Bots unpunished untill when?

Throughout my leveling journey from 50-60 I found a dozen of druid bots in Shadowlands, took screenshots, recorded and reported them via in-game report system and using the email (, 2 days later I got a mailbox about report feedback, and they all went offline.
Great! I was thinking, the bots got banned (aparently). SIKE LMAO, they are ALL online right now honest gold farming!
Honestly blizzard, why? Why do you have a system that doesnt even WORK? Are you mocking your costumers? I wish I could be a GM and spend my whole day banning bots/multiboxers.

And theres MORE, if you type /who zerethi mortis rogue on tichondrius wm off, you have a suprise.
And the fact that you CANT EVEN REPORT THEM for cheating because they are stealth and you cant target them, is so disapointing, I am honestly thinking about giving up on this game, tolerance with hacking is too much, I cant handle.

Do you guys realise that youre just encouraging people to BOT themselves because yall dont even CARE?

Note: You may argue that they are brand new bots etc, but no. The druids I saw in SL had achieves from 2020… 2 years boting already. Its sad, really really sad.

Unfortunately I cant add links to the screenshots…


They don’t just make new accounts for bots, they frequently steal account information. That’s probably some poor sap’s actual achievements you’re seeing.

As for timing, they usually ban bots in waves as they figure out whatever workaround they’re using to get through the anti-bot software that’s already in place. Banning them one at a time wouldn’t accomplish much.


That just doesnt makes sense. I bet that if you dedicate like 2 people for high pop realms to track bots and ban them it makes a big difference. They will have to buy/steal accounts all again. The truth is that they dont care or dont have people on the subject. Hire me, I will gladly dedicate 10 hours a day busting bots/multiboxers.


They’re not gonna pay 2 people per server full time just to fight bots. That’s not realistic, sorry.


With the money they make, buying a token to boost them is a drop in the bucket. If you want to fix the problem, look at fixing the reason it exists. Other players buying gold from RMT websites. Without buyers, the farmers wouldn’t be out there boting all day long.

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What game company has managed to rid their servers of bots? If you tell Blizz they might be able to steal the idea :wink:

Multiboxing is within the rules :slight_smile:


You might want to read over the Blue reply that you received in the CS forums.


The bots that I really want to see punished are the ones that are scalping N64 Switch controllers.

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I know multiboxing is, but broadcasting isnt.

Oh neat, pretty much exactly what I said lol


Yeah… I just noticed I received an answer.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I get the feeling that you think a day would go like this “You sit at your desk, login and go out to where you know botters will be, see them and then right click them or whatever and choose ‘Ban’”? That’s not how it would go down, you don’t get to just use your eyeballs you have to use whatever system Blizz currently has in place for verifying that the players are in fact bots so you would get less done than you think you would.

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The blue post doesn’t mean a whole lot when you can even hop into classic, even from the start and find so many of them around. Really the problem will always be around as long as people keep buying gold and other illicit services. Gaming companies like Blizz and Jagex seem to be behind on that front currently but hopefully in the future they get things more back on track.

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I’m sure they could hire a handful of bot busters to handle all the shards.


I am less sure that it’s anywhere near that simple.

Bots and gold-selling companies take money away from Blizzard. I promise that if they were that easy to deal with, they would have been dealt with by now.


More than 24 hours sessions gathering and doing the same route looks like a bot for you? Blizzard should change TOS in order to get rid of bots more easily, if you have to write a compendium on the bot than im sorry, we will keep seeing bots forever.

Or a really, really dedicated player.

If you think people don’t mindlessly farm like robots sometimes, I’m not sure what to tell you.

Probably a bot, but you never know

We will, there’s no point in getting fired up over bots, they’ll be here forever.


I do that, I spent 11 hours a day farming for essentia last week. But I dont do the same route for hours, and when I gather I dont have 20 rogues coming out of stealth to get the node at the same time I do.

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But you could :man_shrugging:t4:

But you could. If you just have 20 accounts all on /follow, that’s perfectly allowed (and giving Blizzard piles of money too, so especially allowed).