Absolutely not, but you are mistaken if you believe the reporting systems we have in place don’t work. Those systems allow our Hacks team to gather a great deal of information to help investigate potential bots and exploitation.
The goal is to eliminate that kind of activity, but it is a complex problem and it is important to understand that these investigations often take a good deal of time. They try to have the greatest impact they can by focusing on finding ways to detect or break the botting programs used so that we can deal with those that were reported as well as those that may have escaped notice.
First, multiboxing in and of itself isn’t against policy. Some of the means by which people are able to multibox may be, but the activity itself is not.
Second, Game Masters have little involvement in the overall process of investigation for bots/exploitation. So you wouldn’t be spending your days banning bots as a Game Master. If you wanted to do that, you’d need to join our Hacks team, and even then you’d be in for a rude awakening when you discover that we do a great deal more than it may appear on the surface and… It’s a good deal more complicated then see bot = smash bot.
You are under the impression that the accounts these botters are using actually belong to them. In most cases they do not.
Most of the time the account itself has been compromised, so the achievements that were earned are from when the registered user on the account earned them. It is one of the reasons why account security is so important, especially if you are going to stop playing for a while.
I do understand the frustration this kind of exploitation causes, Plsdont, but please don’t for a moment think that finding and eliminating that activity isn’t important to us or that we’re simply allowing or tolerating it. It absolutely is a high priority and it is not at all tolerated.
If you stick around, please report what you can, but know that our team continues to do what they can.