Is blizzard only catering to elite players?


So we can’t even play the current content because Mythic + players are using regular dungeons to learn their best routes? No wonder people get vote kicked out for any minor mistake.

ON DELVES (which was advertised as another pillar for gearing for solo players)

This one gets so many troll answers I can’t even paste them all. It’s all “git gud” or “you just want free loot”.

So, Blizzard, I ask you… who is this game made for exactly? Do you only want players who are doing mythic and e-sports? Do you not want any casual players anymore? It would be nice to let us know. Every single gameplay is being gate kept by elitists now. People went to LFR the first day it opened and got yelled at for not knowing how to play.


I have done Tier 5 Delves on 5 different characters. I think you should be able to gear through Delves.


Acting like this was never a big issue (spoiler: it isn’t now, forum people are blowing it way out of proportion) even before the current mythic season was applied to heroics

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I’m pretty casual I would say and I’m having a great time, so I feel this game is catered to me, a g*mer. =D


The thing about delves is they are suppose to be progressive. The problem is some people was able to get to and do tier 8 in week 1, while others could not. I don’t think it was intended for people to being tier 8 already they wanted us to slow roll these and 8 be our capstone or pinnicle of our experience offering the most difficulty and best gear. I think we was suppose to farm each tier slowly until we got to 8 getting gear along the way. Anyways just because some people could do it it set personal expectations on others that they should be able to do it as well, but not everybody has the same level of player skill, or the same class kit. Variations on how quickly you climb will be there but everyone should by the end of the season be able to complete tier 8s with ease. Provided Blizzard balances things properly.


It seems like people on the forums blow everything out of porportion. I think a lot of them vent all of their real life frustrations on the forums.

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This is unnecessary. Can you re-read what you just wrote and believe this is the correct way to talk to someone? I only asked a question… I’m not whining, I’m not crying and I am not frustrated. So please, behave. Thank you.

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Why are you blaming the players? We didn’t ask for this. Tell Blizzard about it. Do you think we enjoy doing content from Shadowlands or BFA?


right here.


Parody Blizzard Response

“We hear you, we will be adding Anvils at all boss encounters in delves”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Having started to branch out into some of my alts, I’m beginning to form the opinion that tier 5 delves are absolutely soloable by the vast majority of specs at the least.

Ran a few on my mage yesterday to get the 600+ vault gear ready for reset.

My mage is 512, a full ~60 odd ilvls below recommended, and I could clear them without too much issue. Granted, I play Frost, so the trash mobs were pretty easy to control.

Bosses were definitely rough at times given I couldn’t CC them, but I haven’t run into one yet that I couldn’t get down with a couple of tries. And that is while significantly undergeared for a tier 5.

Next on my list is Shadow Priest, and I look forward to seeing how that goes.

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“we’re reading the spreadsheets” :joy:


Heroic dungeons or delves don’t really concern elite players that much. If Blizzard would be catering to elite players you’d have only one difficulty of content being mythic, gear would probably not be a thing and everyone would have the same loadout.


I need an Anvil by the engineering bench. Making me walk all the way across the forge to the Blacksmith anvil is not cool.

Engineers are not second class Citizens Blizzard!

I will say Shadow Priest was the roughest of those 5.

It’s definitely the one I think will be most indicative of the specs having the toughest time soloing Delves.

But looking at them there are tools I’m looking forward to giving a shot. Stuff like Dominate Mind look like they could be a lot of fun.

Everyone. :crossed_swords:

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I’m a casual player and raid at a mythic level

Casual doesn’t mean bad.

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Yep. that’s exactly what this game wants.

And every other game.

All games hate the majority of their “n00b” playerbase and only love skilled esports players.

There’s a difference between a casual player and a player who plays casually. You’re the latter.