Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

I don’t believe that his level actually increases health, only damage. Even so, since his experience is literally broken too, it doesn’t matter much


im not one of those specs, that would refer to things like healers. im ilvl 605 with an 37 lvl brann and hes doing 40% less damage in a t8


Rookie strategy. They should just delete the game and wipe the servers at this point, and if anyone asks, WoW never happened. Sorry, just wanted to see how it feels to be hyperbolic.


Yeah it makes the mycowhatever cavern boss that does the channeling 3 million damage unavoidable cast essentially impossible.


Well initial thoughts, instead of that complete joke of a “buff” they have him, they should have taken increase in branns power that was unintentional and made that his baseline instead. What we have now is very underwhelming indeed.


Nice, he is useless again.


Any chance of fixing Brann’s hitbox size? It’s very difficult to click anything when he’s standing next to you, without moving to try to get him in a different position or twirling the camera around.

I can’t comment on any damage buffs/nerfs to Brann as I haven’t experienced any issues with him.


From someone who has tested Delves solo and in groups I can say they are in a good place balance wise except for ONE THING.
END BOSSES ACCROSSS THE BOARD ARE TO HARD! Some hit for over 2 mill and up.
IM A MAGE AT ILEVEL 598. This should be doable solo but currently most of these end bosses are not
Some of there damage cones hit for 9 mill and up. You cant interrupt it all solo or even in a group.I mistake and your dead or you just run out of tools to deal with them because there hp are so high.



Okay, lovely. :dracthyr_love_animated: He was kind of all over the place in terms of output some runs, or maybe my Details was buggin’ out.

Range DPS are taking the lead?

i can’t do t8 solo b/c bran’s dps is complete trash now. he can’t even hold aggro over a single tiger palm. so as a solo healer, blizz just nerfed us into oblivion. brann is completely useless. thanks blizz. /s


“Exactly what was missing from delves, they were able to be compelted way to fast and had to take longer to complete while needing more effort then a m+10 for lower ilvl gear”

I miss the good old days when I could solo a tier 11 with my second account afk

Wellll at least this is something.

They just fixed Brann so instead of being useful some of the time due to the bug, he is now completely useless all the time.


This feels a little tone deaf to be honest. Right now, playing as a healer feels exceptionally difficult. Yes they deal less damage, it shouldn’t be as fast as a DPS etc, but it feels borderline impossible to level a fresh 70 without being forced into a DPS spec.

At least in Dragonflight you could get away with leveling as a healer, but now even dungeon queues are full of level 80 tanks that pull 50 mobs and instantly die because the scaling is so brutal. Tier 1 Delves are one shotting me in early Dragonflight gear (380 IL), and questing is slow and tedious because I do next to no damage. Am I really going to have to get a DPS weapon and trinkets just to level viably?


with the way that casters just seem to ignore who their Main target is, might as well be.


rip brann 9-10 to 9-15

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Delves were in a fine state before. God forbid people who grouped up found them easier, but you decided to mess with them so much they are totally busted in many ways now.

Just revert it back to the way it was. 8s were “okay” solo, easier with a group, but overall they were more FUN in both cases. Grouping was much faster but you still couldn’t ignore mechanics.

If you want people to engage with your content that is now sucking up hours and hours of dev time, why not just go back to the point where your playerbase found them fun? Isn’t that the goal of a video game after all? To have fun? The ilvl of the rewards isn’t even THAT big of a deal, so if you’re doing all this to “curb” ilvl gain vs difficulty, just forget it. You’re ruining the experience for EVERYONE trying to smash this with a hammer over and over to “fix” things.

Someone having trouble soloing 8+ could group up and actually get their bountiful delves completed AND have fun doing so because they weren’t slogging through it or having to play perfectly because they play a spec that lacks the utility/tools to engage with some encounters appropriately. I really think you might be in over your head with this balancing nightmare of trying to balance 12(more counting the different stories) “mini-dungeons” for each and every role and spec in the game, so you may as well just open it up and make it relatively easy for everyone by going back to the way it was.


You’ve had yer wee break, now back to work dude!


lol delves are toasted. what else is there to do? Maybe some Wukong.