Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Seriously, they should have just never touched delves to begin with, they just keep breaking it.


Nah, scaling was borked.

Me being solo on a tank was harder than having a friend come in and AFK in a corner while I continued to solo.

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except for a very large number of things, almost every of things.

Fixed that for you, you are welcome.


This explains so much. I would like to renew and stress my previous suggestion to remove Brann altogether because not only is the utility he provides incredibly (healing, cleanses, and interrupts) inconsistent but his AI is also so poorly coded that he often repeatedly breaks the player’s CC or never moves from easily avoidable AoE that annihilates him. Brann has clearly proven to be very difficult to balance and I think it’s time to face facts: delves would be so much simpler if they were balanced without having Brann in the equation.


So is this going to fix the mathematically impossible to survive levels of melee damage coming in


Yep, all they needed to do was make solo easier/more consistent on every spec and then let Group be the easier way to do it if you really wanted that.


Please make Brann be able to interrupt life threatening spells (especially at bosses) when Blizzard continues to not provide healing Priests an interrupt…


OK, so Brann’s cap is now 38, but the problem I have is that mine is 33 and no longer getting exp from anything in the delves, no matter the level or if it is or isn’t a bountiful. So, am I stuck at 33?

it was the same for everyone, those casters were also hitting me for about 40-60% of my health per cast. if their hotfixes did what they did the first time around and switch up the difficulty, then all would of been fine.

Now we have this mess on our hands

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Woooo freee Brann carry is back baby! Heck yes! I love this dude now I’m going to run Delves now instead of Demon Souls once again!

if their hotfix did what they said it would…but no, he’s nerfed for quite a bit of us now.

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I noticed that he is doing less damage too. This buff they are saying didnt impact in the game yet or it is a lie.


Will Brann stop throwing hammers at my face while I’m under attack?


This is terrible if anything he should have gotten a -125% nerf as was already way too OP for this content if the player is actually doing it right/playing.

I’d like him to throw his hammers at the enemy instead of targeting me, whos in range with them


this whole thing is such a mess.

you “fix” brann who then becomes worthless. but you must have also buff the zekvir adds.

it makes no sense that at 598 ilevel, with gems, enchants, and food, I can’t get the adds down fast enough.

the game requires a delve 8 be completed to get into zekvir at all.

I can easily do 8s with zero deaths. but I find zekvir level 1 impossible. the best I have done is gotten 4 adds down.

the cocoons go from 100% health to, like, 5% and then just don’t die. the add is supposed to spawn with the same fraction of health that the egg had. nope.

brann is doing more damage. but he doesn’t stay on the cocoon.

as a tank, it feels impossible to deal with the boss’s fear circle when I have to be on the cocoon.

this might have all gone swimmingly for people who did it before y’all started tinkering. but now it is just stupid.

I have added ilevel, enchants, gems, etc. the encounter has only gotten harder.

again, I do a delve 8 with no deaths. no problem. tier 1 zekvir feels impossible. the cocoon gets to almost zero health then just won’t die. the add then spawns with near full health.

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They seemed fine today in a group.

Take ‘em down! Pinchy would have wanted it that way!


Pinchy won.


if it is to be believed a 4/4 final will did 10 mil post nerf thursday and does 2 mil today thats a wee bit bigger than 125% nerf so your wishes have come true