complicated if Blizz just brings back Glad Stance.

Lets not forget the original Glad stance started in WotLK when stacking Arm pen, Block value and 2 piece Arms set with impale/deep wounds. We want to play Prot as a Dps which is why Glad stance was exciting. Just let us play a Sword and Board Dps please and thanks.


Can definitely say it was neither of those things.

Aside from the very first tier, it very quickly descended into irrelevance.

Literally Prot with Shield Block replaced with a damage button. I’m gonna go with a no on that one, dawg.

Stat arrangements and gearing were not comparable to Gladiator Stance. It was an experiment, and Blizzard (if I recall correctly from an interview Holinka did) doesn’t seem interested in retrying that experiment.

Then ask for S&B DPS instead of trying to bring back the hamfisted garbage that was Gladiator Stance.

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I could see Glad Stance only coming back for PvP as a PvP Talent would be interesting to see.

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Man what is awesome talent build, it looks really fun, and the fact that Shield Charge is back is great, as the play style should be more like Gladiator Stance

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The problem with that is you only get 2 PvP talents then because you need to waste one just to play a different spec. So that’s not a good idea.

That’s what we been asking for since Vanilla then they gave us Glad stance. Which I was happy with. If they wish to create a new Sword and Board Dps I’ll take that too as long as we get one.

Regardless WotLK was still the original Glad Stance since Prot had the best burst in game and did massive damage. Was super fun to spec Prot as damage.

We get it “YOU” don’t like it but most people do. Glad stance is definitely better than boring Arms/Fury. There is nothing better than doing damage with a Shield.

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Well lets say you can bake it into Oppressor or Sword and Board or rather them into Glad Stance. Maybe an already existing middle of the road PvP talent.

Your statement was that it was “the most loved and best DPS spec to ever grace the game”. It was neither the most loved, nor the best DPS spec. It wasn’t even a DPS spec to begin with.

So what you’re saying is you don’t actually need Gladiator Stance from WoD to effectively build a playstyle you want with Protection? Sounds like you might have an interest in being able to build something close to Wrath Pwarr with the new talents then. There, problem solved, no need for the garbage that was actual Gladiator Stance to come back.

I’m sure there are plenty of people who would tell you there’s nothing more boring than being a sword-and-board user, too. I’m not arguing about (nor do I particularly care about) your take on sword-and-board.

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Some of us want to smash the living snot out of people with a shield, but not tank. We have so many types of wizards, mages, spell slingers and things that go pew pew pew. We have numerous types that stab with pointy things, smash with blunt sticks and slash with sharp edges. Is it too much to ask for ONE dps spec that just tackles knuckleheads with a table top?


I don’t mind that, and in fact stated above:

I don’t mind the concept of S&B DPS, just don’t have it tied to an existing tank spec.

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Would a 4th warrior spec be nice? Yeah. But I’d settle for hamfisted talent in the prot tree.