Blizzard not listening to brewmasters

Is there a way for us to make blizzard do something for the BM spec. It would be nice if they actually said something about our posts. Like they could say they are working on the spec or something or just say they won’t do a thing.

I think we should all just open tickets about this issue. Maybe after 2000+ tickets they’ll start to do something.
I know ticket are not used for that but…

I mean if players can’t get into high mythic keys and blizzard isn’t doing a single thing to help them. They are clearly impacting the player in a negative way.

I personally think that every class that are underplayed should never be bottom tier. You want equality of class and spec in the game and by giving a low player spec a hard time you will eventually kill that spec. Sadly it’s what slowly happening here with brewmaster…


squeaky wheel gets the grease :frowning:

Mage class is “literally unplayable” if they don’t have a spec in top 5. They collectively go nuts. Similar with paladins.

Big personalities drive change as well. A single tweet from Ellesmere turned a holy paladin nerf in to an overall spec buff.

Whole specs have had reworks, how hard would it have been to give us a small nudge or two. Giving feedback appears to be pointless, all the evidence suggests the pathway to improvements is having your community act like degenerate screaming children, hardly appealing.

EDIT: i realize my comments regarding Ellesmere may have come off as negative which was unintended. The problem I was eluding to is too often issues are known, communicated to blizzard and ignored. They only get addressed when they effect WFR, MDI or are elevated by specific people.


Seeing how Brewmaster was the only tank not used in the MDI time trials (to complete a 10), I’m hoping they notice it and make some kind of change


There is just NO way we happen to notice it and Blizzard hasn’t noticed it. They either just don’t care, have data that we are not privy to, are planning something, or just don’t care. And did I mention that they probably don’t care? It’s probably that one.


Wishful thinking


It’s this one for sure


Keep posting. Relentlessly. And use data. And probably post in general and not these ignored sub forums.

Blizzard thinks that the community doesn’t like Brewmaster or Monk in general frankly. People love the playstyle, they hate the balance.


Every time when tank balance is mentioned anywhere, people collectively agree that brew is lagging behind and needs some loves. I doubt blizzard is unaware of this fact. They are just straight up ignoring.


Knowing blizz they are waiting on next season to buff us with the ring than nerf us and let the other tanks just shine more like multiple times in the past.

They need to rework brew baseline because Stagger is too powerful or weak and they cant balance it. It been awful to watch the spec needed help to on pair to other tanks. Just fix it already!

Stagger as an gameplay loop is dead!

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I really liked doing brew in WoD raids, that was fun at times.

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thats my point, it was decent early on when it was overpowered. Its got to the point they need fix it baseline to scale better each patch or do an whole rework.

There’s IS an better way to make brew stand out and be on pair without nerfing them everytime they are mid to high in tier lists.

I wouldn’t call it overpowered, during WoD all the tank specs were in fairly good positions then.
Monk was only really OP in one boss fight in Blackrock, and that’s because it could take more stacks off that one boss most people used 3 tank strat for.

BrM was completely busted with Chi Explosion. We were out damaging the dps and out healing the healers. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun as heck, but it was also extremely busted.

I concur. I love playing my Brew, but it just feels so jarring compared to my Prot Pal.

Then we make it near impossible to ignore.

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if you look at all the other tank classes they got increased defensive hero talents way above ours for either spec that is why they are better atm brews with our nerfs to our sustain of stagger and dodge and healing that we had in DF don’t compare and have tougher times in dungeons i an 4+ I took so much damage now having to cycle through cd’s to stay alive and I know i need to raid to get the best defensive trinkets cause the ones from dungeons this season just suck for brew.

100 feel it.

Bad Mist maze pathing with lots of guardian packs, you have blown all your cds and your only answer to Anima Slash is a pitiful Celestial Brew lol.

Celestial Brew worked as our accessible cd when it actually did something, now we are rotating CDs and trinkets with long timers and praying. Wish CB would give us a short DR or 4 seconds of Fort Brew or something, would take a talent like this over Zen Meditation anyway.

Another patch preview, another disappointment for brew


The new datamined info for 11.0.7 doesnt even mention brewmaster rofl.
Lets hope something will come up soon.

I don’t understand why blood is still getting buffs while brew gets nothing. Blood is my favorite tank, so I love the buffs, but I want to play brew as well.