Bring back glad stance in dragonflight

You could make it a prot pvp talent option. that way it fixes the issue it had back in wod. It wouldnt be able to be used in dungeons/raids and it wouldn’t take a main talent spot which was the main reason of removal. Since it would fix the pve side the PvP and open world PvP would be fine. Most PvP isnt 100% balanced anyways so It would be fun to go back to sword and board for warriors.

Just an IMO as I loved old glad stance in wod.


I thought that they removed it and said that they wouldn’t reimplement it because it confused people as to who was the tank or whatever plus muddled spec identity.

So, yeah, tragic, and probably won’t ever be seen again.

What? That’s ridiculous.

I guess that’s a problem when your game has only 3 classes; damage, healer, or threat magnet, and you aren’t allowed to cross the identity lines at all.

A place for everyone.
And everyone in their place.

Seems more dystopian than fun…

To be fair, they also said some time around WotLK that they would never introduce a Monk to WoW. I got pretty comfy playing enhancement shaman as a Monk during Cataclysm… Then Monk launched.


Basically, yeah.

Agreed, but I do remember it causing confusion, as silly as that may sound, and they must design around a certain type of player to keep things “accessible” and whatnot.


Oh dang. That Morhaime “accessibility” comment suddenly makes sense.

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WoW tries to accommodate a wide range of people, for better or worse.

Even if it means…negative things for some of the audience, like loss of abilities, specs, etc.

glad stance was for “dps” but just didnt do very much dps. the main issue was it took a talent spot for prot and wasnt balanced well. If they just keep it to pvp which they bearly balance it would fix their issue with it taking a main talent spot and it being a nightmare for pve balancing.

I’m not sure you’ve done mythic dungeons the past couple of late-expansion seasons to see tank damage if you don’t think this identity line can be crossed lol.

I’ve honestly never understood the love for glad stance playstyle. I don’t think most people would even have played or cared about glad stance if it wasn’t completely broken in its time. It felt awful in pve and it was beyond broken in pvp.

If they could implement it where it couldn’t do comparable damage with an ungodly amount of armor, I don’t care what they do with it.

If you get the two set you are basically glad

It goes from shield slam to shield DAMN


I think we have a greater chance of getting it in pvp as it fits a bit more thematically (ie gladiators) and in pvp the entire benefit of 1h and shield will apply (you are not getting hit like that in pvp)

Now that chance is slim but it none the less is a popular opinion here.

I will end by saying if stances are coming back in any form let us rework them to be something other than a fancy macro and allow stance changes to be meaningful.

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That is why I brought up putting it as pvp talent. Since PvP isnt as scrutinized for balancing as PvE it would allow a fun spec to have fun in open world pvp and bgs with.

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To be fair, most players just go to Icy-Veins or some other resource and click the only talent listed as viable in that row. So they could easily just replace one of the many useless talents with Gladiator Stance, problem solved.


I mainly just hate that they went out of there way to say it is never coming back. It was hands down the most fun I have ever had playing this game. I liked being wonky, and making wonky work for our groups. I really wish they would reconsider their stance on it, especially since I don’t understand “we just didn’t like it” or more specifically it feels bad as a consumer to be told that.


Once it got hard nerfed, I gradually lost interest in the game and quit for a few years.

I don’t understand why they don’t bring it back.

It doesn’t have to be super OP.


They confirmed it isn’t happening because it was unfair one specialization could deal damage as well as take it with a flick of a button.

their big reasoning for its removal was that it took up a talent spot forcing only 2 talents for “Tank spec”. Which is why moving it to a pvp talent would fix that.


The solution then would be make it something that can’t be toggled off. As in once the talent is taken you are no longer considered a tank, and cannot shift out of said stance. We already no longer have stances, and no I do not count defensive stance as a stance in the traditional chance.

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I think as a pvp talent it would be neat but what spec will get the option? Will it strictly be prot?

I ask because imo anytime a tank sneaks its way into being competitve in rated pvp (example prot pre nerf 4 pc) the community is in an uprour.

That’s not what they said at all considering you couldn’t even swap to/from gladiator stance while in combat. It wasn’t about just “dealing damage” it was picking a talent to effectively swap your role and go well i’m not actually a tank, i’m a dps.

There’s a fairly decent damage centric Maul build on the druid talents. I would be confused if there wasn’t a Slam heavy Shield Spikes build for Warrior, that was more throughput at the cost of some defensive power on IP/Block.