Both Retail and Classic Down

Let alone the fact that dynamic DNS allows him to keep shifting the source IPs around, which is why he’s referring to getting his domain set up in his twitter posts.

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The guy on Twitter said he’s only targeting US PvP servers

Tho I couldn’t even log in

I think a crocodile just ate me.

very frustrating, i just reactivated my US account too :frowning:


The comments. Only reason I’m here.

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I know the how yes but do i have the works for it No. Beside why would Blizzard attack itself? They been blocking DDos attacks more today then ever before.

Sadly, yes I do. I live in Florida and ‘outside’ tried to intrude on our harmony just last week.

has any of the game masters said anything about when the issues will be fixed, getting a little ridiculous getting kicked off over and over again.

Its aggravating because I was leveling my Shaman on Classic, figured with was a rolling restart on classics or emergency matainence, been neglecting my Main anyhow so I tried that and nada. cant get in.

I can get in to the character screen but the moment I log in, I get kicked right back out.

Woof - this guy looks like the offspring of insane clown posse and a one-eyed gopher born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

The good news here is that the twitter and social accounts are not banned - in my past jobs at isps we help setup honeypot servers to make these guys feel secure, sometimes for 5-10 years without being apprehended while the evidence is built up for the highest conviction possible - they wait so long because the agencies shoot for life in prison, which usually ends up being more like 15-30 years behind bars.

This kid never stood a chance in this world. Posting online to impress followers which are robots, never finding any true social connections or having any family to care for them.


It’s the end of the world as we know it
It’s the end of the world as we know it
It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine


I think there are real girls out there.

But I think it’s probably a myth.

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Thank you - too many … “people” are posting his twitter and giving him so much attention that he wants - it’s so stupid…there is absolutely NO REASON to post the guys identity - Blizz knows ffs.

same here ! get to char selection screen the I get kicked out.

You know, I think I’ll do just that.

Send this fool to the ranch!

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I still cant get in retail, my last day to get stuff done before im out of state for a week and cant do anything, super frustrating.

hard to understand why you keep playing a game that for 15 years seems to have irritated you…