I miss the old stampede look and feel, I even tamed a Fel-bound wolf or two exactly for using in the old Stampede. That and spirit bond back would just make my day, but I doubt we’ll get either one of those back. we should get kill shot if nothing has changed though, it was listed in the returning list https://www.wowhead.com/news=296013/returning-class-abilities-in-wow-shadowlands-the-unpruning-is-here.
no one is saying the rotation is harder that ive seen.
its ‘harder’ because its more MELEE than the other specs are.
and its three button IF you dont take Butchery…I do.
BM IS easier. Youre literally playing a caster who can cast while moving and can stay out of melee entirely.
Why Fury tho?
Playing whack a mole isnt easy lol.
I reckon Assass is easier in raid personally
is there even a point to argue bout wich spec is easier than another, its bfa, so many specs are dumb simple to play
not to mention the fact that many players play what they LIKE…NOT what is BEST for DPS or utility.
so this laughable idea that someone cant play a spec that gets 2 - 8% less DPS than another spec in that class is a hoax.
IF it were THAT important then EVERYONE IN THIS GAME who raids high end content would ONLY play the top 1 or 2 classes/specs every single time.
yet they dont.
some joker is foaming at me right now over some talent that isnt supposedly absolutely optimal (in his opinion) for raiding.
Even if that were the case it would just be the equivalent of playing some other class thats getting the same range of DPS.
IF arguing about specs/classes/talents/etc were so crucial…as I said…EVERY raider would be playing the top 1 or 2 specs in the game for maximum effort.
yet they aint.
Which tells me that these jokers are just in here to foam at players who play the spec they enjoy because they have nothing better to do with their time.
Ah…perhaps in your (bubble of) game play. But then again, a strong professional like yourself can be on any class and spec and be successful with the content you’re doing. Us mortals will just have to, in your words, ‘gitgud’
Thank goodness you’re here to share your vast experience on what’s easy or hard with range and melee mechanics in today’s end game content, hunter god!
BM is braindead easy.
“Youre literally playing a caster who can cast while moving and can stay out of melee entirely.”
Not to mention your pet is being run by the games AI (of whatever archaic sort). Meaning you aint gotta do a thing but push a Kill Command key and let the game play against itself
yeah…thats really hard, guy.
Multi account/class spec level 60 hunter god is so wise!
Why, one button BM hunters could at least sequence macro hot dogs with kill command and be more useful to others
(Takes notes, doing it wrong, change all buttanz to kill command and…hot dogs)
you probably should
Oh ever since your divinity became clear as a troll
so…what help do you need with playing BM correctly?
Why, already from your deep insight and experience; I learned that even though the number of buttons mathematically looked and functioned the same between 2 specs, that it doesn’t on a divine Xazaloa quantum level. That the truth to succeed as BM was really just one button.
Kill command all the things *gasp, mind blown
I also learned that the mechanics as ranged has been an illusion all along and all one had to do was stand still; ignore everything and let the content move around you while the AI pet does everything on its own to be #1!
I’m sure there is much more to learn as you generously share little nuggets of your success on these forums that aspiring hunters and myself can look forward to
I like the damage BM has, but it just doesn’t feel good right now
BM has a low floor to be sure but if you are trying to push your dps then its not brain dead. There is a ton of micro managing and watching timers.
- Keep 3 stacks of Frenzy for as long as possible, meaning keeping barbed shots uptime for as long as possible without clipping or letting it fall off and anticipating procs. Granted this is much easier this tier due to the amount of crit we have access to.
- Pool energy for Bestial Wrath.
- Make sure to not cast Cobra Shot when it won’t reduce Kill Commands cd (making it the only spec I know of that not casting is actually a dps increase at times.)
- Know what fights your pet is going to bug out on pathing and how to fix it (Talocs elevator come to mind first but there have been several others)
- Not keep pet abilities in the hands of the AI as it doesn’t cast them on CD and will waste special abilities that you need such as Sprint to get to priority adds.
- Know were and how to use abilities such as barrage so they don’t pull entire dungeons.
- Know were to dismiss your pet so it doesn’t pull packs.
*Memorizing a list of what pets have what abilities and were they are best used.
*Being one of the classes with an immunity you get the honors of soaking mechanics.
Here I did the math to show how incorrect you are when I realized you were being sarcastic (I think???)
Anyway Kill Command spam by itself (with pet damage and auto attack and passive essences and corruption) is a mere 27.4% of my possible damage if anyone is curious about the numbers. This was done over 5 separate 3 min fights.
if youre that bad a player, you really should get some instruction.
Try some youtubers.
Compared to MOST other classes, yes, its ‘braindead easy’.
thats fine. Likely designed that way…but a ‘caster’ who can cast on the move isnt gonna be nearly as hard as playing a real caster.
and dont most specs have some crap you have to time right?
There is a reason why the term huntard exists. Because you can really mess up as a hunter and rather easily. Ask any tank who has run gnomer how many times a hunter (or any pet class) has forgotten to dismiss their pet and pulled the entire starting area. Or how many hunters have barraged in TD and pulled half the dungeon. Or pulled the trash in front of Skit. Most classes can’t mess up on this scale.
This is our niche. Other casters excel at different areas such as burst damage, spread cleave, spread aoe or any number of utilities that are extraordinarily helpful in M+. You are stating this like it breaks the game in some way. Yeah its good for fights that are extremely movement heavy but it provides no advantage when you can stand still (and this is were other casters excel.)
Not in the way that BM does. Other classes may want to stack abilities but in most other cases its: work down the priority list and cast an ability as soon as possible. BM has to decide when not to cast spells. Sure they can blow both stacks of BS but then they can’t keep up frenzy. They could cast CS but then they wasted focus that should be spent on KC instead. This on top of the normal stacking cd’s when possible and a priority list.
Most classes can look at the cd and its a binary option:
Is the ability off cd?
if yes use
else wait.
For BM its
if ((KC cd > then (1 + gcd + latency) || currentEnergy > (CS cost + KC cost) - ((10 focus per second + 5 focus per second if AoW buff is true) * gcd)))) {
cast CS;
Else {
cast KC on cd
You have to do math on the fly, many ignore it altogether and for others it becomes instinctual but in either case to do this is not brain dead.
What other spec has a multiple charge dot that has a buff dependent on its uptime without the ability to keep it up 100% of the time? I don’t know of one.
Other dot classes can refresh beforehand (by several seconds) and its not a huge loss. If we do that we loose out on those several seconds of frenzy stacks as well as the dot as well as possible KC damage.
And compare this to something like destro were it is:
Keep immolate dot up
Cast chaos bolt x2 if you are about to cap shards
That seems much easier to me. Although I admit that havoc is wonky and they suck at aoe.
No need after your instructions and teaching
Haha all good. One had to be reading 2 or 3 threads with hunter god’s vigorous posting earlier in the week before they were…sanitised
It’s been a little over a year now, and this remains true. An argument can be made that it is much worse now than before because other classes and specs have received tune ups while BM remains the same. Especially with the absence of corruption.