Brewmaster hasn't seen a single update in balance patches. What gives?

The Brewmaster has been neglected and its disgusting. Its the most fun tank in the game.


Back in the glory days of Monk they were super duper op and legendarily good. Then Blizzard got mad and nerfed them by WoD and the rest is historical.

They also took it out on Warlocks too.

I’ve been main tanking now since start of BFA, was healing prior to that, still do some healing here or there and one thing I have figured out over that time, if you want to tank and want to tank reasonably well in every season all the time, just roll a warrior.

Yeah, the issue is I was tired of playing Warrior. I still rolled one as an alt, but I usually play prot war every expac and wanted something different. Screw me right?

I went the other way, done druid, monk, paladin and DK, haven’t tried DH yet and only rolled warrior in TWW for the first time, I’ve never done warrior and can see why people do, it’s so strong, but I also associated it with Asmonbald and I didn’t like that.

Yep we should all do this right now.
Spam bug report/feedback… open ticket concerning the state of Brewmaster.

It can only help

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The largest issues with brewmaster in my opinion is that there really is no crowd control. This season requires large pulls and being able to gather them. The dungeons have so many casters and BrewM has no way of silencing, pulling, or controlling packs. Aside from that, holy do we feel squishy at any key over 8. NW feels like a nightmare when theres no DK to help grip adds in.

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Recently saw someone on WoW reddit draw a feverdream they had of Brewmaster being unrivalled as a tank. Gave me a good chuckle (tho probably a bit too spicy for the terms of service).


Now lets think, warriors were neglected, it was one of the driving factors to the affix changes, people wouldnt want warriors regardless of player ability simply due to warriors inabilibity to help out with things besides mediocre dmg. Did you enjoy this gameplay time? Because many warriors on the forums complained and in turn changes were made. So warriors can make forum posts detailing the class failings, but brewmasters cant?

Empathy, learn some mate

honestly man i would just ignore this troll but on the other hand he helped getting this post more attention to the post

I have been kicked a couple times a week from groups in the 8 to 10 range at ilvl 628 and IO over 2500 because Monk.

When there is a clear shortage of tanks and healers for M+ and there are certain tanks and healers that people would rather not ever play with its pretty clear there is a major issue.

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I’m at the level where you aren’t getting an invite unless you’re a protection paladin, so anyone Looking for a tank for Keys is not finding their 1/6 choice of all tanks. 5 of the other 6 tanks are running their own keys.

So admittedly we have massive balance problems and have had massive balance problem since Season 2 of Dragonflight at least. All Gini ratings are in the red, and we haven’t seen a class tuning post for a long time.

(Guess when Augmentation Evoker was introduced)

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It is really bizarre how BrMs have just been ignored. Like it’s been a meme for months that Blizzard doesn’t even know Monks have a 3rd spec and Blizz has not even bothered with a throwaway line saying: “We have not forgotten BrM - they will have changes soon™.”

In DF S3 and 4 any tank and any healer up to portal level was pretty much always instantly invited if they had the gear/io for it. For sure wasnt getting booted.

DPS wasn’t that much different up to portals. Gear + IO and fills whatever is needed (lust, Brez, whatever) and sometimes didn’t even worry about that…

This season that is not happening. Any mix of average players should be fine at a 10 but this season there are certain dungeons the become significantly harder with off meta or the wrong comp.

I have basically given up even reaching 12s. Getting invites or getting anyone to join a 10 takes forever. Many that do have no idea what is going on and then there is the usual pug trash that happens on top of fighting to even do what is not exactly hard content if you have your brain on.

I have two tanks who recently hit 80 and have done their 5 TW dungeons for the week - a prot warrior and a brewmaster. The difference is insane. The brewmaster has to pop all their cooldowns on trash just to survive, while the warrior just lols and cleaves through all of them while never dropping below 95% health. And the brewmaster is better geared. Their effectiveness at tanking, surviving, and doing damage is such a massive disparity that I can’t believe it even exists, but there you go. Now this is freshly 80, buying the TW vendor gear and going, so maybe the brewmaster improves with better gear but still, the difference is just comical.

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None of the tanks come close to war when it comes to actually tanking. IMO Warrior is the only tank that feels like a tank. Also they are low damage compared to the rest of the tanks but its a fair trade.

And zero adjustments with the upcoming tuning pass.

Why would they buff the best and most played tank? There is already too many tanks looking for groups anyways.

They can talent into hefty ST, or high AoE with Colossus, but the sacrifices are pretty much non-viable in high(er) keys. We’re cursed with a hard 5-target cap on most abilities, and for spreading Rend, as well as a soft cap on anything else.

I’m afraid to ask for anything for a buff, since we’re actually good for tanking right now. Whenever the nerf bat is aimed at us, it turns into a firing squad. As evidenced by how Fury was treated for the first half of this patch… or most patches. lol Or, really, after BFA, really.